
ARC Review: Indecent Exposure by Jane O'Reilly

I am always a bit skeptical when I go into a story that I know is going to be really short, as I usually don't ever end up believing in the relationship between the hero and heroine. But I think that when it comes to Erotica, the odds are better that I will like the story despite the short length. So when I was presented with the opportunity to read the Indecent Trilogy by Jane O'Reilly, I figured these had a good chance of being ones that I would enjoy. I was surprised just how much I ended up liking Indecent Exposure! This book really started off the trilogy with a bang, and I have to tell you I can't wait to read more from O'Reilly!

Ellie is a photographer who does portraits and weddings, but she also does erotic photography and bedroom shoots. She doesn't advertise the fact that she takes these photos and would do just about anything to keep people from finding out. So when her best friend Amber shows up with Ellie's accountant Tom and says she needs to have Ellie take some of the two of them, Ellie begins to worry. Ellie feels like she owes Amber which is the only reason that she agrees. Not only does Ellie not want her accountant to know about her side job, but she also has had a huge crush on him for the last three years that they have known each other. When Tom and Ellie find themselves acknowledging the attraction between them, lines quickly become blurred and soon they are mixing business and pleasure. Can they turn their attraction and lust into something more?

I really liked Tom. I loved that he was so put together in appearance and had such a straight-laced job and facade. But then he was as Ellie would call him a bit of a pervert when it came to his desires. I liked how much he pushed Ellie's boundaries and got her to open up to him. I also really loved that he had liked her before and even though he knew her secret, he didn't embarrass her or say anything. It was really sweet that he let her come to him and decide how and when she was ready to open up to him. I thought that it was really sweet of him to give her his trust by allowing her to take photos of him that could be hurtful if they got out. It showed just how much he thought of Ellie. I liked Ellie. I thought that she was a bit shy and a little bit too worried at times about others finding out who she was and what she did. But I liked that she didn't hesitate too much with Tom, and that she allowed him to help her open up. He really drew her out of her shell, and I think that they were great for each other. These two were also really hot together, and I loved how open they were. They really brought the steam, and I loved every bit of it.

Overall, I really liked this short story. I thought that it was really well written and I was drawn in from the very start. This one packed a ton of heat into a short amount of pages, and I felt like all of it was extremely natural. I really believed in how real Ellie and Tom's feelings were, and I never once questioned it because their connection and chemistry was so strong. One of the reasons that this one didn't receive five stars from me was the fact that Ellie's best friend Amber irritated me. She seemed to be extremely selfish and she honestly didn't seem to be that good of a friend. She didn't notice how Ellie felt about Tom at all, and she was pretty much focused only on her own drama. It was hard to believe that this was the friend that Ellie felt like she owed so much to. I think that this book was a great start to the trilogy though, and I was so glad that I took a chance on this one! This might be a super quick read, but its also really hot! I highly recommend this one to anyone looking to spend a few hours with a couple of really likable characters that are smoking hot together. I can't wait to read more from Jane O'Reilly in the future.

**ARC provided NetGalley**

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