
Guest Post with Diane Alberts and Giveaway

Meet Diane Alberts, author of Temporarily Yours.

Diane Alberts is a multi-published, bestselling contemporary romance author with Entangled Publishing. She also writes New York Times and USA Today bestselling new adult books under the name Jen McLaughlin. ON ONE CONDITION hit #18 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list, and TRY ME hit #76 on Amazon. CAPTIVATED BY YOU hit #31 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list. Diane is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency. Her goal is to write so many fantastic stories that even a non-romance reader will know her name.

Diane has always been a dreamer with a vivid imagination, but it wasn’t until 2011 that she put her pen where her brain was, and became a published author. Since receiving her first contract offer, she has yet to stop writing. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, a cat, and a Senegal parrot. In the rare moments when she’s not writing, she can usually be found hunched over one knitting project or another.

Find Diane at:
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Writing a Realistic Military Hero

Temporarily Yours, my newest release with Entangled Publishing, has a prior-military service man in it. The book is a Brazen book—so you know it’s hot, hot, hot!—but there’s a bit of sweet and fun thrown in as well, because I’m me. I always have to have it all! ;)

But writing military men, as I –cough, ahem—do every once in a while are always a thrill and a challenge for me. There are so many different ways you could go with the story and the hero’s past. A lot of military men can do their job and be fine. No injuries. No guilt.

Others (and these are my favorite to write) have a past that affects them in some horrible way. Maybe the hero watched his whole platoon die, or maybe he held his best friend in his arms as he breathed his last breath—cough, Cooper, cough—maybe he even had to kill someone who has haunted him ever since.

But if these men see or do these things…you can bet this will color their actions. They might close themselves off to society, or they might try to hide the pain by acting outgoing. The possibilities are endless. And that, my friends, is why I love, love, love military men. Heck, I even married one.

What are some of your favorite types of military heroes? Tortured, stoic, or silent?

This soldier’s the perfect hoax…if she doesn’t fall for him first.

Stats whiz Kayla Moriarity knows her way around numbers and algorithms. Men, on the other hand, are unsolvable equations. Now Kayla’s en route to her sister’s wedding—without the fictional boyfriend she invented for her family. Fortunately, her plane comes complete with complimentary cocktails and a ridiculously hot ex-marine in the seat beside her. And that’s all it takes for Kayla’s inhibitions to go sailing out the airlock...

Cooper Shillings has soft spot for people in trouble, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to land in it himself—and definitely not while getting naughty mid-air with a sexy southern belle. When he hears Kayla’s predicament, however, he offers his services as a stand-in boyfriend. After all, he’s heading overseas soon...and how could he refuse a little no-strings wickedness?

It’s the perfect plan. And all Kayla has to do is ensure her family falls for the ultimate bluff, without falling for it—and Cooper—in the process...

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $20 Amazon Gift Card + a Temporarily Yours Necklace

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Diane's question: What are some of your favorite types of military heroes? Tortured, stoic, or silent?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Diana Alberts & Inkslinger PR sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


elena k said...

I like alpha heroes, a little bit tortured and silent but when they meet their woman they are protective and romantic

Unknown said...

I. Like them all!! Lol ;)

Anonymous said...

I love when the heroes are all silent and perhaps brooding but turn to complete mush with their women. :-)

Thank you so much for the giveaway!


i like alpha heroes

Erica said...

I am all about ALLLLL the military heroes :)

Anne said...

More the silent, uber capable, uber alpha type.

Life Without Frank said...

Foul mouthed, tattooed, bossy alpha's

Sherry Butcher said...

Alpha type, bossy but in need.

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