
Guest Post with Author Callie Hutton and Giveaway

Callie has been making up stories since elementary school, and writing gave her a way to turn off the voices in her head. After having a number of articles and interviews published in newspapers and magazines, she took on what she’d always dreamed of. Writing that book. She currently has a number of both historical and contemporary romance books published.

She currently lives in Oklahoma with her husband and adult children who move in and out with alarming regularity. Add three rescue dogs and the household is complete—and full. She enjoys hearing from her readers, and would love to have you visit her.

Places to find Callie:

Ten Things about The Duke’s Quandary and its Characters 

1. The Duke’s Quandary is the second book in the Marriage Mart Mayhem series.

2. Drake, the Duke of Manchester, was the best friend of Jason, the Earl of Coventry in The Elusive Wife. At that point he was still a Marquess.

3. The idea for Miss Penelope Clayton in The Duke’s Quandary came from a character Elaine May played in a 1971 movie, A New Leaf, with Walter Matthau. The storyline in the movie is different.

4. Lady Abigail in The Duke’s Quandary will have her own story in The Lady’s Disgrace, which is set to release in October, 2014.

5. Lord and Lady Coventry from The Elusive Wife make a brief appearance in The Duke’s Quandary.

6. Lady Tunstall in The Duke’s Quandary will have her story told in The Baron’s Homecoming, set for release in December, 2014.

7. It was 1905 before women were allowed as members in The Linnean Society of London, the organization in The Duke’s Quandary that Penelope sends her reports to under a man’s name.

8. My research into The Linnean Society led me to a lovely woman from Linnean who gave me some interesting facts about the society. One of those facts was that the author, Beatrix Potter, wrote a paper for them, but was unable to present it because she was a woman.

9. I know a lot more about botany now than I did before I began The Duke’s Quandary. Probably more than I cared to know. =)

10. Keep a close eye on Mr. Joseph Fox in The Duke’s Quandary, because he will re-appear in a surprising role in another Marriage Mart Mayhem series book.

London 1814...

Drake, Duke of Manchester is searching the Marriage Mart for a perfect bride. He wants a woman who is poised, sophisticated, and worthy of the title Duchess. But most of all, he wants a woman who does not want the useless emotion of love.

Socially awkward Miss Penelope Clayton isn't meant for marriage. A serious botanist, she has no desire to wed, so being forced by her guardian to participate in the Season to find a husband is torture. She'll never fit in with the ton, especially if they discover she's been pretending to be a man within the scientific community.

As Drake's family makes over Penelope, turning her from naive bluestocking to enchanting debutante, he is put upon to introduce her to society and eligible bachelors. Despite dance lessons and new gowns, Penelope is the opposite of poised and sophisticated as she stumbles from one mishap to the next. Why then, does he find it so hard to resist her?

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Check out the Marriage Mart Mayhem series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Necklace + set of Earrings

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Callie.
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Callie Hutton & Entangled Publishing for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


VampedChik said...

The jewelry is gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway

Sophia Rose said...

Thanks for sharing the background of this one. Beautiful jewelry!

Callie Hutton said...

Thanks for stopping by,

Callie Hutton said...

Thanks, Sophia Rose. I appreciate the visit

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