
Guest Post with Author Rachel Schurig and Giveaway

Meet Rachel Schurig, author of Escape in You.

Rachel Schurig lives in the metro Detroit area with her dog, Lucy. She loves to watch reality TV and she reads as many books as she can get her hands on. In her spare time, Rachel decorates cakes. Her THREE GIRLS series is available now from Amazon!

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I definitely like some bad boys in my romance! Of course, I don’t like guys who are jerky or mean for no reason and I don’t like guys (or girls!) who refuse to change. For me, the perfect bad boy needs to have some hidden depth, some explanation for his bad boy ways. In my novel Escape in You, Jet Taylor is definitely a classic bad boy. He gets into fights, he drinks too much, he messes around with girls he doesn’t care about. But, of course, there’s a lot more to Jet than his image. And he knows he’s found his match in Zoe Janes when she’s able to see past that bad boy image to the real person he is inside.

Here are a few of my favorite bad boys from movies and book and all the reasons I love them so much. Do you like bad boys? Who are your favorites?

1. John Bender from The Breakfast Club

I loooove The Breakfast Club. If you haven’t seen this ultimate 80’s teen flick you NEED to! It is soo good. The premise of the movie is simple; five teenagers from totally different social groups spend the day together in detention. Over the course of the day they learn about each other (and about themselves) and end up forming really strong, unexpected bonds. My favorite character in the movie is John Bender (played by Judd Nelson). He plays the ultimate bad boy, the “delinquent” of the group. He’s everything I love about a bad boy—sassy, sarcastic, both apathetic and intense, funny, and really cute. By the end of the movie we understand a lot more about his history and his family and why he acts the way he does. And then he goes and shows us a soft side by falling for Molly Ringwaldd’s character, the princess. Swoon!

2. Patrick Verona from 10 Things I Hate About You

10 Things was my favorite movie when I was a teenager and I still love it today. Patrick Verona (played by the gorgeous Heath Ledger) is the school bad boy, the guy everyone is afraid of—there are all kinds of crazy rumors about things he’s done and why he was out of school for so long. He’s paid to take out Kat so that the main character can date Kat’s sister. Of course, Kat gets to know Patrick for who he really is and we find out he’s not so scary after all. He even sings and dances for her and it’s totally my favorite scene in the movie! Plus it’s the first time I ever saw Heath Ledger in a movie and it will always remind me of how great he was. Sniff.

3. Gideon Cross from the Crossfire Series by Sylvia Day

Have you read these books? I love them! They’re super steamy and really intense. Gideon is the classic billionaire bad boy. He has tons of money, he’s gorgeous, and he’s very dark and mysterious. And he never lets anyone in—until he meets Eva. Their relationship is tumultuous and crazy intense but eventually Gideon let’s Eva in and she finds out his secrets.

4. Pacey Witter from Dawson’s Creek

I think Pacey is the first bad boy I ever had a crush on. He was such a screw-up, almost flunking out of school, getting into all kinds of trouble, even sleeping with one of his teachers (which is really icky and the reason my parents wouldn’t let me watch Dawson’s. I had to sneak watch it at a friend’s house, shhh, don’t tell!) But he was always so cute and self-deprecating and down-right cool. I was totally a Pacey girl and couldn’t understand why Joey would even consider Dawson.

5. Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I think Darcy is kind of the original bad boy. He’s handsome and rich but totally snobby and standoffish, the Regency era’s version of the bad boy. At first the heroine, Lizzie Bennet, hates him for his pride and his snobbery and his meddling. But eventually she comes to realize that a lot of his standoffish nature is actually shyness. And Darcy comes to realize that Lizzie is right about him and sets about to change his ways. It’s a really great, classic story about misperceptions, digging deeper into someone’s character, and allowing love to change us. To me, that’s the perfect hallmark of the bad boy story!

Jet Taylor is the quintessential bad boy. A womanizer. A fighter. Dangerous. The type of guy most girls do their best to avoid. But Zoe Janes is no saint herself. In fact, she sees in Jet the perfect opportunity to distract herself from her responsibilities at home and the mistakes that keep her trapped there. He’s gorgeous, likes to party, and is clearly only interested in having fun—just like Zoe.

The more time they spend together, the harder it is for Zoe to stick to her “fun only” mantra. Jet is getting under her skin, making her believe things could actually be different. She knows they’re both trapped by the sins of their past but Jet is starting to make her think freedom might actually be possible.

And that makes him the most dangerous boy of all.

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $100 Amazon Gift Card 

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Rachel.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Rachel Schurig & Xpresso Book Tours sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Rachel! The story sounds great! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

Karen H said...

Rachel is a new-to-me author so I'm pleased to meet her on this blog today. Book sounds like a really good read. Thanks for the giveaway.

Marcy Meyer said...

The blurb sounds great! Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! I'll have to check this out. :-)

May said...

Sounds like a great book!

erin said...

Congrats to Rachel on the new release! Looks and sounds awesome ;)

Glenda said...

I love your bad boy list! (OK I admit I never even watched one episode of Dawson's Creek, so I didn't know that particular bad boy- but the rest of 'em totally agree with).

Congrats on your new book!

Unknown said...

Love your bad boy list! My fave bad boy on the list is John Bender

VampedChik said...

I have to add this to my wishlist! Thanks! :) Love your list.

Unknown said...

While I do like bad boys (who doesn't?), I don't have any particular favorites. I totally agree with the inclusion of John Bender on your top 5 list, though! Congrats on the new release and best wishes for continued success!

Anonymous said...

10 Things I Hate About You is one of my all time favorite movies too. Heath Ledger was so damn sexy as Patrick Verona... It would be very cool if you had modeled Jet a little after Heath!

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