
ARC Review: Her Accidental Boyfriend by Robin Bielman

I have been looking forward to this book since the moment I finished Kissing the Maid of Honor. I loved Luke and Sela and I couldn't wait to get Shane's story. He was one of those guys that I just knew I was going to love, and I was really excited to get to know him better. Her Accidental Boyfriend definitely did not disappoint, and I loved watching as Shane and Kagan fell in love. This one was a lot of fun to read, and I read it pretty quickly because I couldn't put it down.

Kagan is tired of being told what to do and how to live by her wealthy and powerful father. When he basically arranges a marriage for her, she decides enough is enough. She leaves New York behind and winds up in a small town under a name that no one will recognize. She begins a low profile life and starts to feel at home with the friendly people she gets to know. But when Brett shows up in town demanding she return to NYC, Kagan speaks before thinking and declares that she has a boyfriend. Shane Sullivan the town flirt just so happens to show up at that exact moment and becomes her accidental boyfriend. He is more than happy to help out a friend and quickly goes along with the plan because he likes Kagan. Shane is not one to commit and is afraid of hurting anyone again after his past, but he has been wanting to get closer to Kagan and decides this could be his chance. The more their act goes on though and they start to really get to know each other, the more that the fake starts to become real. It isn't long before they are both starting to see a future together. But will Kagan return to NYC like she had always planned? Or will Kagan and Shane take the risk and give a relationship a shot?

I really loved Shane. Even though he starts off as a flirty playboy who is intent to keep things casual, he was just so easy to like. He is confident and sexy, but also extremely sweet and thoughtful. I really liked that even though he was scared to really feel anything for someone again, once he realized that he did, he wasn't afraid and didn't try to run from it. He was just a really great guy, and he is definitely one of my favorite book boyfriends now. I also really liked Kagan. I thought that she was sweet and kind, and even though she was looking for independence she wasn't afraid to lean on her friends for support. I really liked how Kagan opened up to Shane without a lot of lying and angst. Once they started their act, she immediately told him the truth without too much begging or convincing. I thought that it was really refreshing and unique of Bielman to take that route because usually the author saves the big reveal for much later in order to really get in some extra conflict. But I think it really strengthened the connection that Shane and Kagan were forming, and it really helped Shane and Kagan to get to know each other better. Not only did Shane and Kagan have an easy and natural way about them, but they also had a ton of chemistry! It was really clear from the start that they were both very attracted to each other. I thought that they were perfect together and they made a great couple. I really enjoyed the sweet aspect of their relationship and their getting to know each other and even though I normally like a bit more steam, I found that it really didn't hurt how I felt about this book.

Overall, I really loved these characters and this series just seems to be getting better. If I have any gripe about these books, its really that I just want more. I do miss a little of the steam and would love to see more between the couples, but that is only a minor gripe. Robin Bielman's writing is fantastic, and her characters are original and interesting. I always feel very invested in them and i'm never quite ready to leave them behind at the end of the story. That is just me being greedy though. I cannot wait to read more for Bielman, and she is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. If you haven't read any of this series yet, you are really missing out. I think that these characters are so real and easy to relate to that anyone who likes romance will really enjoy reading about them. I highly recommend that you give this one a shot and even though it is a part of a series, it is easily read as a standalone. I still would recommend that you also read Kissing the Maid of Honor though, because that book was also really enjoyable. It was nice to see some familiar faces in Her Accidental Boyfriend, and I look forward to reading more in this series and seeing more of these characters again in the future!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Robin Bielman said...

Casey, thank you so much for this awesome review! I'm so happy you loved Shane and Kagan and their story, and oh my gosh, your super kind words made my day! *hugs*

Casey said...

Thank you! I love your characters and these stories are great! :) Please tell me there will be more...pretty please? LOL

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