
Guest Post with Author Cynthia Sax and Giveaway

Meet Cynthia Sax, author of Flashes of Me.

Cynthia Sax lives in a world filled with magic and romance. Although her heroes may not always say, “I love you”, they will do anything for the women they adore. They live passionately. They play hard. They love the same women forever.

Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research, while they travel the world together, meeting fascinating people and finding inspiration in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bali, and Chicago.

Places to find Cynthia:

Does Size Matter?

Henley, the hero of Flashes Of Me, is a BIG man. He’s tall and broad with not an inch of fat on his muscular body. He’s conscious of his size, wearing all black to emphasize his unusual physique even more.

Being a large man has its benefits. People are naturally scared of him and this helps him in his role as head of security at Blaine Technologies. He likes to loom over wrongdoers, intimidating them with his mere presence. This decreases the odds he’ll have to use his massive fists.

His height and width has its disadvantages also. As Kat, the heroine, states “Some people think big men are dumb.” Kat realizes immediately that Henley is very intelligent, maybe too intelligent. He sees the secrets she would prefer remain hidden.

Being tall and broad has its unique challenges. Henley can’t fit into all cars (no cute little Porsches for him) and, when he drives, he pushes the seat until it’s almost in the back seat. You do NOT want to sit behind Henley. He also can’t buy his black suits off the rack. He has his clothes custom made for him, the cloth clinging to his big body.

As a reader (and all writers are readers first), I love the large hero because I feel he can defend the heroine (and myself) if that was needed. I love that he can literally sweep her off her feet. I love that he makes her feel petite and dainty and womanly. I love the contrasts of her small fingers and his big mitt of a hand, her curves and his muscle.

One of the reasons Kat loves Henley’s size is because he serves as a physical wall between her and a world she can’t, at this moment, handle. She has a sunny, happy personality normally but she needs him, right now, to frighten others away. I can’t imagine any other hero with Kat.

Does the size of a hero matter to you?

Henley, the head of cyber security at Blaine Technologies, is a man no one crosses. He watches employees constantly, using his network of cameras, and enforces his rules by any means possible. Rumors of his violent past, along with his scarred hands and huge size, have resulted in his being feared by everyone … almost everyone.

Katalina, the new intern, worries about the revelation of her most painful secret much more than she fears her sexy boss's wrath. She sees the loneliness in his dark eyes, feels the gentleness in his marred fingers, tastes the need in his kisses … and she knows he watches her. His silly rules about not stripping for the cameras and no sex at the office are destined to be broken.

Kat likes to be watched. Henley can't look away. Will this beauty be able to tame her beastly boss?

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Gift Card (Amazon or Barnes & Noble)

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Cynthia's question: Does the size of a hero matter to you?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Cynthia Sax & Tasty Book Tours sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


dstoutholcomb said...

I like the alpha male larger size

Marcy Meyer said...

The bigger the better, I say. lol!!

Sandy Kenny said...

I tend to like a large alpha male. :)

Unknown said...

My dream alpha is definitely large

Cassie said...

Definitely think larger has more appeal ;)

books4me said...

I love big men...they do make women feel safer and I love when he's paired with a woman with curves, making her feel safe and small!


Cynthia Sax said...

Thank you for hosting me today!!! (big hugs) And YES, I love a large and in charge hero. Yum. Yum. Yum.

Cynthia Sax said...

Yes, I love the big strong alpha also, dstoutholcomb! (big hugs)

Cynthia Sax said...

LOL (hugs Marcy)

Cynthia Sax said...

Aren't they yummy, Sandra?

Cynthia Sax said...

Mine too, Bette!

Cynthia Sax said...

LOL There's definitely more of him to find appealing, Cassie.

Cynthia Sax said...

Yes, Kat, the heroine, is a curvaceous gal. She needs a big man to make her feel delicate.

Tiffany Drew said...

Bigger is always better ;) Thank you!

Jan Hougland said...

Oh my, romantic suspense stories are one of my fave genres -- and Cynthia is one of my fave authors in that realm. Maybe it's the erotic nature of her stories, maybe it's the plot lines and action, I'm not sure. But I like her stories. So thanks for your writing, Cynthia, and thanks for this post!

Unknown said...

I love big alpha male. Thank you for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

It doesn't hurt to be big, thnaks

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter too much, but it's always fun to read of a big, muscular alpha hero – and the contrast if the heroine is tiny.

Thank you so much for the giveaway! I'd love the chance to win, so fingers crossed. :-)

JanD said...

The hero's size doesn't linger on my mind. It's more about his personality and how he treats the heroine.

Filia Oktarina said...

No, It doesn't matter to me.

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