
ARC Review: A Little Bit Scandalous by Robyn DeHart

A Little Bit Scandalous is the third book in Robyn Dehart’s Forbidden Love trilogy. It would be fine to read as a stand-alone, but characters from the previous book make brief appearances.

Caroline Jellico’s situation is a bit precarious. She became the ward of Monroe Grisham, Duke of Chanceworth, after her brother died, but has barely seen him in the seven since she first confessed her love for him. Living with his mother, she is determined to gather enough money to refurbish her family townhome and live an independent life. So Caroline puts her mathematical mind to use by disguising herself as a young man and gambling at a popular establishment. “Roe” want to play the talented boy he has heard about and is surprised to realize that the boy is Caroline. Roe has been attracted to Caroline all this time, but he feels a tremendous amount of guilt about the way her brother died. Caroline’s love for Roe conflicts with her desire to create a comfortable life for herself. The two are drawn together as a danger comes to the surface. Will they realize that they are a perfect fit for each other?

A Little Bit Scandalous was a good read. The characters (including the secondary characters) were well drawn and likable. It was nice to see a female character that knew what she wanted and took action to make it happen. The idea of her successfully disguising herself as a young man was a little bit far-fetched, but DeHart took steps to show how it could have worked. I don’t like it when the villains or the danger is too obvious or over the top. There was a place at the end where I could see trouble coming a mile away. It was disappointing. I did think this book was better than the previous one in the series (A Little Bit Sinful). I liked this book, but it wasn’t at the top of my list.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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