
ARC Review: Hit the Wall by Rochelle Paige

I have been really looking forward to getting Jackson's story since I finished Push the Envelope by Rochelle Paige. He was one of my favorite characters right off, and I knew that his story was going to be one that I really enjoyed. I thought that this was a great addition to Paige's Blythe College series, and even though this is the second book in the series it can be read as a standalone. I would recommend reading these books in order though because they are really good stories and you really get to know the characters better that way. I am really looking forward to getting Jackson's sister Aubrey's story next.

Jackson gave up his one-night stands and sleeping around ways when his little sister's best friend Lex moved on campus. Jackson had waited for her to be over her horrible breakup before he was going to pursue a relationship with her. He believed that he was in love with her, but everything changed when she met Drake. Knowing that she was happy with Drake, Jackson decided to let her be and move on with his life and then he met Kaylie. At first Kaylie isn't interested in anything with Jackson due to his reputation. She has some trust issues after losing her parents and being forced to live with her hateful aunt. But Jackson is determined to prove that he is willing to be patient with her and that she is more than just sex to him. As they begin to get closer, so does graduation. With Kaylie's dreams of being a professional dancer and leaving town, they both begin to wonder if their relationship has a deadline or if they can make it through anything together?

I loved Jackson. I already knew that I was going to love him though after having read Push the Envelope. He was so much better in Hit the Wall though. He was sweet and patient, and he was also really thoughtful. He made it a point to make Kaylie feel special and protected. I loved that he was such a caring guy with his loved ones. Kaylie was also great. She was determined and fun, and I really liked that she was a little bit feisty as well. She wasn't afraid to say what she needed to or to give someone a hard time back.I thought that she was strong and committed to making the most out of her future through her own way. She didn't buckle and do things the way her aunt pushed her to do, but she did what she thought was best for her. I thought that Jackson and Kaylie had a lot of chemistry, and the attraction between them was clear. I did feel like their relationship seemed a little rushed though. It seemed a bit insta-love to me, and I wished that we would have seen their emotional connection develop a little more. Even though they had a few tender moments together and some nice dates, it felt like their connection was mostly just alluded to and we didn't get to see as much of those as I would have liked.

Overall, this book was good and I really enjoyed getting to know Jackson better. I felt like things between Jackson and Kaylie were a little rushed, but for the most part I felt like they were real and believable as a couple. My main criticism with this book was that I felt there was very little conflict. It honestly just felt like most of the story and progression of their relationship was smooth sailing. They never really had any issues or problems to deal with, and I missed seeing how they dealt with obstacles in their relationship. No relationship is ever without problems or issues, and I just didn't really see them experience anything like that. As much as I enjoyed this story, I felt like it wasn't quite as much to my liking as Push the Envelope was. This book is still one that I would recommend to NA fans, especially to those that are fans of Rochelle Paige and to the Blythe College series. I look forward to reading Aubrey's story next though and seeing more of all these great characters.

**ARC provided by Love Between the Sheets**

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