
Guest Post with Author Robbie Terman and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to Robbie Terman. Robbie is celebrating the release of her book, Some Like it Spicy and has stopped by to chat.

 began her journey as a writer in third grade, when she completed her first (24-page) "novel." Many years later, she is published in contemporary romance. Her heroines are feisty, her heroes Hot (yup, that's with a capital H!). And, when you read her books, if you cry a little and laugh a lot, that's just the reaction she was hoping for.

When she's not writing, Robbie can usually be found doing one of three things: shopping for shoes and handbags at Nordstrom; trying a new restaurant (or attempting a new recipe); or relaxing on the couch and catching up on her favorite television programs (if you're wondering which ones, open up a TV Guide and take your pick. You've probably guessed right!).

Places to find Robbie:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Thanks for hosting me today! As summer begins to wind down (in Michigan it feels like late fall!), I begin to crave certain foods that will keep me happy all winter long. And like Ashton, the heroine of Some Like It Spicy, it's all about comfort.

If you're like me, there are particular dishes you turn to when you're sad, stressed, tired. My favorite is boxed macaroni and cheese atop instant mashed potatoes. For those of you sitting at home gagging, I challenge you to try it. Seriously, it's awesome.

But whether it's a carb overload or your weight in chocolate, I've never really thought of these items as comfort food. To me, comfort food is something that elicits a memory. Something that brings you back to a moment you never want to forget. Something that reminds you of the people you love.

My comfort food is noodle kugel. My mom didn't cook much while I was growing up, but whenever she had to bring a dish, she brought noodle kugel. It was the first thing I ever learned to cook, and when I think back to holidays, potlucks, and barbecues of the past, I remember standing by my mother's side while we made it together. It's the side item most often requested by my family and a dish I'm always happy to make, because I know it will create another memory.

In Some Like It Spicy, Ashton's specialty is comfort food. When she makes lobster macaroni and cheese or a curried sweet potato casserole with brown sugar glaze or any other decadent dish, she's channeling her beloved grandmother. It was her grandmother's inheritance that enabled Ashton to open a restaurant and fulfill her dream.

If you're as hungry as I am after talking about food, grab a snack, read an excerpt, and then share your favorite comfort food.

Ashton Grey's restaurant, Sweet Home, is in trouble. Months of empty tables have left her and her partners near bankruptcy, and her father's prediction of her failure as a chef seems imminent. But a chance encounter could provide Ashton with the publicity she needs to save her restaurant—if the fiery chef is willing to compete on a reality cooking show. But in order to win, she needs to stay focused. No problem…until she meets the head judge.

Celebrity chef Ty Cates is ready to get away from the camera and back to the kitchen where he belongs. Performing as head judge on a reality show is just one more commitment he'd like to get out of, especially after he meets Ashton. Head judges dating contestants is about as taboo as putting ketchup on filet mignon, but from the moment they meet, there's a simmering heat between them that neither can ignore.

As the competition heats up, they rely on sneaking around, stealing amazing night after amazing night together when the cameras aren't rolling. When both realize what's starting to feel like love could easily be a recipe for disaster, Ashton and Ty need to make a choice—get out of the kitchen or turn up the heat.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Lucky person will win a $25 Amazon Gift Card + Prize Pack

To Enter:  
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
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Robbie Terman said...

Thanks for hosting me! It's great to be here!

Stormy Vixen said...

Thanks for sharing the wonderful post and the great giveaway. This book sounds like a very spicy read. evamillien at gmail dot com

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