
ARC Review: Always by Kindle Alexander

Wow. There aren't words for all of the emotions that I am feeling right now after just having finished this book. Always by Kindle Alexander is one of the most moving and heartfelt books I have ever read. It was beautiful and deep, and I could not put this one down. Each book I read by Kindle just makes me realize why I would literally buy anything with her name on it. Kindle's books are always written well, filled with interesting and likable characters, and always draw the reader in from the very first word. Always is no exception and to say it is one of the best books I have ever read would be an understatement. Avery and Kane's story is one that will stick with me Always, just as the title suggests. At this point I am still fairly new to the Male/Male genre, but I have read quite a bit over the past year and Kindle is without a doubt my favorite author in the genre. If you haven't read any of Kindle's books, you are seriously missing out.

Kane has turned his restaurant into a successful and well known business in Minnesota after being kicked out of the house with nowhere to go when he was only eighteen. His Baptist Minister father and their family wanted nothing to do with him after he came out. On his own with nothing but the clothes on his back he met Paulie, who took him in and showed him what a father is supposed to be like. Now he runs his restaurant with Paulie, and is dedicated to making it the best that it can be. When Avery Adams the grandson of a US president who is rumored to be considering a run for political office makes a reservation at the restaurant, Kane personally welcomes him to La Bella Luna. Avery doesn't say a word to Kane though, and Kane fears that he has upset him. But Avery is anything but upset and goes out of his way to prove to Kane that he is interested in more than just dining in his restaurant. Before long, Avery and Kane are seeing each other and their feelings are stronger than either have ever felt before. Can they have a future together though with Avery's political aspirations and Kane's dedication to his business?

I loved Avery and Kane. They are both so different, and yet they were absolutely perfect together. They were the balance that each other needed and it was clear from the start that they were meant to be. Avery was so strong and committed to those that he cared about. I loved that he was always looking out for others and refused to settle. He was determined to have the life with Kane that they deserved and wouldn't take no for an answer. I loved how he never let them settle for anything less. Kane was a little more reserved, but he had such a silent strength to him. He was dedicated to living his life based on the beliefs he was raised on, and he never wavered despite the hatred he was shown. I liked that he was able to open up and really start to fully live with Avery's help. He never thought that he would have a lot of the things that straight couples do, and yet Avery helped him to see that not only could he have it but that they deserved that and more. Avery and Kane had an undeniable connection from the very beginning, and it was absolutely beautiful to watch as they fell in love and started their future together. They had off the charts chemistry also, and their attraction was that much more intense because of the emotions and bond between them.

Overall, this is hands down one of the best books I have ever read. Avery and Kane drew me in from the start and I was so emotionally invested in their story. Always was an emotional roller coaster that had me feeling so much that I was literally sobbing on my couch. It is so hard to even begin to describe everything that I was feeling while reading this book, but I can honestly say that I felt more while reading this book than pretty much any book I remember reading in the past. Avery and Kane were so real and believable to me, and I felt extremely connected to them. I really enjoy how Kindle makes these wonderful characters that you identify with and connect to, but it isn't just the main characters. I really loved Paulie and Kennedy as well as Robert and Autumn. I have to admit that I really liked Robert even though he was pretty quiet. I really hope that maybe someday Kindle will tell his story as well! (If you are reading Kindle, Hint Hint!) But in all seriousness, Kindle always leaves the reader completely satisfied with the ending and yet hungry for more. I will admit that I am a bit greedy when it comes to my favorites, and I always want more. That is always the case with Kindle, and I cannot wait to read more in the future. I highly recommend this story to anyone who is a fan of the male/male genre, but also to those that are looking for a true and moving romance. This book is by far one of the most beautiful love story's I have ever read. I will anxiously be awaiting the next book from Kindle, and I know that I will be reading Always over and over in the future. Avery and Kane's story is an absolute must read and will stick with you forever. Just make sure that you have a box of tissues handy when rea

**ARC provided by Author**

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Kindle Alexander said...

Is it too early in our relationship for me to tell you I love you? This is one of the best reviews I've ever read. You make me want to read this story. THANK YOU so much! Big Hugs!

Casey said...

It's never too early Kindle! I love you too! :) I'm so glad you liked the review, because I feel like your book is one of the best I've ever read!

Sophia Rose said...

I enjoyed your review and now I look forward to reading this one. Thanks!

Kindle Alexander said...

Thank you Sophia!

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