
ARC Review: Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine

I am a New Adult junkie. I love the genre, and I will give pretty much any book a try as long as it sounds good in the blurb. That being said though, a lot of NA books tend to be really similar, and that sometimes makes for just an okay reading experience. Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine though was more than I ever expected. It was fantastic! This book was well written and interesting. It was filled with likable characters that were a little bit broken and suffering from guilt and were struggling to just make it through. I loved this book so much and I couldn't put it down. I cannot wait to read more in this series by Chelsea Fine, and if you are a NA fan at all this book is an absolute must read.

Pixie is looking to avoid going home to her mother while on break from school, so she ends up taking a job with room and board at her Aunt Ellen's Inn.The last thing she expects though is to not only run into Levi, but that he will be working and living there as well. Levi and Pixie grew up together and were once extremely close. Now they are barely on speaking terms, and even then its only because they are arguing with each other. They try to do their best to avoid each other, but it becomes more difficult everyday especially since they are sharing a bathroom. Levi likes to use all the hot water just to annoy Pixie, so she retaliates by overloading the electrical system and blowing fuses. But the more that they argue and annoy each other, the harder it becomes to keep their feelings and attraction to each other under control. Can they find their way back to each other, or will their past continue to define them and keep them from having a future together?

I really liked Levi. He was so complex and at first glance he seems to be a bit of a jerk. But because we got his POV as well in this story, you could tell that he was lost and a bit adrift. He was clearly looking for any way to get a reaction out of Pixie and find a way to keep her close without actually being with her. He was so torn up by guilt that he felt like he couldn't be with Pixie or even really be her friend anymore. Pixie also felt a ton of guilt and I thought that it was heartbreaking how these two felt so responsible for something that neither of them were to blame for. Pixie was really easy to like, and I was instantly rooting for her. I liked that she was able to dish it right back to Levi and I thought that they were really great together. I loved their witty banter and the ease of their relationship. Even when they were struggling, you could tell just how connected they were and how natural their relationship was. They might have been in a bad place, but I never once questioned their feelings for each other or how strong their bond was. I loved that Levi was Pixie's hero and that no matter what he was always caring for her and trying to protect her. Levi and Pixie had an undeniable connection, but they also had off the charts chemistry. They were always more than friends, and it was great to watch them heal and make their way back to each other.

Overall, this book was captivating and I loved everything about it. The pacing was great, and I loved that it was slow enough to be real and not seem forced, and yet it was quick enough to keep you interested and turning the pages. I really felt their pain and anguish as they dealt with their painful past, and at times this book was really heartbreaking. But I loved how they were able to find their way back and strengthen the connection that was always there and really start to forge a new future together. This book was so real and believable and I liked how there was a ton of sexual tension throughout. There wasn't a lot of sex in this book, and yet there were plenty of steamy scenes and it really worked. Chelsea Fine did a really great job of making this book really sexy as well as emotional. I loved everything about this story, and I can honestly say that I have no complaints with this book. It is really rare to find such a great read that you can just lose yourself in and become completely invested in the characters. Best Kind of Broken is one of those books and I can't wait to not only read more in the series, but to also go back and read Levi and Pixie's story again and again. These characters are some of my favorites, and they will stick with me. I highly recommend this book to romance fans of all genres, this book is definitely not to be missed!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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