
ARC Review: Full Measures by Rebecca Yarros

Wow this book was really good. It was such an emotional read, and I will admit that this one had me sobbing as I was trying to finish through tears. I really liked it though, and I loved the characters. Full Measures drew me in from the very first page and I couldn't put it down. After reading this book I cannot wait to read more from Rebecca Yarros. This book is so much more than just a love story, and I know it will stick with me.

Ember's life shatters when the soldiers knock on her door and deliver the news that her dad is never coming home. If that wasn't bad enough, it happens on her birthday. Not long after, she finds out that her boyfriend and her roommate have been sleeping together as well. Ember breaks up with her boyfriend and moves back to her hometown. She transfers to a local college in order to help her family out. Ember finally begins to heal with the help of her high school crush Josh. He was always the bad boy who was never wanting when it came to girls. Now he is her little brother's hockey coach and is also completely different than Ember ever expected. Ember is hesitant to start a new relationship after everything that has happened, but Josh isn't willing to let her go without a fight. Ember finally sees that Josh is worth taking a risk on and they begin seeing each other. But when a secret comes to light about Josh and his future, can Ember get past it and take a chance on love?

I really loved Josh. I thought that he was sweet and kind and also really sexy. He was in great shape from playing hockey and he could have any girl he wanted. But I loved that despite that, he was determined to have only Ember. He was patient with her and I loved how he was always there for her even when she thought that she didn't want him to be. I felt so sorry for Ember. She had been through so much, and on top of all that she gave up so much to take care of her family. She always put everyone else first and you could tell just how much she cared about those close to her. I liked that Josh got her to open up and really live life again. Ember and Josh had a lot of chemistry, and you could tell just how much they were attracted to each other. But they had such a strong connection that it was really obvious that they were perfect for each other. I knew from the start that these two had to be together, because there was no other option.

Overall, I thought that this book was really good and despite my ugly crying I really did enjoy it. The thing that kept me from giving this one a full five stars was that I felt there was a bit too much push and pull. Even though there was a lot going on and that had happened, it got a bit old after awhile and it started to annoy me. I didn't understand why it kept going on as long as it did, and I just wish there had been less of it. I also thought that there were a few times that both characters jumped to conclusions and that things would have been much simpler if they had just been honest with each other. I really did like all the characters though and I absolutely adored Ember's little brother Gus. He completely stole the show in this book, and I couldn't wait to see what he would say or do next. I also really loved how great Josh was with him, and you could tell that he really cared about him as well. This book was a really good love story, but it was also a story of loss and healing. I highly recommend this one to New Adult fans and anyone who loves an emotional and deep read. This is a must read for me and I think that pretty much anyone can find something to relate to with this book. I know that Ember and Josh will stick with me and that I will definitely be reading this book again. I look forward to reading more from Rebecca Yarros in the future as well.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Sophia Rose said...

It sounds good. I love it when a character overcomes tragedy and is able to move on and a hero who makes good after being a bad boy. I know what you mean about too much angst that doesn't need to be. Thanks for sharing!

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