
Romance is Bliss Event with Robin Bielman

Meet Bliss author, Robin Bielman.

Robin Bielman lives in Southern California, a bike ride away from the ocean if she’s feeling really adventurous. She loves books and baking and running on the treadmill while watching her favorite TV shows. When she’s not reading or writing her next story, she’s spending time with her high school sweetheart husband and two sons, most likely watching, playing, or discussing baseball. She drives too fast, drinks too much caffeine, and if every day were Cupcake Day, she’d be a happy camper! She loves to connect with readers.

Places to find Robin:
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Why I Write Romance

“Knock, knock.”
“Who’s there?”
“Olive who?”
“Olive you.”

Boy Meets Girl has always been my most favorite part of any story. I love the first time they lay eyes on each other, love the first words spoken, love the fumbles along the way to knowing one another better. And I love the first kiss. Kissing is good. Kissing makes everything better. =)

I only started reading romance a few years ago. Growing up I was all about mysteries and Stephen King. When I hit my twenties, I didn’t read a lot. *hides under the table* I graduated from college, got married, worked, and then had my two boys. Life was busy, and when I did read, it was children’s books to my kids.

But one day my freelance writing work led me to romance. As I wrote about brides and weddings I realized the thing I’d loved most about books and movies and television was always the romance between the two main characters. And so when I decided to write novels, the decision to write romance was easy peasy.

I bought my first romance novel – The Bachelor by Carly Phillips – and I loved it! I was swept away, so blissfully happy to read about love. I devoured all her books and went on to other authors. Holy crap! I thought. I’d so missed out. Romance rocked. It took me away and filled me with joy and I wanted to give people a happily ever after too.

There’s so much going on in people’s lives today. Commitments and stresses and worries and for me, reading a romance novel helps me forget all that. It gives me a break and allows me to fall into another time and place. A place with people I want to be friends with and root for and pretend for a little while that I’m sitting in that coffee shop or at that bachelorette party, or walking down that beach.

Reading romance makes me feel good. I write romance in hopes of making others feel good.

<3 <3 <3

Huge thanks to Dani for having me here today and for hosting this awesome Romance Is Bliss event! And huge thanks to my fellow Bliss authors for all your wonderful books! You’ve made this reader feel good.

And now I’d love to know… Why do you read romance? Leave me a comment and you’ll be entered to win a $10 gift card to the online store of your choice!

Faking it with this flirt never felt so real…

Kagan Owens has a secret. One she thought she’d escaped by leaving New York, but when her past follows her to her temporary new life, Kagan lets a teeny lie slip. And now the town’s biggest playboy and flirt, Shane Sullivan, has become her pretend boyfriend—just until she’s ready to return to NYC. But the handsome, fun-loving Shane makes it tough to determine where their friendly agreement begins and ends…

Shane has no intention of settling down—in fact, his job depends on it, and nothing’s more important than his work. Still, he can’t help but agree to Kagan’s scheme, if only to find out more about the mysterious beauty. But when every touch from her sets his heart and body on fire, he realizes playing an accidental boyfriend may be more than he bargained for—and more than he can give.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Check out the Secret Wishes series:
Click for info.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Robin's question: Why do you read romance?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Robin Bielman for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Susan P said...

I read for escapism and the HEA. I have real life staring at me every day - I want to go somewhere (read) that doesn't have real life. LOL

Unknown said...

I read romance to escape daily drama and problems.

Unknown said...

I read romance simply because they make me happy!! Gives me the opportunity to escape and find that happy place within

Unknown said...

Because I love it, it makes me feel good :)

Rhonda D said...

I read romance because I love trying to figure out what trials and tribulations the couple will have to go thru to get their HEA and they lift my spirtis. Thanks for sharing!
Rhonda D

Unknown said...

I read romance for the illusion of perfection. Even if the characters have flaws, they are at their core, decent and admirable people without neurotic peccadilloes.

Sue G. said...

I love the happy ending. I love coming away in a good mood.

The Bachelor was the first book of Carly Phillips' I read too! I love Carly books.

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Susan! I'm with ya on the escapism and HEA!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Karen! Okay, so sometimes when I'm really stressed with so many things to do I don't know where to start, I'll just grab my nook or kindle and read instead. :) Somehow after that, I'm better able to get to what needs to be done. (Oh, and I'll take little reading breaks throughout the day, too. Especially if the book is really good.)

kathy p said...

I love the stories and the happy endings!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Bette!! I guess we all read romance for the same reasons, huh? Romance novels really are a dose of happy!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Morena! Gosh, reading everyone's reply, I want to read all day today!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Rhonda! Thank *you* for sharing! Love your answer. We all love the HEA, right? But what keeps us turning the pages is the tension, the will they or won't they? (Even though we know they will!)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Sebella! Oh, this is a great answer. Characters for me are really what makes a great book. I can forgive things in the plot and story if I love the characters.

elena k said...

