
Guest Post with Author Marisa Cleveland

Meet Marisa Cleveland, author of Reforming the Cowboy.

Marisa Cleveland loves to laugh, hates to cry, and does both often. As a writer, she writes. Every day. If she couldn’t express herself through writing, music, and dance, she would die. Perhaps because she married her best friend, her adult romance novels focus on playfully naughty relationships developed through friendship and family-oriented values. She believes romance novels are the perfect “how to” books, because no matter the obstacles, the characters keep working toward their happily ever after. She loves to connect with writers and readers through social media.

Places to find Marisa:
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Thanks so much for having me! Ramblings From This Chick is such a fabulous blog, and I'm so thrilled to be here again with a post utilizing one of my favorite words: inspiration!

Inspiration is such a great concept, because for me inspiration comes from all over the place, and it usually sneaks up on me with this really fabulous feeling that motivates me into action.

The inspiration behind Reforming the Cowboy came from a television show, which is beyond abnormal for me. I can't remember the last time I put down a book in favor of watching a TV show, and I know it certainly hasn't happened again. But for some reason, that evening, after hearing that voice, I did just that.

And it was that seed that helped my agent land my first sale. So I'll always be grateful to Blake Shelton for appearing on the The Voice. I blogged about it here.

But that was just the first spark of inspiration.

This is where I admit how truly blessed I feel for having Nicole Resciniti in my life. Sometimes inspiration needs more inspiration, and in order for me to develop my idea, these characters, and their journey to their happily ever after, I spent hours being inspired by Nicole, if inspiration means phone calls, track changes in Word, e-mails, and more phone calls.

It sounds so simple. Watch a TV show. Get inspired. Plan a novel with your agent. I guess it makes sense that a television show could inspire a novel, because the last two movies I watched were inspired by books.

So now you know the inspiration behind my first book. I'd love to know what's the last thing that inspired you? What's the last movie you watched that was inspired or adapted from a book? And if you're a writer, what was the inspiration behind your last novel?

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my guest post!


Country singer Billy Hardy needs to get back on the charts. His manager assures him headlining the opening of a cafe in South Beach is his best chance at getting back to the big time. If he fails, his career is over for good this time.

Lacey Durant can't believe opening night includes the country singer she crushed on through college. And her customers agree he's dreamy. But his playboy reputation threatens her cafe's image and she can't afford that. She insists Billy stay with her so she can keep an eye on him, and thwart overenthusiastic fans.

Billy's charms and Lacey's sexy curves prove more than either can resist, but she refuses to be just another lyric in his well-known songs of heartbreak.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

He stepped back, his eyes regarding her with unreadable scrutiny. "Do you have to control everything?"

A shiver of fear slid in her stomach. She was a private person. She didn't want the whole world to know how close she'd come to failure. "Just promise me."

Flashing her a sardonic smile, he drawled, "Honey, I don't make promises I can't keep."

Her hands fisted at her sides. "You are so insensitive! For just once in your life, why can't you be reliable and make a promise and keep it?"

Her eyes widened as she realized what she'd said.

He advanced forward, and she shuffled back until her back hit the refrigerator, even though nothing but the ferocity of his gaze pinned her in place. "Honey, in Country, in order for a song to be good, it has to be honest. This is me being honest."

Check out what's up for grabs.

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  • 1 $25 Gift Card

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Marisa Cleveland & Goddess Fish Promotions for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.


Unknown said...

Hi Marisa!

Congrats on your new release!
Inspiration is very meaningful for writers and my latest WIP, in part, was inspired by The King and I.

Yul Brynner was just a hot, hot man.

Sue G. said...

I love Blake Shelton too! He is so funny!

Rita Wray said...

Sounds like a great read.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for hosting me! You have such a great blog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Piper! Have fun with your WIP! :D

Anonymous said...

Yay! Another Blake Shelton fan! I was super surprised when he caught my attention, but yeah, I'm a fan for life. :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rita!

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Jolene and Family said...

Any pickup line would be fun to hear. I met my husband in highschool and never dated, but I love hearing all the cheesy pickup lines in movies and from friends :)

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