
Guest Post with Author Avery Flynn and Giveaway

Meet Avery Flynn, author of High-Heeled Wonder.

Avery Flynn loves a hockey-addicted husband, has three slightly wild children and is desperately wishing someone would invent the coffee IV drip. Find out more about her on her website (, Twitter (@AveryFlynn) or Facebook ( She posts all sorts of fashion, reading and hero inspiration pictures on Pinterest (

Places to find Avery:
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Head: Lucky 7 Fashion Questions Answered

Opinionated fashionista. Stubborn blogger. Nobody's fool.

Sylvie Bissette may be a tough chick with a dark past, but she's also Harbor City's most sought after fashion blogger, the High-Heeled Wonder, and not just by the stalker hot on her trail. Who better to sit down with and get your top seven fashion questions answered?

1. White after Labor Day?
Of course. Go with what you love - unless it's Crocs and then keep that a lifelong, deep dark secret.

2. Best accessory?
Something that sparkles - or a hot guy.

3. Perhaps a certain hot private investigator/bodyguard/pretend boyfriend?
Tony's okay, if you go for that alpha, strong silent type with biceps that would make a blind woman salivate. Forget that last part. I don't know what came over me. Can we get back to the fashion?

4. Favorite fashion quote?
That's easy, Gilda Radner said she based her fashion choices on what didn't itch. I love that.

5. You can either go out in barefoot or in just your underwear. Which one do you choose?
Is Tony there? That man could make me think just undies outside is totally acceptable.

6. Do you match your underwear to your outfits?
There is a reason why when Tony came to search my apartment that first time he found 12 matching bra and panties sets in every color under the sun drying on my shower rod. The answer to that is yes. I like the extra umph of something naughty under my clothes.

7. Can a skirt ever be too short?
That depends on your agenda. As Dorothy Parker once said, “If you wear a short enough skirt, the party will come to you.”

Isn’t that the truth? Here’s a quick excerpt from High-Heeled Wonder. Check it out and then enter the High-Heeled Wonder Shoes, Swag and Books Extravaganza Giveaway for your chance to win a $100 DSW gift certificate, books from Entangled Ignite authors releasing in January (Avery Flynn, High-Heeled Wonder; Jody Wallace, Angeli; Julie Rowe, Molly Gets Her Man; Caridad Pineiro and Cathy Perkins, Love International Style box set) and more!

“Do you have any garlic?” he called.

Sylvie glanced up from her laptop and leveled her slightly bleary green eyes on him. She’d been sitting there in her own world, trying to get the rest of the week’s posts uploaded before she had to give up her laptop to his computer guy, Carlos. For the past two hours she’d been typing away and muttering that gray being the new black was the stupidest thing she’d ever heard.
He’d always figured black was the only black, so he’d stayed quiet.

“Garlic?” Her breathy voice twisted something inside him.

“Yeah, you know, it’s a white bulb thing. You use it for cooking.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m laughing so hard here you’re making my sides hurt.” She tilted her head back and rolled her shoulders before arching her back in a long stretch that lengthened specific parts of Tony’s anatomy.

Peeling his gaze away, he forced his gaze back to the can of tomatoes in his white-knuckled grip. But his ears, attuned to her every move, caught the scrape of her chair on the tile floor, the soft patter of her feet, and the creak of the refrigerator opening. The mental image of her ass bending over in those second-skin-like yoga pants as she searched the fridge was almost worse than seeing it in real life.

A soft giggle brought him out of his fantasy. That sliver of difference between his imagination and the even-better reality hit him smack on jaw.

She stood with one hip cocked and a smirk on her face. “Careful there, Iron Man, or you’ll dent the can.” She tossed the garlic bulb to him like a pop fly.

He stifled a groan and caught the garlic before it hit him between the eyes. “Thanks.”

She hopped up onto the island and swung her legs over the edge. “You’re cooking?” She swept up her thick hair into one hand then looped it around until it formed a complicated knot, which she locked into place with a pencil.

His fingers itched to pluck it out and watch the honey strands fall past her shoulders. The lip of the tomato can bit into his palm. “Making gravy.”

“Turkey or meatloaf?”


“You mean pasta sauce?”

“Yeah. Gravy.”

She jumped down from the island and tugged a yellow apron from a drawer, pulling it over her head. “I just uploaded my last post. What can I do to help?”

The apron strings circled her waist, drawing his attention to her curves. He had to get the woman out of the room or he was going to go all Hulk on the defenseless tomato can. “I got it.”

“No doubt about that, but I need something to do that doesn’t involve stalkers, murderous drivers, or the trend of empire waists in the latest collections.” She yanked a stock pot from a cupboard. “Come on, throw a girl a bone.”

So tempting. If she only knew…

Sylvie Bissette may be one of Harbor City’s youngest glitterati, but only her best friends know her most closely guarded secret. She’s the woman behind The High-Heeled Wonder, a must-read blog for fashionistas everywhere. Gossip, fashion advice, exposés. Too bad some people can’t take a little criticism. When an internet troll discovers her secret identity and escalates from stalking her to threatening her life, Sylvie turns to security expert Tony Falcon for help. The investigator from the other side of the tracks is the olive oil to her Evian water and aggravates her to no end, but it’s not just her temper he’s inciting...

Tony Falcon wouldn't know a kitten heel from a tabby cat, but since most of the bad guys he tracks down aren't wearing stilettos, it's never been a problem...until he meets Sylvie. When a murder investigation leads him to the same place Sylvie works, he realizes the feisty fashionista may be his best chance at catching the criminals who killed his best friend. It all leads back to the cut-throat fashion world. But solving that case means going after the people Sylvie cares about, and soon his attraction for her—and the danger she’s in—has him wondering if solving the case is worth hurting the woman he can’t stop fantasizing about…

When Sylvie’s almost run over in broad daylight, Tony goes undercover as her boyfriend to infiltrate the close-knit fashion community. And when they discover Sylvie’s stalker may be linked to Tony’s own investigation, what started as a simple plan to find his friend’s killers turns into a hot bed of secrets and revelations. In a world full of overblown egos and dog-eat-dog ambition, Tony and Sylvie must work together to find her revenge-obsessed stalker before Sylvie ends up with a literal knife in the back.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $100 DSW Gift Card
  • 1 Swag Pack
  • 1 eBook copies of Entangled Ignite January Releases

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Avery Flynn sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mary Jo Burke said...

Hi Avery,

Love your books and highly recommend them! Love Gilda Radner too!

Unknown said...

Love the cover, thank you for the chance :)

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