
Feature and Giveaway: Spring Training by Parker Kincaide

For baseball superstar Garrett Donovan, his contract with the New York Empire baseball team meant he’d finally have the means to secure a future for his family. He should focus on that…not on the sassy, beautiful Jessa Montgomery — or what she looks like naked. Getting involved with the daughter of the Empire’s owner would be career suicide. Jessa is a distraction he can’t afford.

Her father had warned her never to get involved with his athletes, so his request that she keep an eye on his new star player came straight out of left field. The last thing Jessa needs is another spoiled, egotistical ball player to deal with. But Garrett is none of those things. His no-nonsense attitude and smooth Southern charm make her blood burn and her knees weak. Giving into temptation, she is consumed by the pleasure she finds in Garrett’s arms.

Jessa wants to protect his career. Garrett won’t let anything get in the way of their passion.

A passion that could cost him everything.

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She hadn’t even gotten all the way into the room before he went off. “What the hell did you think you were doing?”

“Could you be more specific?” Arrogant jerk, thinking he could toss her around like a sack of potatoes. Who did he think he was?

He paced the floor in front of her. “Tonight. Dancing. Flirting with Tyler. That … that dress.” He waved a hand over her. “And I use the term loosely, of course. I’m not sure that scrap of material you’re wearing qualifies as an actual dress.”

“Where do you get off judging anything I do? I happen to like this dress.” She smoothed her hands down her body, his eyes tracking every move.

He snorted. “You and every man in the vicinity of you.”

“Need I remind you that going to dinner was your idea? And as for the dancing …” She shrugged a shoulder. “When in Rome.”

“And Tyler?” He ground out.

“He’s cute, and a good dancer. Why wouldn’t I have fun with him? I’m single. Free to dance with whoever the hell I want. Jesus! You were the one who said I didn’t know how to have fun, then the minute I do … what is your issue, Garrett?”

“You let him touch you.” His voice was harsh, fierce.

“Is that what this is about? Because you think —” She threw her hands up, glaring at him. “We were dancing Garrett. Kind of hard to do without touching.”

He took a step toward her. “I don’t think anything. His hands were all over you tonight, touching the skin that I … damn it. Tell me, Jess. Do you prefer Tyler’s touch to mine?”

Jessa stared at him, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and lust. A look that told her if she wanted, she could be in his bed tonight. And oh, she wanted.

For once in her life, she would take what she wanted. No holding back, no allowing fear of judgment to get in her way. She was going for it.

“Tyler’s touch.” She kept her voice low, seductive. “His hands on me.” She ran her hands over her breasts, down her stomach, her movement slow, methodical. “His body against mine as we danced.” She rolled her hips as she smoothed the dress over her curves. She closed her eyes for a second, as if reliving the moment, before dropping her hands to her sides and giving him a dry stare.

“I didn’t feel anything special. Tyler doesn’t do it for me, Garrett. I could simply relax and enjoy myself. But you,” she jabbed his chest. “You turn me inside out. One look and I’m ready for you. My nipples get hard thinking about you, so when you put your hands on me tonight, yeah. It was too much. All I could think about was your kiss, what it would feel like to have your hands all over my skin. How you would taste if I took you into my mouth. One touch, Garrett, and I needed you so badly that I didn’t think I could take another minute.”

“You make me insane, you know that?” He stepped closer, his hands gripping her arms and lifting her against him. “I’m going to kiss you, Jessa. Tell me no.” He closed his eyes, resting his forehead against hers. “Goddamn it, tell me no.”

Yeah, no way that was happening. She hadn’t stopped thinking about the last time they’d kissed. She wanted more, and she wasn’t going to wait another minute. She tipped her head and pressed her mouth to his.

Parker Kincade is an award-winning erotic romance author of The Martin Family Series. Her first novel, One Night Stand, won the category of Best Erotic Romance in the Celtic Hearts Romance Writers Golden Claddagh contest and was named finalist in the Romance Writers of America/Passionate Ink Stroke of Midnight contest.

Parker lives in the southern United States with her husband, children and beloved boxer sidekick. She loves reading, playing golf, spending time with her family and friends, ice cream from the ice cream truck, taking her dog to the park and watching old musicals.

Places to find Parker:
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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • 1 signed copy of Spring Training

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Special thanks to the Parker Kincaid & Good Choice Reading for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway!
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Sue G. said...

Ooh...this sounds good. I love baseball stories!

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