
Interview with Author Amanda Forester and Giveaway

Meet author Amanda Forester.

Amanda Forester holds a PhD in clinical psychology and a Masters degree in theology. As a psychologist, she has worked as a clinical researcher and a university instructor (what they call you when they don’t want to give you tenure). None of which has anything to do with writing romance novels. After trying for many years to stop the internal storylines floating around her head, she finally gave up and wrote one down. Now when she is caught daydreaming and talking to herself she can just say, “I’m plotting a scene for my next novel,” which sounds so much better than, “I’m hallucinating and responding to internal stimuli.”

Amanda lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family, three lazy house pets and one destructive puppy who is part yellow lab part tornado.

Amanda enjoys writing historical romance and splits her time between the rugged Highlands of medieval Scotland and the lively banter within the drawing rooms of Regency England. She enjoys researching the history almost as much as the writing, and attempts to provide the reader with a glimpse of the historical reality, though usually without the fleas. She enjoys sharing her passion for romance and history and loves hearing from readers.

Places to find Amanda:

A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
Shy Lord Thornton has sworn never to marry for money, until he meets an irrepressible American heiress and sparks (quite literally) fly!

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
I love to write dialog. In truth, my first drafts are often nothing but dialog and I add in the descriptions later. I also enjoy the happy ending, when my hero and heroine are finally together and all is well. I've been working hard for that happy ending so I like to enjoy it!

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
My two favorite Regency authors, Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer would definitely be invited to dinner! I wonder if they would be as funny in person as they are on the page - I bet they would! The third seat is a bit of a wild card for me. Maybe Shakespeare - it would be fun to find out who he really was!

What are you favorite types of stories to read?
This time of year I am a total sucker for Christmas themed romance. I love the anthologies the most because they contain novellas I can read quickly in between my busy holiday schedule. It is also is a great way to try out new favorite authors!

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I am currently writing my third Scottish novella, which will actually be a prequel to my third in the Marriage Mart series (Winter Wedding). I am writing three prequels, set in medieval Scotland, which feature the medieval ancestors of my Regency heroes. I enjoy cross-connected stories!

Since it is Thanksgiving I have two questions for you: 1) What are you most thankful for; and 2) What's being served on your table tonight?
I am most thankful for my family. I may be biased but I think I married the most fabulous man and my kids, with all their quirks, are my heart. I'm also thankful for the opportunity to publish my stories and I'm thrilled when one of them is enjoyed by a reader.

On my table tonight will be the traditional Thanksgiving fare of roasted turkey (my husband does find a way to add bacon to it) cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, and corn casserole. I also will be making (new this year!) a pumpkin bread pudding with a bourbon cream sauce. We'll see how it goes. One thing I know I love is the cranberry orange pumpkin bread I use as a base. Here is the recipe - Enjoy!

Cranberry Orange Pumpkin Bread
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 T plus 2t pumpkin pie spice
  • 2 t baking soda
  • 1½ t salt
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 1 can (15 oz) pumpkin
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • ½ cup orange juice
  • 1 cup craisons
  • orange zest of 1 orange
  1. Preheat oven to 350ยบ
  2. Grease and flour 2 9x5 loaf pans
  3. Combine flour, spices, baking soda and salt in large bowl.
  4. In separate bowl mix sugar, pumpkin, eggs, oil, juice, and zest. Beat until just blended.
  5. Add flour mixture and fold in craisons.
  6. Pour into loaf pans and bake 60-70 minutes until wooden pick inserted comes out clean.

In honor of the holiday, tell us what you are thankful for and the most unusual thing on your table today for a chance to win a copy of Midsummer Bride!

Thanks so much for inviting me. I hope a little Midsummer Bride will warm your hearts this holiday season! I love to hear from readers so come visit me at my website, facebook, or twitter.

Love is one experiment this scientist hasn't tested...

Miss Harriet Burton, a horrendously rich American heiress, laughs too loud, states her opinion directly, and even conducts science experiments. Her uncle is desperate to get her off his hands and is offering a king's ransom to anyone able to arrange a suitable marriage that comes with a title.

