
Review: Wallbanger by Alice Clayton

I absolutely loved this book! There aren't even enough words to come close to telling you how much I adored everything about this story. Wallbanger is the first book that I have ever read by Alice Clayton, but I had been hearing great things about Wallbanger and knew that I had to check it out. This is by far one of my favorite books I have read this year. The characters are fabulous, the writing is amazing, and this book was laugh out loud funny! I find myself saying LOL often, but in the case of Wallbanger I was literally laughing out loud. My husband kept asking me what I was reading and what could possibly be so funny. I cannot honestly remember the last time that I had such a good time reading a book.

Caroline has a great job as an interior designer and has just moved into a great new apartment courtesy of her friend and boss. She never imagines when she decides to sublet that she will be kept awake all night. Turns out her apartment's walls are extremely thin and her new neighbor likes to entertain late at night. After several nights of little to no sleep, she decides to confront the wallbanger and tell him to quiet down. When Caroline shows up banging on Simon's door in nothing but a pink baby doll nightie things quickly get interesting. The attraction between them is instant, but with his harem of girls, Caroline has no intention of anything ever happening between them. But it really is a small world and they run into each other at a friend's party and come to a sort of truce. Things between them quickly change however as they become more and more friendly. Before long they are hanging out together often, and the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Will they finally give in to the attraction they feel and can Caroline be enough for him to leave his harem behind?

Oh how I loved Simon. He was sexy and confident, while being sweet and lovable. He was also extremely charming and impossible not to fall in love with. Despite his harem and wallbanging ways, you couldn't help but find him extremely likable. I also really loved Caroline. She was funny and independent, and completely unafraid to say what she thought. She is exactly the type of heroine that I love from page one and can't help but root for. Her character was so refreshing and different from so many other heroines I have read lately, and I have to say she is definitely one of my all time favorites. I loved how witty she was and her thoughts and personality, as well as the nicknames she came up with kept me in stitches the entire book. I loved the banter between Simon and Caroline. It was so much fun to watch these two verbally spar and go back and forth. They also had a ton of chemistry and I loved watching them circle each other as they got to know the other better. I really just loved everything about Simon and Caroline, and I loved that their relationship was slow to progress. It was nice to see them go from their first meeting to being friends and hanging out to more. These two are definitely a perfect couple, and I know that they will always be one of my favorites!

Overall this book is beyond amazing! It is funny and sweet, while being witty and sexy. This story is everything that I could possibly ask for in an entertaining and romantic read. I loved Caroline and Simon, but I also really loved their friends and Caroline's cat Clive. I loved the end of this book and thought that it was the perfect ending to this story! If you haven't read this story yet, you are seriously missing out! This book will be one that I know I will reread over and over, and will always be one of my go to books. I absolutely cannot wait to read more from Alice Clayton, and I can already see her being an auto-buy for me. I was sad for this one to be over because I was having such a great time reading this story. I just wasn't ready to give up Simon and Caroline and I would absolutely read anything about them I can get my hands on. Yes I'm a little greedy when it comes to these two, but they left me with a serious book hangover and I just can't help myself! For me this one is a must read, and I can't tell you enough of why you should immediately get this book!

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Sharlene said...

I have been wanting to read this book & wasn't able to get it at the library. I have a B&N coupon, so maybe I will use it for this. Loved your enthusiastic review!

Casey said...

Thanks Sharlene! It was seriously good! I hope that if you get it, you enjoy it as much as I did!

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