
ARC Review: Need You Tonight by Roni Loren

Roni Loren continues to impress me with every book of hers I read. This series is by far one of my favorites and these books never disappoint. Loren has a way with words, and her books are always well written and extremely hot. I couldn't wait to read this book, and it was everything I had hoped for and more. Kade and Tessa's story sucked me in from the very start and made it next to impossible for me to put down. If you aren't reading the Loving On The Edge Series yet, what are you waiting for? Trust me this is an absolute must read for erotica and romance fans.

When Tessa walks in on her husband having sex with her best friend, she decides to divorce him and head back home. After a year of getting back on her feet, she makes a list of things that she wants to do. When her and her friend Sam go to a cooking class, she meets a sexy stranger who offers her a night filled with passion and desire. But when Kade learns her full name, he gets the shock of a lifetime. Tessa is the popular girl from high school that he tutored and was in love with. Tessa having grown up in foster care had chosen a life with Doug and stability over Kade leaving him heartbroken. Now Kade has a chance at having a hot fling with her, but convincing her won't be easy. Tessa has a hard time trusting after everything she has been through, and after finding out who Kade is she knows that he is the one person that she is in danger of feeling more for. While Tessa is determined to keep things with Kade casual, he is not willing to let her get away so easily this time. Kade and Tessa start seeing each other, and Kade begins to show Tessa the lifestyle that he participates in as a Dominant. With Kade's help, Tessa begins to find herself and realize all the desires and needs that she didn't even know she had. But when the past catches up with them and threatens the relationship that is building between them, will they fall apart before they get a chance at a future together?

I loved Kade. He was sexy and sweet, while also being controlling and all alpha. I liked that he was patient with her, and he was really encouraging. He helped her to find herself and live the life that she deserved, while getting over her trust issues and her past. I really liked how deep Kade was. It was great to see him as the young boy that was so hopeful despite the cruel way that kids treated him. But I also really loved seeing how he took all that and the bad things that had happened to him, and how he overcame it all and was able to find confidence and really make something of himself. I liked Tessa and how she was really involved in the charity she started. It was nice to see her help others that were going through the same thing that she had gone through. I didn't like the way she was when she was younger, but I do understand that she didn't know any better and that she was just trying to make the best life for herself that she could. I wish that she would have stood up to her friends and Doug though when they were always being so mean and awful. But I loved watching her come into her own with Kade's help, and she really made up for everything at the end with Doug. I loved watching her stand up to him and really embrace a future with Kade. I thought that Kade and Tessa had a really great connection and loved seeing how strong it was not only as kids but later after everything that had happened. These two were so hot together, and they had unbelievable chemistry! Kade and Tessa were just one of those couples that you knew belonged together and were absolutely meant to be.

Overall, I loved this book. This series is fantastic, and is filled with sexy times and wonderful characters. I love seeing characters from past books in these stories and getting to meet characters for new books in this series. I am really interested in getting to know Colby and Gibson both better. I liked them both a lot in this story and can't wait to see them fall hard. This series just seems to be getting better and better. Each time I think that I have a favorite couple from these books, I realize that I love them all and can't possibly pick. I really thought that Wyatt and Kelsey were my favorites, but there is just something about Kade that really made me fall in love with him. This book was super hot and it was so enjoyable. I really can't say enough why you should read this book. If you are an Erotica fan and love steamy scenes with depth and emotion, then you absolutely have to read these books. I can't wait to read more from Roni Loren in the future, and I can't wait to get more of these characters in this series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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