
The Sinful Scot Blog Tour

Meet Cara Elliott, author of Sinfully Yours.

Cara Elliott started writing Western novels at the age of five. Later she changed her genre to Regency romance after reading Pride and Prejudice. She graduated from Yale University, and she now lives and works in New York City.

Find Cara at:

Anna Sloane’s Top Five Favorite Women Novelists

1. Jane Austen. (Need I say more?)

2. Anne Radcliffe, the wildly popular author whose stories of evil villains, scary dungeons and fainting heroines inspired the “horrid” novel.

3. Mary Shelley, the daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft, who eloped with the radical Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and wrote the “Frankenstein,” the novel that started the genre of science fiction.

4. Fanny Burney, a great favorite of Jane Austen.

5. Charlotte Turner Smith, one of the pioneers of Gothic fiction.

After an eventful Season, Anna Sloane longs for some peace and quiet to pursue her writing. Though her plots might be full of harrowing adventure and heated passion, she'd much prefer to leave such exploits on the page rather than experience them in real life. Or so she thinks until she encounters the darkly dissolute-and gorgeously charming-Marquess of Davenport.

Davenport has a reputation as a notorious rake whose only forte is wanton seduction. However the real reason he's a guest at the same remote Scottish castle has nothing to do with Anna . . . until a series of mysterious threats leave him no choice but to turn to her for help in stopping a dangerous conspiracy. As desire erupts between them, Davenport soon learns he's not the only one using a carefully crafted image to hide his true talents. And he's more than ready to show Anna that sometimes reality can be even better than her wildest imaginings . . .

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

A fourth-generation Californian of Scottish descent, Amanda Scott is the author of more than fifty romantic novels, many of which appeared on the USA Today bestseller list. Her Scottish heritage and love of history (she received undergraduate and graduate degrees in history at Mills College and California State University, San Jose, respectively) inspired her to write historical fiction. Credited by Library Journal with starting the Scottish romance subgenre, Scott has also won acclaim for her sparkling Regency romances. She is the recipient of the Romance Writers of America’s RITA Award (for Lord Abberley’s Nemesis, 1986) and the RT Book Reviews Career Achievement Award. She lives in central California with her husband.

Places to find Amanda:
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1. The lady Muriella MacFarlan, heroine of THE WARRIOR’S BRIDE, Book 3 of my Lairds of the Loch trilogy, has an eidetic memory. She can remember verbatim anything she hears and most of what she sees, although she is not always able to connect faces with names in large groups of people. This sort of memory, as many folks with better-than-average memories can attest, can often lead to trouble, because such people remember exactly what was said in a debate, while their opponent in that debate recalls only what he or she thinks s/he said or meant to say.

2. Rob MacAulay, hero of THE WARRIOR’S BRIDE, is a blunt-spoken, brutally honest fellow, and Muriella MacFarlan is a tale-spinner, so to say that they don’t always see eye-to-eye is an understatement.

3. THE WARRIOR’S BRIDE is my 59th book. MOONLIGHT RAIDER (Forever, September 2014) will be my 60th.

4. I patterned the three MacFarlan sisters in my Lairds of the Loch trilogy after the Greek Fates: Atropos (who became Andrena of THE LAIRD’S CHOICE), Lachesis (Lachina “Lina” in THE KNIGHT’S TEMPTRESS), and Clotho (Muriella, the youngest sister, in THE WARRIOR’S BRIDE). Atropos carried the shears to cut the thread of life. Lachesis was the caster of lots (deciding fortunes). And Clotho was responsible for spinning the threads of life. So Muriella is the spinner, not just of threads but of stories. Her ambition in life is to become a seanachie, or clan storyteller (a position usually, but not always, held by men), so she seeks truth in repeating the tales of history as accurately as she has heard them but may occasionally spin other tales to avoid telling the truth about herself.

