
Feature and Giveaway: Maggie's Man by Lisa Gardner

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Catch Me and The Perfect Husband...

Three siblings searching for the truth about their family are about to find more than they bargained for.

When shy and reserved Maggie Ferringer was called for jury duty, she never expected to be kidnapped by an escaped convict. But when Cain Cannon, disguised as a prison guard, pulls a gun, she has no choice but to be taken hostage. Cain claims that he’s innocent of killing his girlfriend six years ago and now he wants revenge on the people who put him behind bars.

Soon, Maggie becomes more than just a hostage to Cain. As they slowly begin to share the secrets of their respective pasts, Maggie discovers that she wants to fight for Cain’s freedom—because he just might be the kind of man she could love.

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Check out the Family Secrets series:
Click for info.

New York Times bestselling crime novelist Lisa Gardner began her career in food service, but after catching her hair on fire numerous times, she took the hint and focused on writing instead. A self-described research junkie, she has parlayed her interest in police procedure, cutting edge forensics and twisted plots into a streak of eleven bestselling suspense novels.

Readers are invited to get in on the fun by entering the annual "Kill a Friend, Maim a Mate" Sweepstakes, where they can nominate the person of their choice to die in Lisa's latest novel. Every year, one lucky stiff is selected for literary immortality. It's cheaper than therapy, and you get a great book besides. For more details, simply visit Lisa's website.

Lisa lives in the White Mountains of New Hampshire with her family, as well as two highly spoiled dogs and one extremely neurotic three-legged cat. Lisa graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in international relations.

Places to find Lisa:
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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 copies of Maggie's Man

To Enter: 
  • US Shipping ONLY, NO PO Boxes.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Penguin for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kathy p said...

Love the sound of this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

It sounds like a great read and I want to see how the relation builds between Cain and Maggie. I'm always curious about how a relationship can build in that kind of situation. I haven't read any book like it yet, I know they are out there lol, I just haven't gotten to them yet. :)
Thanks for the giveaway.

Sherry Butcher said...

This sounds like something I could get into. The challenges the three siblings face would be a good plot where anything could happen, love the idea.

Unknown said...

A friend of mine loves Lisa's books and I have not read one, so I'd like to win the book so I can chat with my friend about it and maybe find a 'new to me' author :)

TerrieLynn61 said...

Lisa Gardner is a new author to me. The synopsis of "Maggie's Man" is the types of books I love to read. I am also always open to reading a new author.

erin said...

sounds wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing!

Glenda said...

Sounds like a great book. I can relate to your reason for leaving the food service business. I can manage a klutzy injury no matter what I'm doing. Playing with fire would not be safe. :-)

Meghan said...

Because it looks suspenseful and I love me some good suspense! ; )

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