To avoid marriage, Harriet swears off all men, until she meets Duncan Maclachlan, Earl of Thornton. But when Thornton is falsely accused of being a traitor, Harriet must use her knowledge of chemistry to find the real culprit and spark true romance.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |
Check out the Marriage Mart series:
Click for info.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of A Midsummer Bride

To Enter: 
  • Leave answer Amanda's question: What you are thankful for and the most unusual thing on your table today
  • US/Canada Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Amanda Forester & Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for family – and books!

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway. I love these kinds of books, so fingers crossed to win. :-)

Sharlene said...

I am thankful for my family. I don't think we have anything really unusual on the table, though. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sherry Butcher said...

thankful for family, book giveawaays and winning. Maybe the Cranberry Orange Salad is unusual?

Jo said...

I'm thankful for my daughters, both of whom make me laugh every day. The most unusual thing on our table? A pineapple/shredded carrots/cream cheese/jello salad. It sounds very odd - but it is so yummy!

sheryl said...

I am thankful for my family and friends. Can't wait to spend the day reading after lunch. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving

wanda f said...

For the health of my family and theres nothing unsual on my table today just the normal stuff turkey, stuffing, chicken pastry ,green bean casserole etc.Happy Thanksgiving everyone

Beautiful Disaster said...

My family :)
Most unusual item at the table is probably oyster casserole which I think tastes yuck.
Happy Thanksgiving

Juana said...

I am thankful for my family especially my 87 yr old mom. Everyday with her is a blessing.

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

Glenda said...

I'm very thankful for my wonderful husband, amazing kids, and the rest of our family. I'm also thankfu that I didn't have to cook all of the feast this year. As for the most unusual thing on the table, for most Americans it would be the muffin sized Yorkshire Puddings. My mother in-law is British and she has been making the mini-yorkies since the kid were toddlers.

Debby said...

I am thankful for my family. I lost one but another found their way back. Most unusual item was a stuffed penguin.

Sandy said...

thankful for my family as well. The most unusual item was probably watery lasagne brought by a well meaning was basically soup.

laurie said...

i am thankful i found a job after two years of searching

erin said...

I'm also very thankful for my family. We had a wonderful thanksgiving dinner and nothing interesting/strange on the table :)

Di said...

I'm thankful for the lovely day I had with my family today.
We just had the usual Thanksgivng fare - tho I did make some french onion soup to start and got a lovely Asiago bread and Italian pastries for dessert.

Meghan said...

I'm thankful for my wonderful family and the most unusual thing was probably the Corn Casserole.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Like most people, I'm thankful for my family and friends. The most unusual dish on my table today was chow mien for Thanksgiving. We had our own asian Thanksgiving this year for it.

Sue G. said...

Thankful for my family. The most unusual thing would be Pineapple Whip. It is crushed pineapple (with the juice), mini marshmallows and Cool Whip all mixed together. A tradition in my hubby's family.

Sandy Kenny said...

I am thankful for the family and the friends that I have. I am also grateful for my best friend, someone who has come through for me when I was in the hospital (last week) and no one else could be counted on. As for something odd on my table, how about my 8 yr old son's "Trashpack" toys--they're small, squishy and very ugly.

Sandy Kenny said...

My son insisted his toys were an appropriate centerpiece. I was in recovery and couldn't eat most of the food we served, so I didn't mind the weirdness of the centerpiece.

Unknown said...

I am so very thankful for my family (including those of a four-legged and winged nature), and for my friends. We had a very calm meal, though maybe our Mississippi green beans with bacon would be unusual to some, I suppose. I also made sugar-free cinnamon teacakes. Maybe that's unusual? We were very, very boring this year. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

jmcgaugh said...

I'm thankful for my family and friends. I don't/didn't have anything unusual on my table.

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

I'm thankful for my family and good health! Hmm, it's not that unusually but we had curry chicken and ginger today. :)

LilMissMolly said...

Thankful for my kids. We had Brussels sprouts.

Anita H. said...

I'm thankful for my family and friends! Hmm, nothing unusual but then again, we celebrated our Thanksgiving in October :)

Ada said...

I'm thankful for my loved ones, my job and my health!! And of course all the books that wonderful authors write for us :) Can't say I had anything unusual at my table!

Tallulah A. Scribbles said...

I am thankful for my family and friends. I didn't have anything unusual on my table.

Natasha said...

My family.
Sweet Potatoes with marshmallows.
Thanks for the chance to win!

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