
Sealed With a Kiss Event - Susanna Ives

Susanna Ives grew up in the rural South, where she spent most of her youth at the local theater, acting in productions, working in the lighting booth, and building sets. Eventually she left her small town for the city lights of Atlanta, where she attended college and worked in corporations as a multimedia developer. These days she chases after her two curious, energetic children, designs web pages, and writes.

Places to find Susanna:

Lord and Lady Dashiell have been married for several years, but they still desire each other like love-crazed newlyweds. Vivienne has been busy planning a rather sexy Valentine’s Day present for her husband…

Wicked Little Valentines

London, 1852

“Love, are you ready?” Lord Dashiell called to his wife from his side of the door connecting their bedchambers. “I’m dying. This box must weigh ten stones.” He wore a deep blue silk robe and, in his arms, he held a huge present tied in a red bow. Despite how he teased his wife, the box wasn’t heavy.

What was killing him was his desire for her.

“One minute,” Vivienne called.

No, now! He thought. I’ve been dreaming about you all day. He heard more shuffling in the other room. “Am I going to have to break down the door?”

At that moment she opened it. His jaw dropped. She wore a robe of sorts: red, delicate and sheer enough to expose all her female parts. Her long black hair flowed loose. She wore the intricate gold necklace, earrings and bracelets that he had bought her in India. Around the bedchamber, tiny candles flickered and sweet incense filled the air.

The edge of her mouth hiked in a sly smile as she easily lifted the package from his arms. “You poor man, let me take this box. Oh, my goodness, it’s so heavy! How did you manage?” She cast a coquettish, come-hither glance over her shoulder, her tresses swishing across her back as she headed for the bed. Perfect.

“Is this my St. Valentine’s Day present?” she asked.

“It’s St. Valentine’s?” He feigned shock. “That’s just something I picked up while I was waiting at the wine merchant’s.”

She stuck out her tongue at him, sat on the bed and tugged at the bow, her eyes dancing with anticipation. Yet when she opened the lid, her beautiful smile faltered.

She withdrew a huge blade. “What in the world?”

“It’s a machete, love.”

“You gave me a knife for St. Valentine’s Day?” Annoyed disbelief imbued her voice.

“There’s more,” he said, coming to sit beside her. Her jasmine and sugar scent filled his nose and tingled in his nerves. My God, she was beautiful. Her lips formed a teasing moue, just begging to be ravished. But when he leaned forward to capture her mouth, she looked down, leaving him to kiss the empty air. From the box, she drew a mosquito net, a canister of chocolate, and then a stunning turquoise necklace–for that one, he received a hug. He could feel her breasts beneath the thin fabric, sending a warm current to his chest before heading further south.

“Can we just skip the rest, love?” he asked, gently trying to recline her against the mattress.

A hot spark flashed in her green eyes. “Not until I read your letter telling me of your undying, love and devotion.”

“But you know that already. Let’s just go to the part where I show you my undying adoration.”

She put her finger to his lips and then dug his valentine from the bottom of the box. Tickets for a ship to South America fell out as she began to read.

She dropped the letter and gazed at him. “That’s so beautiful.”

He tried to pretend that her lovely, luscious wet eyes didn’t move his heart. “Now that that’s over … ” Again, he attempted to lower her onto the bed, trailing little kisses on her neck, whispering how much he desired her.

“Wait,” she cried, giving him a gentle push.

“Why are you torturing me? It’s St. Valentine’s Day.”

“Because you haven’t read my letter. I’ve been working on it all week, and I’m very proud of it.”

She handed him an envelope. He drew out two missives. “Vivienne, this is Sanskrit.”

“I know,” she gushed. “But look, I wrote an English version on the page below.”

He shifted the papers and began to read:

He stared at her, his hand on her cheek. “I adore you with all my heart,” he whispered, and planted a tender kiss on her eyelid. “All my soul.” Another kiss on the tip of her nose. “All my being.” The last kiss found her mouth and quickly turned hot with desire.

