
Monthly Giveaway - August

Want to win some books and swag?

So in the last few months I've been away at Book Bash and RWA and I've amassed quite a bit of books and swag that I want to giveaway to you. Each month here at Ramblings From This Chick a new prize pack will be up for grabs for one lucky winner. Here's a peek at this months prize.

1 lucky person will win a Ramblings From This Chick tote bag signed by a some of the authors that attended Book Bash. Some of the authors include: Sylvia Day, Shayla Black, Maya Banks, Abbi Glines, Karina Halle, Temmara Weber, Katy Evans, Colleen Hoover, Cora Cormack and many, many more. Also included in the tote bag will be a few books I collected at Book Bash as well as some swag.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Lucky person will win a Signed Tote Bag + Books + Swag 

To Enter: 
  • Must be a blog follower.
  • US ONLY-Will substitute prize for a $10 Gift Card if someone outside US wins. 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Cecilia83 said...

i want to see Maya Banks and i want to ask. " Where you got the idea of your Novels?" cause she write Hot Novels.:D

LS said...

I would love to win, it sounds like fun and includes many of my fav authors...

kathy p said...

I would love to meet Nora Roberts!

Unknown said...

It's super hard to pick just one. How about a lunch date with Anne Rice, J.R. Ward, and Nicky Charles. I'd talk to Anne Rice about religion and what made her change. I'd ask J. R. Ward about the brotherhood and if she really has V stashed somewhere, lol. And I'd ask Nicky Charles about how she came up with the concept of Lycan Link and the Lycan Law series. It would be the most amazing lunch date I ever had. Lol.
Thanks for the giveaway!

May said...

Neil Gaiman! :) I would just love to talk to him... I don't have any specific questions but just want to hear him talk!

Donna E said...

I'd like to talk to Mary Higgins Clark and her daughter. There are others I would have liked to meet, but they're gone now. To all of them, I'd first ask where they come up with their story ideas -- and then how is the actual crafting of the story, with the dialogue, twists, etc. How is each character actually so 'rounded' out.
Now for the romantic authors, I really would like to ask if the 'sex' scenes are from their real life -- but I don't think I could actually get the courage to ask it. :)

Unknown said...

I don't think I could pick just one!.. That's way too hard. That's like asking a mother which child is her favorite.. Just wrong lol.. Lets just say that if I met ANY author that I read I would be in heaven! Thanks for the giveaway!

Marcy Meyer said...

I was lucky enough to meet ALOT of my favorite authors at RT in KC. I missed one whom I love though, Laura Kaye. So mad that I didn't realize that she was there. If I could meet her, I would ask if she's going to give MacKenna and Cayden (from Hearts in Darkness) another book.

Unknown said...

I would want to meet Stephanie Laurens and ask her how she came up with her hero Devil from Devil's Bride. With him being my favorite hero I just wish he was real.

Unknown said...

If I could only meet 1 I would probably pick Julie Garwood. Her books are what made me love reading! I don't really have any particular questions, I would just bask in her greatness! ;)

Stormy Vixen said...

Thanks for sharing your awesome giveaway. I would love to meet Kresley Cole. I love the Immortals After Dark season. And I am hoping she can make introductions to some of the Lore. evamillien at gmail dot com

lorimeehan said...

Judith McNaught : when will you write another book?

June M. said...

There are so many authors that I would love to meet but I guess I would have to go with Lynsay Sands. I don't really have any questions to ask her but I would want to thank her for starting my romance addiction :)

Mary Preston said...

I'd want to ask Neil Gaiman about his childhood. Just imagine his imaginary friends!!!!

dawn said...

I would want to meet abbi glines and ask her how she can make me fall in love again book after book

~Erica~ said...

I want to meet Maya Banks, and ask her who is the inspiration for all of her books. Is she married? Is her husband the inspiration for all of her HOT books, The Colters' Legacy, The Sweet Series, The Breathless Trilogy. I also want to tell her that my favorite book of hers is The Mistress, and all the trilogy's I named here, including The McCabe Trilogy, and The Montgomerys and Armstrongs.

Lady Milano said...

Lisa Kleypas, I want to ask is there any one of her book, which made her felt failed to be an author ;)

TerrieLynn61 said...

Just found your blog today. I think it is fantastic. I am looking forward to following you. Thanks for this giveaway. I love it!<3

TerrieLynn61 said...

Maya Banks. What inspired you to become a writer and what is your biggest influence on the genre you write?

Chrisbails said...

It would be EL James. I would want to know what inspired her to write the 50 Shades books and how she came up with the characters & story. I also want to ask her if the rumors are true that she is going to write books from Christian's point to view, like how she did at the end of book 3.

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