
ARC Review: Savor by Monica Murphy

This is the third book in the Billionaire Bachelors Club series. Matt DeLuca, a former professional baseball player, has bought a failing winery. Part of the package is Bryn James. She is his assistant and object of interest. She wears no makeup and the blandest clothes. Matt would love to shed her shields and have the gorgeous body within. She has the same designs on him. She hides her curves due to past experience with lecherous men and her dirt poor upbringing. She was falsely accused of being a home wrecker and still believes the insults she endured. Matt’s friends’ wives decide Bryn needs a makeover to snare him. The friends hope it works because if Matt touches a woman in the next forty five days, he has to pay them one million dollars. There is a grand reopening of the winery and she’s dressed to be undressed. Much to Matt’s chagrin, every man notices, including his drunken father Vinnie. Bryn offers to babysit Vinnie so Matt can mingle at the party. Vinnie propositions her and accuses her of being a gold digger. Matt has him thrown out. Later, at a convention in New York, Matt and Bryn become better acquainted. Pictures are taken without their knowledge and hit the Internet. She’s humiliated and runs back home to Texas to live with her grandmother. Will Matt follow?

Matt and Bryn make an excellent couple. They meet through work, but he relies on her for everything. Not only is he attracted to her beauty, but to her knowledge of the business. He’s wealthy, but with her, it’s a disadvantage. She’s more grounded than the women he has dated. The pressure is on him not to push too hard for a relationship. The wives’ interest in her detracts a bit. They buy her clothes and insist on her wearing makeup and doing her hair. I think Bryn is capable of making those decisions herself. She is shy, but deals with her circumstances with a bit of grace and charm.

At first, Bryn is right to tread lightly around Matt. He has a reputation of being a ladies’ man. She would be another number. His friends’ wives encourage her to be pursued. She’s not sorry for the attention and fits in very well with them. In the end, she follows her heart.

To quote Bryn’s grandma, “Don’t let a good man go.”

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sharlene said...

I have this book & series on my TBR list. Thanks for the review!

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