
Guest Post with Anne Barton and Giveaway

Meet Anne Barton, author of To All The Rakes I've Loved Before.

Anne lives in Maryland with her husband and three children, who try valiantly not to roll their eyes whenever she quotes Jane Austen. Her weaknesses are reality TV, cute-but-impractical shoes, and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

Places to find Anne:

1. If the heroine, Amelia, were living in 2013, she’d spend way too much time lurking on celebrity gossip sites and following A-list actors on Twitter.

2. For fun, Amelia likes to write scandalous, make-believe gossip pages—starring herself.

3. Though I adore the title of this novella, no Willie Nelson songs are on the story’s playlist. What is: Pink’s “Just Give Me A Reason.”

After being jilted by her former beau, Miss Amelia Wimple retreated to her Mayfair town house and her ever-growing collection of gossips rags. Now, almost two years later, not even her beloved cousins, Rose and Olivia Sherbourne, can persuade her to give love another chance. But an unexpected midnight caller may open her heart once more.

Lord Stephen Brookes is the prince of pleasure, the duke of decadence-and it seems his exploits have finally caught up with him. When Stephen comes to Amelia seeking refuge, she can’t deny him . . . or the intense desire he sparks. As he attempts to heal her broken heart, they indulge in a private passion unlike anything either has experienced. Stephen knows sweet, sensual Amelia is meant to be his one and only. Now, he will do whatever it takes to convince her that a rake really can change his ways.

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She placed a hand on Samuel’s arm. “Bring him inside, and we’ll try to make him comfortable. Then, if you think it’s necessary, we can call for a doctor.”

Giles growled under his breath, and for the space of a heartbeat Amelia feared he’d send Samuel and Lord Brookes away, but he grudgingly said, “I’ll rouse a few of the staff to help.”

Amelia shot him a grateful smile. Both men hurried off, and before she’d had the chance to fully comprehend what she’d just agreed to, Samuel and two footmen carried Lord Brookes, bloody and crumpled, into her foyer.

His arms swung lifelessly. Someone had wound his cravat around his head in a makeshift bandage, which was now more crimson than white.

A knot formed in her throat. To see anyone in such a pitiful state would have been alarming, but to see Lord Brookes that way…well, it chilled Amelia so deeply she could hardly breathe. Belatedly, she realized the men awaited her direction.

Pulling herself together, she said, “Take him upstairs, to the last bedchamber on the right.” As they hobbled up the staircase, she turned to Giles. “Send someone for the doctor and have a maid take up some bandages, hot water, and…whatever else might be helpful.”

The loyal butler nodded, resignation softening the lines on his forehead.

Amelia gave Giles an encouraging smile, wrapped her robe more tightly around her, and headed to the guest bedroom. Cicely and Samuel tended to the patient as best they could; one of the footmen lit the fire. Amelia slipped inside the room but stayed close to the wall, out of the way.

The infamous Lord Brookes was a guest in her house…and her mother wasn’t even there to witness it. All things considered, probably for the best.

His long, muscular legs were sprawled across the counterpane, and Cicely struggled to remove one of his fine boots. It was shocking to see such a virile man so helpless. He bore little resemblance to the dashing rogue Amelia had met two years ago.

Samuel walked to her side and nervously ran a hand through his hair. He stood inches from her, this man whom she’d once thought would be her husband, and oddly, she felt no pull toward him, no sense of loss. As Cicely and another maid worked to gently remove Lord Brookes’s expertly tailored jacket, Amelia watched with great interest.

Probably more than was seemly.

To Samuel, she said, “The doctor should arrive shortly.”

“Thank you. For everything. You look wonderful, Amelia.” His gaze was appreciative, without being improperly so.

She knew he referred to the weight she’d lost and hoped he didn’t imagine she’d been starving herself for his sake, when she hadn’t been starving herself at all. She’d merely begun standing up to Mama. But she didn’t wish to discuss any of that with him. Not when the gentleman lying on the bed in the guest room was infinitely more interesting. She gestured toward the bed. “How did this happen?”

“I have no idea. We were supposed to meet at our club. When he didn’t show, I made the rounds to a few of his other favorite haunts. On my way back to Watier’s I spotted him lying in a heap on the side of the road. I can’t imagine who’d do this to him.”

Amelia just barely refrained from rolling her eyes as she thought of her gossip sheets and all the beautiful women with whom Lord Brookes had associated over the years. “A jealous gentleman? Perhaps a husband?”

Samuel chuckled softly. “That’s possible. Could be hard to narrow the list.”

Check out the Honeycote series:
Click for info. 

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky person will win a NetGalley copy of To All the Rakes I've Loved Before

To Enter: 
  • Must have a NetGalley Account.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Forever Romance for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Linda said...

I enjoy reading historical romance & Anne is a new author to me.

Marcy Meyer said...

Thanks for the giveaway chance! I'd love to read this, because the story sounds full of passion and longing. It looks like a great book! I love historical romances!

sheryl said...

I have not read anything by Anne before and I would love to. I am a huge fan of historical romance

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win! This novel sounds like a wonderful historical.

Kim said...

As others have said, I enjoy reading historicals.

erin said...

sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

Barbara E. said...

I've always had a soft spot for rakes, and I love it when they decide to reform for the love of that special woman. This sounds like a great story and I'm looking forward to reading it.

a pile of good things said...

I want to read this book because the cover looks amazing, and I am a huge fan of historical romance!

Sue G. said...

This books looks interesting. I like that Ameila has always liked the Lord from afar. Plus I love how she loves to follow celebrity info just like me!

Unknown said...

Sounds and looks like a very interesting read.

jmcgaugh said...

I always like to see how a rake can be transformed by his love for the right woman.

Meghan said...

I LOVE historical romance!

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