
ARC Review: All For You by Jessica Scott

I’m quickly learning that Jessica Scott doesn’t play-what an intense book! There is so much raw emotion, and battle scars in this book I feel like I need therapy! Sergeant First Class Reza Iaconelli, where to start… My heart broke for him. He was pure male power wrapped up in a lot of personal demons. I seriously had to catch my breath a couple of times with him. He is full of contradictions. Physically he is all male. Big and physically strong. Emotionally he is living one day to the next trying to function as best he can. He tries to be the best Sergeant he can for his soldiers. He is sympathetic to their insecurities yet battles with how to adequately prepare them for the realities of war and military life. Reza is a recovering alcoholic, he struggles everyday with his addiction. He is also surrounded by soldiers that have the same struggles. Aside from struggling with alcoholism he is also dealing with PTSD. Reza came with his own scars before joining the military and we learn about his home life and how it shaped him.

Captain Emily Lindbergh is the opposite of Reza, although she struggles with her own personal issues, she comes from a life of privilege. Her father was in the military but she never personally experienced the life of a soldier. She is trying to bring help to soldiers such as Reza and his men, but not everyone thinks this is a good idea or is very welcoming to her. Emily was a fantastic character. She tried to show the soldiers her commitment to their mental health and was often the target of military personnel’s wrath. Emily is alarmed at the high number of suicides and tries to provide the soldiers with some psychological support.

As a couple Emily and Reza where exact opposites yet perfectly matched. Where he is physically strong and emotionally weak Emily is physically weak but emotional very strong. They had excellent chemistry and I loved that they formed a strong friendship. I loved that they each met the other where they were at. Emily never tried to “fix” Reza she accepted and gave him the support he needed although at times did not want.

These characters were so real, Scott really peels back all their emotions and gives us two very vulnerable people. When I read “Back to You” I felt the same way. The characters were both so imperfect and so real. Ms. Scott really captures the damage that soldiers experience during combat, after, and before.

Honestly, this is a tough read. I put the story down a couple of times, not because it was not well written or interesting, because it was all of those; but emotionally very challenging. The characters were worth it. It’s not a light read but it does provide a very “unromantic” look at the hardships of war and military life. Overall, I think I can say that I recommend everything and anything written by Jessica Scott. She really knows how to strip down her characters and show us who they are. After the emotional odyssey it’s beautiful to see Reza and Emily find their way together! Another fantastic journey with Ms. Scott!!

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Sophia Rose said...

I loved this one too. But yeah, it was a tough read.

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