
Guest Post with Author Toni Aleo and Giveaway

Meet author Toni Aleo.

Toni Aleo is the author of the Nashville Assassins series: Taking Shots, Trying to Score, Empty Net, and Blue Lines. When not rooting for her beloved Nashville Predators, she’s probably going to her husband’s and son’s hockey games and her daughter’s dance competitions, taking pictures, scrapbooking, or reading the latest romance novel. She lives in the Nashville area with her husband, two children, and a bulldog.

Places to find Toni:

Writing Erik Titov.

I know a lot of people are wondering why I wrote a hero that isn't like the traditional hero. First, I'd like to say that I am no a cookie cutter romance writer. I think it is boring when you have the traditional formal of writing romance. They meet, they have sex, they breakup, they declare love, the end. I hate that. I want to be out of the box. I want to push people emotions. I want them to have their minds blown and feel for my characters. With this book, with Erik and Piper, I think I did just that.

When I started this series, I had my men to be to die for perfect and I loved them. Each one coming out strong with great things about themselves, but then when Erik came to mind, he wasn't the perfect man that the others were. I had a really hard time with Erik. I wanted readers to love him but I also wanted them to understand his brokenness, his soul deep damaged self and I knew because of that, people were going to hate him. He isn't like Shea, Lucas, Tate or Jordan, or maybe he is, maybe he is a mix of all of them. He has the attributes of all the Assassins' men, but he is very damaged and doesn't know how to show his feelings to Piper.

I knew from the beginning that he loved her, that was obvious, he wanted her and tried to lose himself in other females to forget her, but it never worked. She was the one, he just didn't like that. I remember when I started writing him, I hated him. I screamed at the screen, telling him I was going to kill him off if he didn't get his shit straight but then I started to see his different layers, his heart and I fell hard. He got under my skin. He made me cry and hurt for him. The first time he feels his child kick, my heart breaks. He is perfectly unperfect and I am not ashamed to admit that I am totally in love with him.

But I think I love Piper more. I think Piper know from the beginning that Erik is a good man. She knows that he is hiding and doesn't want to come out and be the man she deserves but if she tries hard enough, if she doesn't give up on him that he'll come around. She has been flighty her whole life but with Erik, with their child, she's all in, no matter what. I commend Piper for the way she handled Erik because I for one would have beaten the living poo out of him with a hockey stick. I'm glad I didn't, though, I'm glad I rode out their love story because the end is worth waiting for.

Opposites do more than just attract in Toni Aleo’s latest Nashville Assassins novel about a very bad boy and the good girl he can’t resist.

The instant Piper Allen sees Erik Titov, she wants him—wants his rock-hard body, sure, but the strength and mystery that lies behind that superstar hockey jock demeanor, too. So when he sidles up to her at a bar and slinks his arm around her waist, she’s lost. What follows is the wildest night of her life . . . followed by inevitable heartbreak the next morning. And then, a few weeks later, a very big surprise: two blue lines on a pregnancy test.

Only a check to the head could make Erik fall for a nice girl like Piper. But since their crazy-sexy night together, he’s been trying to forget about her alluring body by falling into bed with every woman in Nashville, and it’s not working. So when Piper shows up at his house with a baby-bomb to drop, it doesn’t take much for Erik to suggest the nuclear option: marriage. While it’s supposed to be all for show, the second they say “I do,” the ice between them starts to melt into sizzling steam.

Includes a special message from the editor, as well as excerpts from these Loveswept titles: Taking Shots, Trying to Score, and Empty Net.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

On wobbly legs, she raised up onto her tippy toes to whisper in his ear, “Well, I’m pretty sure you want me.”

Erik asked, “What evidence do you have to support that statement?”

She bit her lip as she glanced down to where his hand was resting at her waist. Her gaze then traveled to his groin, where an impressive outline of his hard-on was on display. She looked back up at him and said, “I’m pretty sure there isn’t much room in those tight jeans.”

He ran his tongue along his bottom lip, his eyes holding hers for what seemed like forever. Was it the alcohol or was it him? She didn’t know, but before she could do anything or say anything, he announced, “I want to dance.”

Well didn’t that just ruin the moment.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 eBook copies of Blue Lines
  • 3 Swag Pack + eBook copy of Blue Lines
  • 1 Swag Pack + eBook set of The Assassins Series

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Toni Aleo & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I enjoyed the books I've read from this series and would love to win this one! Fingers crossed. :-)

Marcy Meyer said...

Thank you for the great giveaway chance! I have all the books in this series and would love to add this one!

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting and Happy Thanksgiving!

Ruth said...

I love this series!

KV H said...

I can't wait to read these books.

Preet said...

This is one my favorite sports series. I love seeing Toni Aleo getting recognition for her great books.

Debby said...

Hi Toni, I have never read any of your books and hope to in the future!

Glittergirl said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway. I love sport romance and it's cool the you write what you know ;-) Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Very interesting description of the story.

Jenafyre said...

This books sounds really really good. Thanks for the chance.

Chrisbails said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I am dying to read this book. I am a huge fan of this series and a huge fan of hockey. I am a big Chicago Blackhawks fan though.
My question for Toni is how many more books are going to be in this series? Who is up next? I would like to see a book for Phillip Anderson.

lorimeehan said...

The book sounds really good and I love hockey players.

Meghan said...

Hi Toni- What made you want to write about hockey players?? I'm just wondering because I also happen to be a HUGE hockey fan and I think they are the sexiest of the athletes!

Sue G. said...

Like this cover. Reminds me of Jaci Burton's covers in her Play-by-Play series.

krg said...

Thanks for the post, I love sports romance and you write them so well!

Mary Preston said...

I can't wait to read more about Erik.

jessiel said...

Love reading the post on what sounds like a great sports romance book that I'm going to have to read.

Ada said...

Can't wait to read Erik's book. Love sports romances, especially about hockey which is my favorite sport! :)

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