
Guest Post with Author Caroline Linden and Giveaway

Please give a very warm welcome to Caroline Linden  Caroline is no stranger to RFTC and I just love having her come by. Caroline is celebrating the release of her newest book, Love and Other Scandals and has stopped by to chat.

Caroline Linden knew from an early age she was a reader, but not a writer. Despite an addiction to Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew, she studied physics and dreamed of being an astronaut. She earned a math degree from Harvard College and then wrote software for a financial services firm, all the while reading everything in sight, but especially romance. Only after she had children, and found herself with only picture books to read, did she begin to make up a story of her own. To her immense surprise, it turned out to be an entire novel--and it was much more fun than writing computer code. Seven years, eight books, two Red Sox championships, and on dog later, she has never been happier with her decision. She lives with her family in New England.

Place to find Caroline:
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And now for something completely different!

If you've read any of my previous books, you might think you know what to expect from me: some mystery, a little intrigue, possibly some danger or bombs or at least a little blackmail. Right! I love putting all those things into my books and if I had to watch all the Jason Bourne movies to get in the right frame of mind, I was happy to do it.

And then…

Then a story came to me that had none of that. I'd always wanted to write about Joan Bennet, cousin and best friend of Mariah Dunmore, the heroine of A VIEW TO A KISS. Joan cracked me up (that's always a sign I'm going to write more about a character). And yet the story that fit her didn't have any of my usual favorite things. Joan is self-conscious about her looks. She's too tall, too plump, and even worse, she has a fondness for Forbidden Things like bad language and daring behavior and naughty stories. She's a big fan—although strictly in secret—of a scandalous story called 50 Ways to Sin, which she sneaks around to get and discusses in detail with her friends. Those stories make it even more horrible that she has no suitors, because now Joan is quite sure she's really, really missing out as a spinster.

And then…

Then there's Tristan, Lord Burke. He's Joan's brother's best friend, and he is everything she's been taught to avoid. And Joan herself is everything Tristan thinks he doesn't want in a woman…except that he likes tall women. And that the only way he can win an argument with her is by kissing her into silence. Which he likes far, far too much.

Sometimes people talk about an author 'finding her groove.' I feel like this book was well out of my groove, but in such a fun way. I loved bringing Joan and Tristan together, not through any deep secrets or dangerous purposes, but just through realizing that they suit each other perfectly. I even liked writing the naughty stories—sort of like letters to Penthouse forum by a Regency lady. Sometimes it's really good to try something different, you know?

What's the best book you've read that was outside your usual favorites? The one you tried on a whim and ended up really loving?

Joan Bennet is tired of being a wallflower. Thanks to some deliciously scandalous—and infamous—stories, she has a pretty good idea of what she's missing as a spinster. Is even a short flirtation too much to ask for?

Tristan, Lord Burke, recognizes Joan at once for what she is: trouble. Not only is she his best friend's sister, she always seems to catch him at a disadvantage. The only way he can win an argument is by kissing her senseless. He'd give anything to get her out of her unflattering gowns. But either one of those could cost him his bachelor status, which would be dreadful—wouldn't it?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: What's the best book you've read that was outside your usual favorites? The one you tried on a whim and ended up really loving?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


LS said...

New Author to me, would love to win...thanks

Rebe said...

I don't read a lot of Sci-Fi, so I was hesitant to try Lois McMaster Bujold, but her books are amazing! Definitely recommend them!

And I've heard wonderful things about Ms. Linden's books. I'll have to check them out!

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

Bunker 10 by JA Henderson! I don't read much MG books even though the Percy Jackson series was what started my love of books in the first place, but my recommended it to me and it. Was. AMAZING. The ending was both chilling and mind blowing! Haha, but anyway, congrats to Caroline on her newest release! :) And thanks for the giveaway! (I do love my historical romances. :)

sheryl said...

I picked some Steampunk novels on a whim and found that I really liked them. It is not what I normally get into, but now I find that I read them more often. Thanks for the chance

Annwitch said...

My son convinced me to read the Hunger Games trilogy. I usually read romance, so this was a change for me. I loved these books and was surprised, but a well written book will change anyone's mind.

Sue G. said...

Bared to You by Sylvia Day. Didn't think I would enjoy it, but I loved it.

May said...

Gail Carriger and her steampunk novels. Love the relationship between the couple and their witty dialogue!

Sandy Kenny said...

I never thought I could ever get into stories about vampires, but then I picked up the Twilight series and I actually enjoyed it. I found out that as long as something is well-written I could read any genre.

erin said...

I'd also have to say Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate series. I wasn't sure if I would like steampunk and now I'm hooked! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I ALWAYS read romance novels, I just cannot get enough of them! My friend suggested "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom and I absolutely LOVED it! What a fantastic story about life, love, and friendship!

Marcy Meyer said...

I had not read any historical romances, until I read Sylvia Day's Seven Years to Sin. I was hooked after that. Love them!

Di said...

I usually read regular contemporary or historical romance, bu then I got Lauren Dane's paranormal 'Heart of Darkness' and loved it!

Sharlene said...

I usually read historical & contemporary romance & women's fiction. I recently read a paranormal book (time travel) which was really good, called The Geek Girl and the Scandalous Earl.

laurie said...

New Author to me, would love to win...thanks

Beautiful Disaster said...

When I began reading romance I only read historical. One day while at a book sale at our local library I picked up a book by Christine Feehan called Dark Desire. It was the second book in her dark series and I was hooked.
Thanks :-)

lorimeehan said...

Harry Potter series. Loved it!

Cecilia83 said...

i usually read paranormal books, when i try new adult and steampunk well i like it

Texas Book Lover said...

Divergent! I had never read a dystopian book and kept hearing all these fabulous things about it and finally gave it a try and it and Insurgent were fabulous!

Ada said...

I'm pretty bad but I like my comfort books and I don't really pick up others outside of the genres I like.

Anita H. said...

I didn't think I would but I read the Harry Potter books and Game of Thrones. Didn't think I'd like either but I did!

Mary Preston said...

My daughter talked me into reading WYRD SISTERS by Terry Pratchett. I became an instant fan.

Unknown said...

I never read any vampire stories, until I read Tall, Dark & Vampire by Sara Humphreys! I love her stories! thank your for this giveaway!

Linda said...

I'd never read PNR before until I picked up Thea Harrison's Dragon Bound. It's an amazing book!

~Erica~ said...

OMG I loved the Geek Girl and the Scandalous Earl, isn't there another book after that one ??

Lady Milano said...

I always love read historical romance. But then I tried Hunger Games, which is not of my usual one, and it turns out that I like it ;)

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