“Wait,” she said again.

“I can’t!”

“Yes, you can for your present.”

From under the pillow she drew out a slim, old volume. “I found this in India. It’s um… interesting.” She snuggled close to him and opened the first page.
He chuckled. “The Kama Sutra.”

She blushed and turned the pages, all richly illustrated. “I think we should try this one.”

“I don’t know.” He shook his head, teasing her. “That looks awfully strenuous. Are you sure?”

She nodded, her blush deepening.

“Very well.” A dark smile curled his mouth as he began to untie his robe. “Then you’ll just lift your legs around my – ”

Bam! The door flew open. “Oh, God!” Vivienne cried as they snatched the covers, hiding their bodies.

“Happy St. Valentine’s!” Their six-year-old daughter waved a card with a misshapen heart painted on the front. “See what I made! Do you want to read it?”

Husband and wife looked at each other and sighed, resigned. “Later,” he whispered to Vivienne. “And let’s remember to lock the door.” He turned and patted the bed. “Dearest, let’s see your card.”

Check out Vivienne and Hadrian's love story in Wicked Little Secrets

It's Not Easy Being Good...

Vivacious Vivienne Taylor has finally won her family's approval by getting engaged to the wealthy and upright John Vandergrift. But when threatened by a vicious blackmail scheme, it is to her childhood friend that Vivienne turns; the deliciously wicked Viscount Dashiell.

When Being Wicked is so Much More Exciting...

Lord Dashiell promised himself long ago that his friendship with Vivienne would be the one relationship with a woman that he wouldn't ruin. He agrees to help her just to keep the little hothead safe, but soon finds that Vivienne has grown up to be very, very dangerous to all of Dash's best intentions.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

 Check out what's up for grabs.

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  • 1 copy of Wicked Little Secrets

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Susanna Ives for sponsoring this giveaway.
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kipha said...

Hi Susanna!!! That was such a torturous scene for poor Dash. LOL

What do you have planned for Valentine's Day?

sheryl said...

Ahhhh!!! I am dying to read this book!!! I loved the letters and the little by play. I don't know how I have not gotten around to reading this.

Karen H said...

Oh, I'm loving this story. Now tell me why it is I don't have your books on my TBR or BTB lists? That's changing today. Off to buy Suzanna's books!

S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
S said...

Hi, Sheryl, Ah, thank you!!! Scribd has a long excerpt from the book. Perhaps you can read a few pages and see it WLS is for you. The humor is the same as in the scene above.

S said...

Hi, Kipha, Poor Dash, indeed. Vivienne always confounds him, but then, he is easily confounded. No big plans for Valentine’s aside from a school bake sale/ fundraiser. My husband and I will probably cook together as the restaurants are always packed and I’m not organized enough to make reservations and find baby-sitters ahead of time.
What are your Valentine’s Day plans?

S said...

Thank you for your kind comment, Karen! If you like the scene above, then do try Wicked Little Secrets. However, my first book Rakes and Radishes is more Gothic and darker in tone.

May said...

Love these letters. ..

Unknown said...

LOL! Their daughter sure knows how to ruin a moment. Who knew a romantic moment could turn so painful in a few seconds. But I do love this gave me a few good happy laughs

AquarianDancer said...

Oh, that was a fantastic little snippet! I love the behind closed door part. ;-)

Tina said...

I am so happy to see them having a Valentine's moment -- now go finish the part where the daughter FINALLY goes to bed and they can get back to exploring Indian art and philosophy.

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Susanna! I loved these letters! I can't wait to read the book. Thanks for posting here today. :)

penney said...

I can't wait to read this. It sounds very good. I love the cover.
Great blog today.

S said...


S said...

Thank you. I really couldn't go into the romantic moment on this blog. So saved by the daughter!

S said...

Closed LOCKED doors!

S said...

