
Review: Escape In You by Rachel Schurig

I really enjoyed this book. Escape in You is the first book that I have read by Rachel Schurig, but I will definitely be looking for more from her in the future. I thought this book was emotional and heartbreaking at times, but I really loved how Zoe and Jet were able to lean on each other. I felt bad for both of their characters, and they had been through so much. I liked seeing how they were able to grow and heal over the course of the book, and I really didn't want to put this one down.

Zoe is used to using parties and alcohol to forget and escape her life. She is all about having fun for awhile and keeping things casual. When she meets Jet Taylor at a party, she thinks that he is the perfect way to spend her summer. They end up spending the party talking rather than making out, and when she leaves Jet tells her that he will see her again. Jet and Zoe end up running into each other, and before long they are seeing each other. Both are determined to keep things light, but before long they are starting to develop real feelings for each other. But with so many things in their past and in their present standing in their way, can they possibly have anything serious?

I really liked Taylor (Jet). He was so thoughtful and sweet to Zoe, and he was always looking out for her. Even though he said that he just was looking for fun as well, I loved that he didn't really fight his feelings for her. He knew that things were becoming serious, and instead of running he really let himself open up to the possibility of a relationship and was honest with himself. I felt so bad that he blamed himself for things that weren't his fault. It didn't help that he had a really bad home situation that just made him feel so much worse. He really started to grow and heal with Zoe's help though, and was able to overcome so much. Zoe was also a bit broken due to things that weren't in her control. She had taken on so much responsibility for things that she never should have had to worry about. Because of her tough life, she turned to alcohol and flings with guys. I didn't agree with her choices, but I understood that she was using these things to try and escape the pain as well as cope with her bad situation. I liked how she was with Taylor though. She was always encouraging him and trying to get him to see how good he was. They were both really perfect for each other in that aspect, seeing the good in each other and supporting them while they helped each other realize that they weren't defined by their pasts. I thought that not only were they a great match emotionally, but that they also had a ton of chemistry. I loved that there was no drama when it came to their feelings for each other and that the issues they faced were outside the relationship. It was nice to see a New Adult book with no love triangle.

Overall, this was a really good book. I did think that it would have been nice to see a bit more communication between Zoe and Taylor. I felt like a lot of this story was about Zoe constantly running and avoiding talking with Taylor and also with her friends. I had hoped that she would stop the push and pull a bit quicker, but that is really my only complaint. I loved that this book was a standalone with no cliffhanger, and I felt that the ending was exactly the way it should have been. This whole story played out in a way that was satisfying to the reader, and I loved watching the evolution of the characters from beginning to end. This story was interesting and captured as well as held my attention from the very start. I really look forward to reading more from Rachel Schurig in the future. I think that a lot of readers will really enjoy this book, and going on the journey with Taylor and Zoe as they grow and heal from some awful things that have been dealt their way. This story is a great example of how anyone can move forward with their life even when things seem to be hopeless or stuck.

**Copy provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

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