
ARC Review: Remembering Us by Stacey Lynn

I'm not usually one for amnesia stories, but there was something about this one that drew me in and made me want to read it. I ended up really enjoying this book and couldn't put it down. Remembering Us was emotional and at times heartbreaking, and I didn't have a clue what was really going on most of the time. I can honestly say that I really didn't know what had happened or how things would end. This book kept me guessing the entire way through, and I just couldn't stop because I had to know everything.

All Amy knows of her life is everything that happened before the last two years and that she had some sort of accident. Everything else about her life is what people tell her. She lives in an apartment with her boyfriend Adam who is a stranger to her. She has her best friend Kelsey around to help her though, and she begins to start piecing her life back together. Amy and Adam are seeing a therapist to help with her memory loss and the tough situation they find themselves in. Amy doesn't trust Adam and the more she begins to remember about him and see in her dreams, the more she feels there is a reason for her lack of trust. Adam struggles with how to deal with the woman he loves only remembering all the bad times and mistakes. He tries to be patient and give her the space she needs, but it's hard for him to have her be so close and yet so far away. With her memories slowly coming back and more time spent with Adam, Amy starts to develop feelings for him and begins to see how she had once fallen in love with him. She still has trust issues, but they begin to fade with time. Will Amy's memories come back and explain everything that took her from her former life to where she is now? Can Adam and Amy have back the future that a tragic accident stole for them, or will it be too late to regain everything that was lost?

I really liked Adam. I felt so bad for him and the situation he was in. I cannot possibly imagine how hard it would be to watch the person you love stand right in front of you and act as though you are a stranger. My heart truly broke for him at times during this story, and yet he was always there supporting Amy convinced that she would someday remember. Even though he struggled with how to handle everything and deal with the circumstances that they were dealt, you could tell how much he really loved Amy. He was always trying to do what was best for her even if it hurt him in the process. I liked Amy also. I felt frustrated with her at times because of how she would react to Adam and how she treated him. But I also know that if I was in the same situation I'm sure that I would be confused and skeptical also. But it was hard to see them go through this and be mad about either one of them acting the way they were. I loved seeing them go through the process of getting through the aftermath of the accident though, and watching as Amy's memories came back and her feelings grew for Adam. These two were really great together, and I thought that they were meant for each other. They seemed to get each other unlike anyone else, and they had an undeniable connection to each other even when Amy didn't remember it. They also had a lot of chemistry and you could feel the tension between them. Amy might not have remembered their relationship, but she knew that she was always attracted to him and couldn't fight wanting to be with him.

Overall, I thought that this was a really great second chance romance story. I liked that Amy and Adam never gave up on each other and kept working on getting back their relationship. I loved how much faith Adam had in her and how he didn't ever abandon her. I thought it was really sweet how he would take her to their favorite places and try to help her remember things. The only thing that I would have liked to have seen was more insight into Adam. I felt like although we got to see a lot of what had happened to him and made him who he was, that this story could have really benefited from having some of his POV. I would have loved to have seen and experienced his thoughts and feelings while going through all of this. But I really enjoyed this story, and it was really well written. I recommend this book to anyone who likes an emotional read about an enduring love that can conquer many obstacles thrown in the way. This book is an emotional roller coaster that will keep you guessing until the very end. I loved Amy and Adam's story and was very glad to see their HEA play out. I will definitely be looking for more from Stacey Lynn in the future and can't wait to see what she writes next.

**ARC provided by Love Between the Sheets**

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Beth said...

That sounds like a really good story. It kind of reminds me of The Vow.

Casey said...

Hi Beth! It was really good, and although similar to The Vow I actually liked this one a lot better!

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