
ARC Review: Burning Down the House by Allie Gail

Burning Down the House was the first book that I have ever read by Allie Gail, and I absolutely couldn't put this one down! It kept me awake until the very early hours of the morning because I absolutely had to keep reading. I enjoyed this story so much, and I can't wait to read more from Allie Gail. This book was the perfect combination of sweet moments, steamy scenes and enough suspense to keep you turning the pages. I am definitely a new fan of Allie Gail's, and I really enjoyed her writing style.

When Sara moves back with her father, she never expects to end up sharing her house with the creepy goth kid that was her father's best friend's son. After his parents died in a questionable house fire, her dad took Rob in because he had nowhere else to go. But when Sara shows up, Rob is no longer the same goth kid dressed in black but now is a super hot football stud. Only problem is, Rob still has a major attitude problem and Sara has no idea why he hates her so much. Even though they barely talk and when they do its only to argue or insult each other, the attraction between them is undeniable. However living under the same roof, they begin to get to know each other and the more they are around each other the more their attraction and feelings grow. Unable to fight the passion that is growing between them, Sara and Rob finally give in and are soon together. But when another house fire happens killing a girl they go to school with, Sara begins to wonder if maybe she is dating an arsonist.

I really liked Rob. I didn't understand why he was so rude when we first met him, but I did get that he had been through a lot. As his past is revealed though, you really get to see just how much he had to deal with and why he was the way he was. I really liked how he was with Sara though, and I thought that he was really funny and sweet. He was also protective and possessive of her, but it was in a way that was really attractive rather than being overbearing. I liked that he wanted to take care of her and look out for her. Sara was smart and funny also, and she was also really nice and kind. I loved how she kept trying to be friendly even when Rob wasn't very receptive at first. I also really loved how sweet she was with Peyton, the little girl that she babysat. She was always thinking of others, and it was really nice to see a girl that I would actually be friends with and that didn't annoy me. I thought that Rob and Sara had a really great relationship together, and I loved watching as it evolved and happened naturally rather than instantly. I liked that they took their time and that it wasn't rushed at all. It made what they shared real and believable. They were also really hot together, but it was so much more than just steam. They really belonged together, and you could really see the love they shared. I just really adored Rob and Sara as a couple!

Overall, I thought that this book was fantastic. It was so much different than anything I have read before, and I liked that it was something completely new. I loved all the twists and turns, and I will admit that I honestly didn't have a clue what would happen next. I had no idea who had done what, and this book was impossible to put down. I had to keep reading to see what would happen next, and I loved every second of it. This book was one of the most well written and entertaining books that I have read in a really long time. I highly recommend this book to not only New Adult fans, but also Romantic Suspense fans as well. This book is one that you definitely won't want to miss out on. I look forward to reading more from Allie Gail in the future and can't wait to see what she writes next!

**ARC provided by Author**

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