
Feature and Giveaway: All In with the Duke by Ava March

Max Arrington, the Duke of Pelham, vows to never again let a handsome face blind him to a man's true intentions. But ten months of celibacy and lonely nights drive him to a decadent brothel, where a beautiful young man arouses his illicit passions as never before.

Tristan Walsh has grown tired of being used for men's pleasure. But his latest client is different: commanding yet generous, Max makes him feel cared for as well as wanted. Yet Tristan knows he'll never have the choice to leave the brothel and submit only to Max.

So when Max invites him to be his guest at his country estate, Tristan eagerly agrees to his terms—days to do as he pleases while Max tends to the dukedom, and nights spent together in wicked play. But when the "business arrangement" begins to deepen into something more, Tristan must face the fact that he has no true place in Max's life—or in Max's guarded heart…

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Rather than search the house, he inquired with a footman as to Tristan’s whereabouts. He paused outside the partially open door to the billiard room. There was the clank of ivory against ivory followed by a soft chuckle. Tristan sounded pleased with himself. Max could imagine the little smile flittering across his mouth. A mouth that had felt so perfect against his last night.

He pushed the door fully open. “Good afternoon.”

Cue stick in hand, Tristan bolted upright from the table. The blatant surprise on his exquisite features bit into Max. But Max knew he deserved it. The only other time he’d sought out Tristan during the day had included a demand for Tristan to get into the house.

“Afternoon, Max,” Tristan said, when he’d regained his bearings. “Is something amiss?”

That hurt as well.

“No.” Max closed the door behind him. He lifted his chin. “I wanted to apologize for being an arse yesterday. You’re now aware of the why, still, it was not well done of me to be so rude as to leave the table in the middle of supper.” He swallowed hard. “Or to leave without a word this morning.”

Tristan blinked. The surprise vanished, to be replaced with that same calm, almost gentle understanding he’d given Max last night. He shrugged, one of those shrugs used to fill the silence. “There’s no need for an apology, Max. Though thank you.”

At a loss for how to respond, Max nodded.

Silence hung between them. Max was an instant from turning and returning to his study when Tristan spoke.

“Care to share a game with me?”

“All right.” A half an hour away from his desk wouldn’t cause any lasting harm. He selected a stick from the rack hanging on the wall. “But it’s been ages since I’ve played.”

“Whereas I have had a lot of opportunities to hone my skills of late. Consider yourself warned.”

“So I’m in for a trouncing, am I?”

Tristan smiled, his eyes sparkling with a sort of devilish playfulness. “That is my hope.”

Max chuckled and motioned to the table. “Then let the trouncing commence.”

Excerpt from ALL IN WITH THE DUKE ©2013 by Ava March. All rights reserved.

Ava March is an author of sexy, emotionally intense M/M historical erotic romances. She loves writing in the Regency time period, where proper decorum is of the utmost importance, but where anything can happen behind closed doors. With over fifteen works to her credit, her books have been finalists in the Rainbow Awards and More Than Magic contest, and deemed ‘must-haves’ for Historical M/M romance by RT Book Reviews readers.

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $50 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Ava.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Ava March & Romance Wrangler for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kipha said...

This sounds awesome!!!!! I haven't read a historical M/M romance yet, so I guess this will be my first jump into it. :)

Sophia Rose said...

I look forward to reading Ava March's latest series. Thanks for sharing!

Diane D - Florida said...

I've read a couple of Ava's other historical M/M romance books, and was totally enthralled by them. Thank you for the giveaway.

Marcy Meyer said...

I love M/M and I love historical romances, so this sounds great! Can't wait to read it! It's going on my TBR list now!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! This sounds like an interesting read.

Fingers crossed for the gift crad! :-)

Anonymous said...

Woops! Card, I mean. ;-)

Sherry Butcher said...

sounds great. any more of the historical romances in the works?

Unknown said...

I loved the excerpt! Looks great, can't wait to read it :))

Janice said...

Just started reading M/M romance. Sounds like a great read!

Sandy Kenny said...

Sounds like an awesome read! Thanks for posting here!

Ava March said...

Hi Sherry - by historical romances do you mean Evangeline books? If so, I hope to get back to them later next year, after I finish up this series and a 3rd book in another one.

Ava March said...

Thanks to Ramblings From This Chick for having me today, and thanks to everyone for stopping by!

Meghan said...

Thanks for sharing!

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Kati said...

Thanks for hosting Ava!

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