
Feature and Giveaway: Infinite Possibilities by Lisa Renee Jones

Secrets and lies. They are everywhere: haunting her, tormenting her. In the midst of it all, he’d been her escape, her passion. The only person she’d trusted in six years. And then he’d made her doubt that trust, cutting her deeply. But as she’d once told him, she was damaged, not broken. She is ready to fight and not just for survival. She is fighting for the truth and she won’t stop until she has it, not even for…him.

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Bestselling author Lisa Renée Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT TRILOGY which will debut internationally across many countries in 2013. Booklist says that Jones’ suspense truly sizzles with an energy similar to FBI tales with a paranormal twist by Julie Garwood or Suzanne Brockmann. Alpha, military, and paranormal romance readers will want Jones’ entire series. (About the Zodius Series — Storm that is Sterling)

In 2003, award winning author Lisa Renée Jones sold her Austin, Texas based multi-state staffing agency and has since published over thirty novels and novellas across several genres. Her staffing agency LRJ Staffing was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by Dallas Women Magazine. In 1998 LRJ was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine.

Her debuts with Blaze and Nocturne hit Bookscan’s Top 100 list and her Blaze Hot Zone trilogy made a showing on the list in 2011 also.

Places to find Lisa Renee:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Red Inside Out Tote Bag + copy of Escaping Reality

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Lisa Renee Jones & Truly Schmexy Promotions for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


mk said...

Anything Lisa Renee Jones writes is something I want to read!

Debby said...

I love Anything written by Lisa Renee Jones. They are always so entertaining.

erin said...

sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing ;)

Unknown said...

I have been watching this book; it sounds very interesting. I look forward to reading it.

Sherry Butcher said...

Sounds great, would love to read all of them. What's Next"

PM350 said...

was great mmeting you @ RWA in Atlanta!
how's married life?

Kim said...

Writing is such a solitary endeavor. Do you ever miss the daily interactions with people from your staffing agency days or are you too busy in your current career?

Unknown said...

I am saving the books by Lisa Renee Jones for when I am on break. Reading them during school and since the semester is close to an end will not be passing my classes. I have read a lot of reviews about her books and I really want to read them now

Janice said...

Love this series. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Meghan said...

This sounds intense! Lisa- Was there anyone in your life who inspired any of your characters?

Natasha said...

Sounds like an amazing series!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Mary Preston said...

Lisa Renée Jones always delivers.

Anonymous said...

I guess I am wondering where you like to write? Do you have a desk off in a room with a "view" or like writing while outdoors? The cover of this book is lovely!

sienny said...

Looks good, I'll add it in my TBR

MissRlovesbooks said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway :)

Unknown said...

Whoooo! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Lisa Renee Jones, I love your writing!!! <3

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