
My Favorite Book Couple with Laurie London

Laurie London is the USA Today bestselling author of the Iron Portal and Sweetblood paranormal romance series. Her latest release is ROGUE’S PASSION, Iron Portal #2, is available now and will be included in the boxed set DARK AND DEADLY: 8 Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance coming out April 14. Publishers Weekly has called her work “sexy” and “sizzling.” A former tester/programmer for a Fortune 500 company, she lives on a small farm in the Seattle area with her husband, two children and a variety of animals.

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5 of My Favorite Romance Couples by Laurie London

Although it’s hard to narrow it down, and my list is always changing, these are some of my favorite romance couples, spanning from paranormal to New Adult to historical/contemporary.

1. Cat and Bones from Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress Series. I love their playful banter and how Cat doesn’t let Bones get away with shit. Plus, the love scenes are smoking hot. It’s sad that the series is over, but I can’t wait to read her YA paranormal coming out later this year.

2. Dante and Tess from Kiss of Crimson by Lara Adrian. Dante is sooo hot. He’s got a cultured edge to him that I totally adore. This is a very sensual, emotional read.

3. Rhage and Mary from Lover Eternal by JR Ward. I love all of the Brothers, but for me, this is the ultimate fantasy: super hot bad boy falls head over heels in love with an average plain-Jane girl, thinks she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, and will do anything to protect her.

4. Lucas and Jacqueline from Easy by Tammara Weber. I love a tattooed hero with a dark, tortured past and Lucas is no exception. He empowers Jacqueline and gives her the confidence to do what she needs to do.

5. Alexander and Tatiana from the Bronze Horsemen trilogy by Paullina Simons. If I read this series every day for a year, it wouldn’t be too much. It is the ultimate epic romance that starts during WW2 and spans generations. From the harrowing, death-defying scenes of war-torn Soviet Union to the incredibly beautiful and emotional love scenes, this series is a must read.

Hidden within the rugged mountains of the Pacific Northwest, Iron Portals separate the modern and ancient worlds. Only a chosen few, Warriors of the Iron Guild, know their locations.

For years, Olivia Crawford has kept a low profile in order to keep her para-ability secret. If the army finds out she’s a Healer-Talent, they’ll force her to work for them—just like her brother who was taken as a boy and never seen again.

But when a terrible explosion rocks New Seattle, she risks everything to save the injured, including a handsome stranger with secrets of his own.

Blaming himself for the death of a friend, Iron Guild warrior Asher Kane vows to bring those responsible to justice. After he’s hurt on a mission and nursed back to health by a beautiful yet mysterious woman, this dangerously sexy bad-boy finds himself falling for her…even as he struggles to stay away.

But stalking them on the streets of New Seattle is a cruel and vengeful evil—one that threatens to destroy them both…

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  • 2 eBook copies of Assassins Touch

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Laurie London for sponsoring this giveaway.
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sheryl said...

You have 3 of my favorite couples on your list. Thanks for the post, I am going to check out the other couples.

Unknown said...

A great romance couples list. thanks for a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

you are a new author to me so anxious to read your books. thanks for the giveaway:)

erin said...

Thanks for such a fun post and congrats on the new release!! It looks and sounds amazing :) Thanks for sharing!

lorimeehan said...

Rhage and Mary are my second favorite to Zsadist and Bella my sister and I just had this conversation last night. Lol.

jmcgaugh said...

I definitely agree on three of your favorite couples; I'll have to check out the other ones.

Glenda said...

Very cool concept for a book series. I'll have to check them out!

Sheryl said...

I can't pick a favorite couple it's so hard. I do agree with you about Rhage and Mary they are great. Their story really moved me.

Unknown said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway.

Unknown said...

Havent read any yet but after reading the sample I can wait to read them

Mary Preston said...

Some of my favourites too.

Linda said...

I've not read any of these books. I'll have to look them up!

HoweHowse said...

link from Lara Adrian brought me to your blog... I love finding someone new to read this way...

Unknown said...

Thank you for this giveaway!!

Unknown said...

Yes for Cat and Bones absolutely love them myself :D

mark said...

Love Night Huntress, BDB, and Midnight Breed series' s! This sounds great too! Hope to win.

bn100 said...

Haven't read any of those books before

MrsDmacs said...

Love me some BDB! Thanks for the chance to win your book. I haven't read it yet and hope to remedy that soon!

Froggy said...

I love the cover!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

Natasha said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
Sounds like an amazing series!!

Clever Girl said...

I love Lucas and Jacqueline too; a guy who teaches her how to take care of herself and to follow her dreams? Love him. Thanks for the giveaway!
Ann S

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