
ARC Review: A Lady’s Secret Weapon by Tracey Devlyn

Tracey Devlyn states that she writes “historical romantic thrillers” and I think that is an apt description. A Lady’s Secret Weapon, the third book in her Nexus spy series, has spills and thrills aplenty. The Nexus spy network is a very secret government agency whose mission is to keep Napoleon out of England. This scenario offers many opportunities for stealth, deception, even romance. Devlyn’s writing skills are more than capable and, paired with this exciting plot line, we have the recipe for a very enjoyable book.

Ethan deBeau is an excellent spy. He has spent years rising to the top of his game, never letting his personal feelings about killing or seduction prevent him from reaching his goals. He is somewhat annoyed to have been given a seemingly easy assignment to kidnap a young boy. This easy chore becomes complicated by the interference of the mysterious Sydney Hunt. Ethan quickly realizes that there is more to Sydney than what she shows and he feels an immediate attraction to her. Sydney runs the Hunt employment agency, but also does business under another name. Why? It soon becomes clear that their respective missions are intertwined in some significant ways. Both Ethan and Sydney have information about each other, but are too suspicious to trust the other one. Is there time in their espionage-filled world for them to find each other?

I enjoyed A Lady’s Secret Weapon very much. I have not read the previous two books in the series, but I would like to find the time. I know it would enhance my appreciation for this one. I am not so much of a thriller reader so I would have liked a little more romance or perhaps a faster moving romance, but this is not to say that the romance wasn’t satisfying. I just prefer a bit more of a relationship-driven story and this one was more focused on the intricate plot. This nothing more than personal preference because it was a very good book. Those that like action and intrigue will definitely enjoy this series. On the whole, I liked the book very much and I’m glad to have read it.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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