
Romance is Bliss Event with Claire Baxter

Meet Bliss author, Claire Baxter.

Claire Baxter writes contemporary romantic fiction of all lengths. Her short stories have been published in commercial women's magazines around the world, while her novels have been translated into 20 languages and have been nominated in the Romance Writers of Australia's Romantic Book of the Year Award, the RT Book Reviews Reviewers' Choice Awards, and the Cataromance Reviewers' Choice Awards (Winner, Best Harlequin Romance).

Before following her passion to write full-time, Claire was an award-winning corporate communications manager. Earlier, she worked as a translator and a PA.

Claire grew up in Warwickshire, England, but for more than 20 years has called Australia home. She considers herself lucky to live near one of Adelaide's beautiful metropolitan beaches where she loves to walk and think up stories.

Places to find Claire:
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Why I write romance

A romance novel celebrates life. It’s an affirmation of all that matters – love, people, relationships, dreams and values. It’s a reassurance that love can conquer seemingly insurmountable odds and people can overcome personal obstacles to growth.

As a reader, I love them all – the stories that make me cry; those that make me laugh, and the many that make me sigh with contentment that it’s all worked out in the end, that the characters have struggled with their issues and made a believable commitment.

As an author, I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to write romance, and even better, to hear that readers have enjoyed my stories. I love bringing two people together, the growing awareness that the other person is The One, the panic when they realise that they’ve fallen in love despite all intentions to the contrary. I enjoy making sure that when these two people least expect it, they find love, and showing that love really does conquer all. Why would I want to write anything else?

To be together is dangerous. To stay apart is impossible.

Firefighter Jasmine Mackinnon has always just been one of the guys. So no one’s more shocked than she is to find herself kissing fellow firefighter and all-around sinfully handsome playboy Aaron Parkes after a friend’s wedding. Jasmine knows she can’t risk an emotional connection with a colleague—a potentially dangerous entanglement when fighting fires together—and nothing's more important to her than her job.

Aaron never noticed how beautiful Jasmine was until he saw her out of her firefighter duds, but there’s something about the fiery woman that tempts him. Though he knows pursuing a real relationship is out of the question for a serial dater like him, when their casual flirtation builds into something more serious, it's not just their jobs or their safety on the line. It's their hearts.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance | Kobo | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Claire.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Claire Baxter for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kim said...

I read romance because I love happy endings.

Glenda said...

I read romance for the escape and the happy endings. The coworkers to lovers stories hold a special place in my heart - my husband and I met at work. :-)

Claire Baxter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claire Baxter said...

I'm with you, Kim. I don't like any other type of ending.

(Blogger has decided that I'm Unknown.)


Claire Baxter said...

That's great to hear, Glenda.

kathy p said...

I love the stories and relationships found in romance!

Susan P said...

Totally for the escapism and HEA. I live in the real world, so I want to escape to the happy ending world. :)

Unknown said...

I read for happy so a good romance with a great HEA fits the bill perfectly.

Unknown said...

I love the HEA! And to escape for a bit from daily problems!

Marcy Meyer said...

I read romance, because it's an escape from reality. I can become the characters and live in their world for a little while.

Sue G. said...

I love my happy ending. I love coming away from a book feeling good.

Rhonda D said...

I love reading how the couple works to get their HEA even when they don't expect it.

JenM said...

I love happy endings. Real life has plenty of depressing stuff, so I'd rather get good emotions when I read.

Megan said...

I love romances because you get to experience a full love story in 300 pages. Thanks for the giveaway!

Megan said...

I love romances because you get to experience a full love story in 300 pages. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sandy Kenny said...

Real life can be pretty depressing and somewhat boring...I need my HEA to keep myself from getting bogged down by life.

erin said...

I love the escape in to a world where I know people are going to be happy. What Can I say, I'm a sucker for a good HEA :) Thanks for sharing and congrats to Claire on the new release!

Unknown said...

It makes me happy and I love to get into another world where everything is wonderful with a happy end :)

Di said...

I read romance because it takes me away and makes me feel happy

Michelle said...

I read romance for the Happily Ever After. There's so much in the world that isn't "happy", its nice to be reminded on a regular basis that good things can happen. I also like to read romance because it's great to see couples overcome their difficulties. I often find myself thinking that it's just more proof that there's nothing my husband and I cannot overcome.

lorimeehan said...

I read romance because it makes me happy and I like a HEA.

Beautiful Disaster said...

I guess I still want to believe in fairy tale endings ;)

books4me said...

I read romance as an escape. I curl up in a cozy chair with coffee and my puppy and get lost in a book!


Anonymous said...

I read romance for the happy endings and for the romance between the couples.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! I'd love to win an Amazon gift card, so fingers crossed. :-)

Perava said...

Not enough romance in real life, unfortunately!

Claire Baxter said...

Thanks,everybody, for your comments. Those happy endings are very satisfying, aren't they?

Good luck in the contest to all of you!


TerrieLynn61 said...

I really enjoy reading the author interviews. They give us a peek into what the author thinks about while writing a book. It fascinates me to learn the thought process of an author. Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway.

Brooke Showalter said...

I read romance because I like being swept away. I love reading about love!

Natasha said...

For the escape and the happy endings.
Thanks for the chance to win!

KV H said...

It's fun to escape and read about happy endings.

Shari said...

I read for enjoyment, take me away, love HEA

Meghan said...

Because I love believing that anything is possible!

Mary Preston said...

I read romance for the HEA and the hope of good things happening in the world.

Janice said...

I love romance for the HEA. The journey there may be long and arduous, but always end with the H/h together.

MissRlovesbooks said...

Romance books simply make me feel so many things I love that about them :)

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