
Interview with Author Anne Elizabeth and Giveaway

Meet author Anne Elizabeth.

Anne Elizabeth is an award winning romance author, the creator of the teen PULSE OF POWER comic book series, and the Columnist on Comics, Manga, and Graphics Novels for RT BOOK REVIEWS magazine. With a BS in Business and MS in Communications from Boston University, she is a regular presenter at the RT Book Lovers Convention as well as a member of the Authors Guild and Romance Writers of America. Her published credits include stories with Atria/Simon & Schuster, Highland Press, Dynamite Entertainment, Sea Lion Books, Bravo Zulu Studios, LLC, and Sourcebooks, Inc. She grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, and now lives in the mountains above San Diego with her husband, a retired Navy SEAL. In her free time, she is also a serious Amelia Earhart who is always on the hunt for a new adventure.

Places to find Anne:
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Ala Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
#SEAL luv-Every woman dreams of marrying a perfect man. Aria Kavanagh thinks she’s found a hero in Navy SEAL Dan McCullum, but being his wife is a challenge. Is love worth it?

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
I enjoy writing suspense scenes. I like pulling out all the tech tools and weapons (an unlimited budget when you’re a writer) and putting the guys into action.

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
I would choose Cathy Maxwell, Dianna Love, and Marjorie Liu, because these dynamic ladies are brilliant writers and a blast to spend time with. Hooyah!

What are youR favorite types of stories to read?
I adore mysteries! I’m a huge Agatha Christie fan.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Yes, I’m working on my edits for my third SEAL book and my fourth teen graphic novel from the PULSE OF POWER series. It’s fun switching from novel fiction to the graphic fiction world and then going back again. It keeps me on my toes.

Here’s a question: Who’s your favorite sexy literary hero, and why?

Thank you for inviting me to Ramblings from This Chick! It was a blast! HOOYAH!!!

It's going to take a SEAL's strength to make this marriage work

Every woman dreams of marrying the perfect man-handsome, thoughtful, strong, and sensitive -and Aria Kavanagh believes she's found the ultimate hero in Chief Petty Officer Daniel McCullum. But being a U.S. Navy SEAL wife is a serious challenge, especially when the missions are putting more than their love in the line of fire. Can they jump the hurdles and handle the daily rigors without falling apart? Or will the pressures attached to the handsome uniform have them both questioning if their dedication is worth it? Every moment matters when the only thing that truly lasts is love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Once a SEAL

To Enter: 
  • Leave answer Anne's question: Who’s your favorite sexy literary hero, and why?
  • US/Canada Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Anne Elizabeth & Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kathy p said...

too many heroe's to pick just one!

Susan P said...

Almost every book I read has one! But I still love the men in the HORNET team of Tonya Burrow's books best.
lattebooks at hotmail dot com

erin said...

Mr. Darcy!!! Thanks for sharing :)

Unknown said...

I have to agree with the other posts...I read too much to pick just one. But although this book isn't something I would normally pick, I do believe Im gonna grab it! Its really caught my attention!
kdjohnston73 at yahoo dot com

Sandy Kenny said...

There are so many, I am having a difficult time choosing. If I have to choose, I think I will go with Mr. Darcy and Colonel Brandon. You can't go wrong with Jane Austen's heroes!

Sophia Rose said...

I like Jessica Scott's guys from her Coming Home series. Enjoyed the interview!

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Sophia Rose said...

I forgot to add that I like Jessica's heroes because they are just ordinary military guys serving their country and trying to take care of their family's back home too.

Jane said...

My favorite is probably Alec from Julie Garwood's "The Bride." It was my first romance and became hooked and Alec was a huge reason.

Debby said...

Roarke is always my fav!
debby236 at gmail dot com

lorimeehan said...

Ian MacKenzie from Jennifer Ashley's The Madness of Lord Ian MacKenzie. I like him because of all the difficulties he has and over came for his Beth.

Meghan said...

I will always choose Jamie Fraser from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. He's just so perfect.

Unknown said...

I fall in love with every new romance book. But if you're looking for my alltime favorite hero... that would be my husband Charles. .... Jaime Fraser comes in a close second. Love both of my men in their kilts.

Tallulah A. Scribbles said...

My favorite sexy literary hero is Dare Macintosh from Lori Foster's Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series. He is sexy, sweet, and has great arms for hugs.

Marcy Meyer said...

There are too many to choose from, but some of my most favorites are Caden Grayson from Hearts in Darkness by Laura Kaye, Christian Grey-Fifty Shades, Gideon Cross-Crossfire, Gavin Blake-Collide/Pulse and Brady Scott-One Night With A Hero.

LilMissMolly said...

Roarke from the Naked In.. series by JD Robb.

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