Yeah, but by the time the daughter FINALLY goes to bed, they are no longer in the mood for philosophy, art, and anything else :) But wait, this is the Victorian era; there are servants...

S said...

Thank you for your kind words!

Janice said...

I really want to read this book. The cover drew me in and the letters sealed the deal. Thanks!

S said...

Thank you! I love the cover too!

S said...

Oh, thank you! I hope you enjoy it!

LilMissMolly said...

Your book sounds great! Isn't historical romance wonderful?

Emma said...

I can't wait to read the book.

S said...

I think so!

S said...


Jan Hougland said...

Oh Susanna! :-) I loved the excerpt included on this post. And I've told my hubby about it being now on my "wish list" at Amazon. He's not too good at hints though. :-) Thanks for letting us know about your latest release. Can't wait to read it!

S said...

Thanks, Janice! I hope can read it soon. It's a crazy book. Have a wonderful Valentine's!

Preet said...

Just when I thought I knew how the scene was going to end, there was a surprise at the end. I loved the scene and can't wait to read the book!

S said...

Thank you! I enjoyed writing the scene but had to keep it rated PG :)

kipha said...

Sweet! Bake sale! As for me I might go to the movies~ Winter's Tale comes out and I want to see it. Other than that, I'll probably eat lots of chocolate and candy. :)

Barbara E. said...

Loved the story and the letters. I'm looking forward to reading Wicked Little Secrets.

Jeanne M said...

Hi Susanna!

I already wanted to read Wicked Little Secrets and after reading Vivienne and Dash's love letters to each other after they were married I want to read it even more!

I guess you could say I'm a romantic at heart and have been since meeting my husband all those years ago but the one thing that meant the most to me was the letters he wrote to me when he was in the Navy during Vietnam. They would take weeks to arrive since he was on an aircraft carrier and yes, I still have all of them! I miss those days when people actually wrote letters and am so glad that I still have the ones he sent and again this year on our 44th Anniversary last Friday I open that box and read them "just one more time"!

Thanks for not only writing their love story but also showing us all a glimpse of what true love is by "sharing" their letters to each other with us!

bn100 said...

Nice scene

dstoutholcomb said...

that was fun!

jmcgaugh said...

They make an adorable, sexy couple; can't wait to read the book!

lorimeehan said...

Susanne you are a new author to me. The book sounds really good.

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Beautiful Disaster said...

Wow! I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the story. Happy Valentines Day!

S said...

Good morning! Thank you for the lovely comments last night. Unfortunately I am iced in without power in Atlanta. I'll respond to everyone as soon as power is restored

Sue G. said...

Story of my life for years! Now that the kids are older they leave us alone!

This sounds really good. Adding to my list.

Kim said...

Thanks for the scene. I hope you get your power back soon. It can't be fun with no heat.

Carol L. said...

Hi Susanna, I loved the letters and the excerpt. I'm really looking forward to reading this book. Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day.Thanks for the opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

S said...

Wow, Jeanne!

What a lovely story. Happy anniversary! I miss real letters too. Email is so fleeting. Whenever I read an old letter, I’m transported back in time to the person I was when I received it.

Again, thank you for commenting and for sharing your beautiful real-life love letter story. It warmed my icy day.

S said...


S said...

Thank you!

S said...

I adore Vivienne and Dashiell. They are both crazy in the best way. Thanks!

S said...

I think it is:) Thank you for commenting.

S said...

Thank you. And also thanks to Ramblings from this Chick for putting this awesome event together.

S said...

Thank you for the kind wishes. I hope you enjoy the book. Have a lovely Valentine's Day as well.

S said...

hahaha! I know! Thanks for stopping by.

S said...

Power is back, but I don't know for how long. It's very quiet just sitting by the fire.

S said...

Hi Carol, I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Thank you for your kind words.

TerrieLynn61 said...

Wicked excerpt. I can't wait to read this book. Love the cover. Kudos to the cover artist.

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