
ARC Review: Prince’s Fire by Amy Raby

Emperor Lucien of Kjall has decided his sister, Celeste, should marry Prince Rayn. Their country needs an alliance with his country. Celeste has been pledged in marriage before to a horrible man who berated her and ruined her self-confidence. He tried to lead a coup against her father and was killed by the Empress Vitala. Before marrying Lucein, she was a spy and an assassin. She recruits Celeste to help her former network. She’s eager to help. Celeste has devoted herself to mathematics ever since her disastrous marriage. It’s easier to understand than men. They agree to be wed and Celeste travels with Rayn to his country. On the ship, Celeste discovers Rayn has a daughter and the mother, Zoe, is also on board. She trails after Rayn, trying to get his attention, but he’s done with her. She neglected their daughter and not princess material. Rayn and Celeste are attacked on the ship and she is thrown overboard. Rayn jumps into the water to save her. He has fire power and warms the water around her. They wash up on shore and begin their journey back on foot. They find they have much in common, including a strong physical attraction. He’s interested in science and is trying to find a way to predict volcanic eruptions in his country. Her magic is being able to understand nature and communicate with plants and animals. They make it back and he’s attacked again. He receives news that his father has been forced to abdicate. He leaves and Celeste follows him. With Vitala’s help, they uncover the spies in his kingdom. One is missing and has a personal score to settle with Rayn. Celeste is kidnapped. If she is harmed, her country will declare war on Rayn’s country. Political intrigue, supernatural powers, and wariness from failed relationships threaten to keep them apart.

Celeste is a modern woman, more than happy to stay single and be a member of the Mathematical Brotherhood. A forced marriage is the last thing she wants, but agrees to help her country. Rayn shows her he values her opinion and tells her she’s beautiful. She puts herself in danger by helping him find the spies, but she’d do it again to save him.

Rayn cares deeply for his daughter and ailing father. He must get an alliance with Kjall to protect his country. Celeste is more than he could hope for in a wife. They travel different paths, but end up together.

The secondary characters add to the story. Each one carries secrets, hidden agendas, and flexible alliances.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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