
ARC Review: The Tycoon’s Socialite Bride by Tracey Livesay

Marcus Pearson is a successful real estate developer and the third youngest man on the Forbes richest people list. His life started at the bottom and he has clawed his way to the top. One property remains high on his list. The sale has stalled because Marcus is deemed unworthy by the current owner. The Holcombe Hotel represents a promise he made to his late mother. She had worked there as a maid and was attacked by a wealthy patron. Then she was fired for reporting the crime. Marcus sees owning it as validation for his family. Pamela Harrington is the daughter of the powerful African American senator from Virginia. Her family’s name is sterling and perfect for Marcus. She wants him to keep a women’s shelter open in a building he owns. They strike a deal involving a marriage of convenience. The shelter stays open and he can purchase the hotel. They don’t plan to fall in love, but the physical attraction can’t be denied. Her father is not pleased with the rushed nuptials and demands she go back to her former fiancĂ©. She defies him and marries Marcus. She is the ultimate trophy wife and his association with her pays off, but at what price?

Pamela is a woman trying to find her way in a man’s world. The power and influence belong to her father and Marcus. She is seen as a prize to be won. Her life revolves around public service. She has taken it a step further by getting personally involved in the women’s shelter. She offers seminars to the women and works there. She is trying to break out of the box she has been put in by her father and the perception of her class. She uses her influence for the sake of others. She’s likeable and proves to her father and Marcus she’s entitled to make her own choices in life.

Marcus is a good foil for Pamela. He understands her relationship with her father and her fight for the shelter. He knows his mother would have benefitted from help. He knows there is a need and is impressed she’s stepped in to speak for the disadvantaged. Some of his judgment is clouded by his past experiences, but he also sees the passion in Pamela. The marriage is set to be short lived, but Marcus falls in love first. They stumble into the relationship, but he proves he’s a keeper.

Pamela Harrington made me think of many wealthy women who have pushed social issues forward through money and personal pleas. They may not work in regular settings, but follow their hearts and devote themselves to charity and volunteerism. She represents a throwback to a different time, but fills a real need in her community. Together, they make a true power couple and interesting to watch.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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