
Feature and Giveaway: A Match Made in Texas by Katie Lane

Living with four over-protective brothers is enough to make a good girl go bad. But the day Brianne Cates hits the road for a taste of freedom, she gets more trouble than she bargained for when she's arrested by a sexy sheriff in mirrored shades. Now doing a stint of community service, she's not going to let a cowboy cop like Dusty Hicks mess with her newfound independence-even if he awakens every wicked fantasy she's ever had.

In Bramble, Texas, Dusty is the law. That means no leniency for the gorgeous rebel whose highway antics almost got them both killed. The divorced lawman doesn't need another rich, pampered princess, even if Brianne has the lushest body and sweetest smile in the whole darn state. But even as Brianne proves that she lives to walk on the wild side, Dusty begins to wonder if maybe he has what it takes to tame her.

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He unlocked the door to the jail to find Brianne escaping. Or not escaping as much as stuck. Obviously, the crumbling stucco hadn’t been strong enough, and she had managed to get the bars off and her upper body through the tiny window. Fortunately, her hips were too wide to fit through. She wiggled and squirmed as her bare toes pressed against the wall just above the bed she’d pulled beneath the window.

Dusty watched for a few moments, his gaze pinned on the curves of her butt, which pushed out so temptingly. As much as he hated to admit it, she had one nice ass. Beneath the soft material of her pants, her cheeks curved out in lush fullness. And Dusty couldn’t help wondering what it would feel like to curl his fingers around those hips and still her wiggles with a hard thrust.

The train of his thoughts caused desire to ooze slow and thick through his veins straight to the bulge beneath his fly. His reaction drained all the humor out of the situation and had him walking over to unlock the cell. He pushed open the bars, and at the creak of the hinges, she stilled.

“Is someone there? ” She tried to pull her head back in, but she really did appear to be stuck.

Dusty walked over and set the bag and soft drink on the end of the bed. “Problems? ”

She hesitated for only a second before she answered. “No, no problems. I was just getting a breath of fresh air.” A smile crept over Dusty’s mouth. “Really? And how’s the weather? ”

“A little windy.” She remained teetering in the window, her toes a good foot from the mattress. Since her fingernails were painted a pastel color, he was surprised to find her toenails painted an electric blue with . . . he leaned closer . . . little white lightning bolts on the big toes.

“Do you think you could help me out here? ”

Her words had him jumping guiltily as if he’d been looking at something more than just her bare toes. Of course, he had no business examining anything on the woman—nice butt or weirdly painted toes. She was his prisoner, and he needed to remember that.

Katie Lane is the USA Today bestselling author of the Deep in the Heart of Texas and Hunk for the Holiday series. Katie lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and when she isn't writing, enjoys reading, going to the gym, golfing, traveling, or just snuggling next to her high school sweetheart and cairn terrier Roo.

Find Katie at:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Full set of Katie's Deep in the Heart of Texas Series
  • 10 copies of A Match Made in Texas

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Katie.
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Katie Lane & Forever Romance for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

I don't have a favorite as I haven't read any of her books yet, but looking at the covers, I think I'll love all of them!

dstoutholcomb said...

I haven't read her books yet; the excerpt was very nice!!!

Janice said...

I haven't read any of her books, yet. They all look good though.

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Katie! You're new to me as an author, but from the sounds of it, that won't be for long. Thanks for coming here today!

Sophia Rose said...

I haven't read any of her books yet, but they sound fun so it is just a matter of time. Hilarious excerpt though it was more like a teaser! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Sophia Rose said...

Oh, I forgot to ask. Does this series need to be read in order?

kathy p said...

This is a new to me author! Can't wait to start reading these books!

Unknown said...

This is a new series for me too but it looks and sounds like Im going to love it!!!

Marcy Meyer said...

I have not read any of Kate's books, but they sound great! I'll be adding to TBR list. Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

Unknown said...

I've enjoyed the first four but my favorite is still the first Going Cowboy Crazy!

Katie Lane said...

Hi Sandra! Thank you for stopping by. I'm always thrilled to be at Ramblings From This Chick. Be sure to let me know how you like the series :o)

Katie Lane said...

Hi Sophia! Not really. I think each book stands alone. But if you're orderly like me, Going Cowboy Crazy is the first book in the series. Thanks for stopping by.

Katie Lane said...

Hi everyone! I'm so happy to be here today. If you have any questions, please ask away. And if you just want to leave a comment, that's great too. Good luck to everyone in the giveaway.

Katie Lane said...

One of my favorites too, Bette. Thanks for all your support :o)

lorimeehan said...

Oh I don't think I have a favorite. I've loved all of them. I want to live in Bramble Texas.

Unknown said...

No favorite title yet, as I've yet to read any of Katie's work, but I'd love to dive right in!

Jen B. said...

I haven't read any of her books yet. I have Going Cowboy Crazy in my TBR pile. I do love a good cowboy book though!

kmannrn said...

I love Katie's books and can't wait to read this one. I don't have a favorite. I have liked all of them so far.

erin said...

congrats to Katie on her newest release! I don't have a fav as I haven't read any of her books yet :( But they sound fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

Glenda said...

I haven't read any of them. Yet. Loved the excerpt!! Thanks for introducing me to an new to me author!

Sharlene said...

I had read Going Cowboy Crazy when it came out & really liked it! Haven't gotten to the rest yet. I read Hunk for the Holidays this last December & loved that one, too!

Kathleen O said...

I would have to say the first one I read Going Cowboy Crazy, but I love them all...

Jan Hougland said...

I'm ashamed to admit that Katie is a new-to-me author because she's been writing winners for quite awhile! But I went to Amazon just yesterday and bought her first one, Going Cowboy Crazy, so I can start reading her Deep in the Heart of Texas series. I love western romances, be they contemporary or historical! Thanks for this post!

Martha Lawson said...

I haven't read any of her books as of yet! After reading the excerpt of this one, I will be!! Loved it. I'm going to check and see if I have any of hers on my kindle or in my huge tbr pile. Thanks for the chance to win. Can't wait to read these.

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Pat L. said...

Catch me a Cowboy.

Pat L. said...

Catch me a Cowboy.

Kim said...

Thank excerpt is hilarious. This is a little hard. I have to say my favorite book is Catch Me a Cowboy.

TerrieLynn61 said...

I haven't read of any Katie Lane books before. I have read the synopsis of the books and the excerpt from "A Match Made in Texas" and I have added all the books in the Deep in the Heart of Texas series to my TBR list. I am excited to get the whole series and start reading it.

Unknown said...

I haven't read her books yet, but would love to.

MrsDmacs said...

I haven't read any of her books, yet. Thanks for the chance win a full set!! That would be hours and hours of fun.

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