
Guest Post with Author Kelli Maine and Giveaway

Meet Kelli Maine, author of Take This Man.

USA Today bestselling author of TAKEN and its sequel, No Take Backs, Kelli Maine watches entirely too much reality TV, which led to her compulsion to write dramatic romance novels. Blessed with a unique ability to bond with difficult people, she's convinced she could win Big Brother. Her deathly fear of heights would keep her from completing half of the detours on The Amazing Race, and she's shocked nobody has ever penned The Survivor Diet Plan: Eat One Cup of Rice for Thirty-Nine Days and Lose Fifty Pounds! Kelli lives in northeast Ohio with her family and a crazy cat that broke into their attic and refused to leave.

Find Kelli at:

Top 5 Best Honeymoon Spots

In the final books of the Give & Take Series, GIVEN and TAKE THIS MAN, my characters, Rachael and Merrick tie the knot! With a little help from my friends, we came up with the best honeymoon spots!

1. My choice is the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. I’ve been there a couple of times and love seeing the ruins, the beaches are beautiful and the resorts are fabulous.

2. Mt St Helen's, Antioch, Pompeii, the middle of the Sahara Desert, and Antarctica – Selma Wolfe, author of Detect Me, Protect Me, Shield Me

3. St. Barths and Anguilla - Erin Brambilla, Chicago-North RWA VP Programs, and Spring Fling Conference Coordinator

4. For city life - Paris/Rome - pace is still slow and sexy but loads to do.
For lazing about - Harbour Island in the Bahamas, or the Seychelles, or Turks and Caicos or ...*sigh*

5. For lazing/hiking/eating - Italian Alps or Dolomites - awesome scenery but still food and ITALY – Dana Alison Levy, author of The Family Furnival

It's finally here. After many twists and turns and shocking revelations, it's time for Merrick and Rocha to declare their love for one another in front of their family and friends. And what better place than the historic island where their love first began?

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Check out the Give & Takes series:

He slowed to a stop beside the large, dangling frame. There was nothing fancy about it. It was black—and empty other than a white mat. From the right bottom corner of the matting, a black ink tree was sketched, jutting up with branches sprouting over the right top corner. On the tree trunk was drawn a heart, and inside that heart was written Merrick and Rachael Rocha, and the date.

The handwriting was familiar. I couldn’t believe he’d done this. “Merrick… you drew this?”

His dimples and the gleam in his eye couldn’t be contained. “I did. It’s the start of our family tree. We’ll put our wedding photo in it and eventually a family photo and then a photo with our grandkids.” He took me by the chin. “And in fifty years when we’re old and gray, we’ll renew our vows here on the island and have a new wedding photo to frame.”

Merrick kissed me then, a firm kiss, full of confidence, promises that would be kept, a lifetime of adventures to share and a family to love. My heart was on a precipice, ready to fall over the edge and burst with its fullness.

He took my face between his hands and nuzzled my nose with his. “Are you ready to get married now? To become my wife?”

I almost laughed with so much joy inside. “I’ve been ready!”

Then we did laugh and held each other until our giddy excitement was interrupted by the squawk of a walkie-talkie clipped to the visor followed by MJ’s voice. “NBT to Big Papa, what’s your ETA?”

Still chuckling, Merrick closed his eyes and shook his head. “NBT?” I asked. “Big Papa?”

“MJ’s idea,” he said. “He says he’s the NBT—Next Big Thing—and that even though he’s my little brother, he’d always think of me as Big Papa.”

I slid my hand up his thigh. “Big Papa, huh? I’ll have to remember that.”

“I want to hear you scream it tonight.” He shrugged his eyebrows up and down.

“Big Papa,” MJ said into the walkie-talkie. “Come in, Big Papa. Looking for an ETA here. Riley’s got his thong in a knot about putting the cake out too soon.”

“Forget the damn cake.” Beck’s voice now, fainter than MJ’s. “I’ve got a gator fifty yards from the gazebo. Get it gone—now!”

“Fine!” Riley’s voice now. “You fly in the cake from L.A. next time, tough man, and figure out how much defrosting time it needs so it’s not frozen solid or a ball of mush for photos.”

Beck let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, that will always be all you.”

“Don’t act all muscles and tats with me. You’re in touch with your feminine side, Mr. Cello.”

“Big Papa!” MJ yelled this time. “ETA.”

Merrick and I couldn’t stop laughing. “You put those three stooges in charge of my wedding?” I gave him a playful whack on the arm.

He rolled his eyes. “Trust me, my selection of helpers was limited. Maddie and Shannon are around somewhere, though. Never fear.” He pressed his foot to the accelerator and picked up the walkie-talkie. “Big Papa to NBT. ETA five minutes.”

Five minutes and I’d be walking down the aisle.

Five minutes and this man beside me would be mine forever.

Five minutes and I’d become Mrs. Merrick Rocha.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 set of the Give & Take series (both print & eBook copies)

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Kelli.
  • US/Canada ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Forever Romance sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


May said...

Great series. :)

I love rome and paris too. I did go there for my honeymoon and love it!

Marcy Meyer said...

I haven't read this series yet, and it sounds great! Thanks for the chance to win it!

erin said...

congrats to Kelli on her series! It sounds fantastic :) I haven't read it yet but I'm definitely interested! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Sounds like an interesting series to read. I'm new to this author and so I'm going to add it to my TBR list and read it somewhat in the future

dstoutholcomb said...

fun teaser

veRONIca said...

I haven't heard of this series but it sounds great!

I have nowhere specific I'd want to honeymoon. I just know I'd want to be on a beach that is not too busy so I can just spend time with my husband

Natasha said...

This series sounds amazing!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

My first honeymoon was an overnight trip to Redding, California. There's a reason you've never heard of it. Rain poured down during the entire round-trip drive. Should I marry again, I'd like to honeymoon in Santorini.

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