I was always reading romantic books, from the fairytales when I was a little girl till now.When I was 11 I read my first real romantic book. my sister came from school and she found me crying. why are you crying she asked, is the book sad?no it is perfect I told her. when she read it I found her then crying for the great love of the characters and the hea. it is the best when you read a romantic story and it touches you inside and then you can share these feelings with strangers that read the same book!authors like you Robin are a blessing for the rest of us when you give us those emotions!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Sue! I was thinking I might reread The Bachelor sometime soon just because it was "my first." LOL There are so many wonderful authors out there, though, and I'm still playing catch up!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Kathy! Me too! :)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Elena! Thank you so much for your kind words. (You're going to make me cry!) That's one of the best compliments, hearing that my characters resonate with readers. *hugs!* And I love what you shared with us - thank you!

Anonymous said...

I love the happy endings and the romance between the characters.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! I love Amazon, so fingers crossed to win the gift card. :-)

Amy said...

Hi Robin - I am glad you write it now! I read growing up and then when I hit college, got married and had kids I didn't read a lot of books for myself. They were magazines or kids books. I got back into it after Twilight. By the time I decided to watch the movies the 3rd one was out as was all the books. I read them all really quickly and loved them. I then started looking at more books and got a Nook for my birthday and then my world just exploded with books! I can read just about any genre as long as there is a love story that takes place!

erin said...

I like the escape into something fun/exciting/romantic and I'm a sucker for a good HEA :) Thanks for sharing!

Paula Altenburg said...

I love your books, Robin! They're always so emotional.

Chrisbails said...

I love reading a good HEA. I also love reading about people falling in love and trying not too. I also love reading good stories and following along with the characters.

Marcy Meyer said...

I read romance, because I'm a sucker for love stories. It's also a fun escape from reality. I can be the characters and live in a different world for awhile.

lorimeehan said...

I like a HEA. Life is hard enough not to have something happy to read!

Anonymous said...

I read romance for the HEA with a gorgeous hero.

Perava said...

I'm romantic by nature!!

Anonymous said...

For the love, romance, sex and HEA! :)


Robin Bielman said...

Hi Lindsey! Yep, happy endings and romance, the perfect combination for me, too! And you're welcome. I'm also a fan of Amazon. That one click is killer!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Amy! Aw, thank you! Twilight was the first YA book I read and I was hooked! I read them after they'd all come out, too, and gobbled them up in about a week. I also enjoy reading any genre as long as there's a love story as the central focus. I'm all about the guy and girl. ;) And I uh, totally alternate between my Nook and Kindle AND still buy print books. It's an addiction. LOL A very happy one.

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Erin! (Hey, Erin is my heroine's name in my next book.) Call me a sucker, too! If there isn't a HEA, I don't want to read it.

Robin Bielman said...

Hey Paula! You are awesome to stop by! Thank you! And I love your books, too! <3

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Chris! Oh my gosh, yes! Reading about characters who don't want to fall in love is so fun! I love watching them fall!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Marcy! I love being in different worlds, too. And I always feel like when I've finished a book, I've made good friends. :)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Lori! Exactly!!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Jbst! I wondered if anyone was going to mention gorgeous heroes. I'm with you on that! ;)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Perava! Aw, I love that. I'm a romantic at heart, too.

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Lois! Great answer! I think you hit the perfect foursome!

Janice said...

I read romance for the HEA. The journey might be long and difficult sometimes, but it's always great when it all works out in the end. :)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Janice! I love it, too, when all the big stumbling blocks are overcome and the hero and heroine realize they can't live without each other. *sigh*

Robin Bielman said...

Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by today! And Dani, thanks again for having me! I had a great time with you and your readers!

Happy weekend!

TerrieLynn61 said...

I read romance because it takes me to a place were I don't have to deal with the drama of everyday "real" life. :-) They relax me and put a smile on my face. Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway.

Kim said...

I read romance because I love happy endings.

Glenda said...

I read for an escape from daily life. I read romance for the HEA and the relationship building before the HEA.

JenM said...

I read romance because I'm a total sucker for love stories and I love HEAs.

Michelle said...

Hi Robin...I love to read your romance novels because the stories always leave me feeling happy and hopeful! Her Accidental Boyfriend was such a great book. My face hurt from smiling so much!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi TerrieLynn, Kim, Glenda and Jen! Thanks so much for commenting!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment! It makes me so happy to hear you say you couldn't stop smiling. Thanks for telling me! And thanks for reading Her Accidental Boyfriend - I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! *hugs*

Martha Lawson said...

I read romance as an escape from every day life and its problems and also I kow I'm going to get a happy ever after!! Thanks so much for the giveaway.

mlawson17 at Hotmail dot com

Natasha said...

For the escape and the happy endings.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Mary Preston said...

You can't beat a HEA.

Sharlene said...

I read romance for the sure thing HEA. It helps me de-stress!

Meghan said...

It's entertaining. It makes me happy and it gives me something good to believe in!

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