
ARC Review: Deep Surrendering Episode 2 by Chelsea M. Cameron

This is the second installment in Chelsea M. Cameron's Deep Surrendering Serial. According to her website, there will be approximately 12-14 episodes that will equal about two full novels when finished. These have to be read in order because the story continues from one part to another. Luckily each episode is about 100 pages, so these are easy to catch up on and are nice and quick reads. Episode 2 picks up right after the events of Episode 1, so if you haven't read that yet I would recommend reading that before continuing with this review as there will be spoilers.

After Fin ran out on Marisol again, she is left feeling hurt and vows to be done with him. He promised her that he wouldn't run again, and then he did. She goes out to dinner with her friend the next day, and runs into him. She just can't seem to escape him and he is still in her thoughts. Marisol decides that the reason that she is unable to move on is because things were never resolved between them and the abrupt nature of his exit is the problem. She is still attracted to him and wants to finish things between them. Marisol decides to have one more night with Fin in order to get him out of her systems once and for all. But will one night be enough for them?

I both love and hate Fin. He is so complex, and yet we really don't know exactly who he is. The more we see of him, the more questions there are. He is both dark and light, and seems to have multiple personalities. Some times he is commanding and is all alpha. Others he is so sweet and thoughtful, and really seems to be developing feelings for Marisol. I am enjoying getting to know him better, but I have a feeling that things are definitely going to get worse before they get better. Marisol is one of those heroines that has her moments for me. Some times she is so strong and confident, and others she seems extremely weak and is a total push-over. I really love the times that she is fun and feisty and stands up for herself. She is great with her friends, and you get to see a whole other side to her. I wish that she and Fin were able to have more of that, but you can tell that they both still have a lot of demons that need to be dealt with. Fin and Marisol are clearly attracted to each other and have a lot of chemistry. They are starting to develop feelings for each other beyond the physical though, and that is what really has me coming back for more. They are both trying to figure out what is going on between them and what it means for the future. It is good to see them starting to open up to each other and see what possibilities the future has for them.

I really ended up liking this episode better than the first. Fin and Marisol still had their moments, and I didn't like everything that happened. I loved the fact that Marisol and Fin came to an agreement that he would start to open up to her by giving her one of his secrets each night. I am really looking forward to seeing what else we don't know about him. Fin and Marisol have really started to grow on me even with their flaws and issues. I think that is one of the things I like the most is that they aren't perfect and they aren't the safest bet for a relationship. Yet together they work and seem to fit. They are both still dealing with things and there are going to be obstacles ahead for them, but you can tell that they are developing something a lot deeper than either of them have ever felt before. I can't wait to see where things go from here for them. I like that these are quick and easy to read, I just wish that there was a little less time in between the release dates for each installment. I recommend these books if you are looking for something that can be read in a short amount of time and has deep and complex characters. If you are not a fan of serials though, you might want to wait until they there are more installments released though since there are only a few chapters in each episode. Chelsea M. Cameron has a way of drawing you into the story though and making you become invested in her characters. I can't wait to see what happens with Fin and Marisol next, and will be awaiting the next episode.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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