5. I often seek inspiration in mythology, and in the case of my Lairds of this Loch trilogy, I began with the Greek myth of Camilla, a good friend of the goddess Diana, the huntress. The opening for THE LAIRD’S CHOICE was inspired by that myth, and led to providing my heroines with gifts that many of us have but exaggerated. The family needed sanctuary, because their father, the rightful clan chief, has lost his chiefdom to a usurping cousin, who killed his sons. He has only his three daughters to help him regain his chiefdom, so his plan is to marry them to powerful warriors, but the lady Muriella of THE WARRIOR’S BRIDE wants to be a clan seanachie (historian and storyteller) and thinks the last thing she needs is a husband.

Robert MacAulay, heir to a powerful Baron, is known for being a skilled warrior with a strong sense of duty. His respectable reputation, along with his devotion to the king, is why Andrew MacFarlan and hope he'd agree to marry his youngest daughter, Lady Muriella. Though lovely, Lady Muriella is a bit impulsive, and Andrew believes she needs a man like Rob to tame her. But for reasons Rob refuses to share, he turns down Andrew's request and vows never to wed.

Lady Muriella never wanted to take a husband, but after seeing her two older sisters happily settled, she's beginning to think marriage may have its merits - especially if it means finding a husband as handsome as Rob. When she learns that Rob has refused her without even knowing her, she becomes determined to seduce him into changing his mind. Then she will be the one to say no to him.

Muriella's game change from dangerous to deadly when she's captured by her father sworn enemy Dougal. He wants to claim Muriella for himself as a way to take over the MacFarlan lands. As Rob plans a rescue, Muriella makes an escape attempt of her own - and lands them both in more trouble than either had anticipated. Finding themselves suddenly bound to one another, they begin to share their deepest secrets and finally give in to the passion they've been denying. But Dougal will not be so easily defeated. Will their new love be destroyed before it's even begun?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of The Warrior's Bride + NetGalley copy of Sinfully Yours

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for the authors.
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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Forever Romance for sponsoring this giveaway!
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Unknown said...

I like that the McFarlan sisters were modeled after the three Fates. Thank you for sharing that mythology continues to be a source of inspiration!

sheryl said...

I love Mythology and now I have to read these. Thanks for the great post.

Unknown said...

I have only read one of Ashley Scott's books and really enjoyed it. Do you have any other series planned? Thanks for post. I will be moving the other books up my tbr list.

Unknown said...

both new authors to me, love the regency romance genre so am going to have to add these books to my TBR list. great covers, too!!

Di said...

reading books like these is the best way to travel thru time - I look forward to taking a trip with these!

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Cara and Amanda! Both of these books look like fun reads to me; I can't wait to read these.

Sharlene said...

Loving the sounds of all of these books! Thanks for the interviews & chance to win!

Kim said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Someday, would you like to set a book somewhere other than Scotland or England?

erin said...

Congrats Ladies on the new releases! Thanks for sharing! These sound very fun :)

lorimeehan said...

New author to me. I love highlanders.

Cathy P said...

Hi, Cara and Amanda! You are both new-to-me authors, but your books sound awesome. They are right up my alley! Thanks for the giveaways!

Jeanne M said...

Hi Cara and Amanda!

I love both of you're books and have always been intrigued by some of both of your secondary characters and wondered which secondary character in your books was the one you always wished to have a story of their own and did you up writing of their own for them?

Glenda said...

Question for both authors, what's next after these series?

I can't wait to read both sets of books.

Natasha said...

These sound like great reads!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Jan Hougland said...

Ah yes, Scots guys in kilts...sigh. Nothing like Scottish romances...nothing. My opinion only, of course. :-) I'm familiar with Amanda's wonderful stories, but don't have her latest one (Warrior's Bride). As for Cara's stories, I was given a copy of To Sin With a Scoundrel, but have not yet read it. I think winning both of these books would be a real coup! Thanks for the post.

lisagkendall said...

Thank you for the information on both authors. I always love the cover's of Amanda's books, some seem to have dual thoughts or dual points to share. Thanks for the contest. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

Beautiful Disaster said...

I haven't read these books yet but enjoy both of these authors books. I cant wait to read them.
Thanks :)

dstoutholcomb said...

thanks for the teasers

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