
ARC Review: Wild Wolf by Jennifer Ashley

Graham is a shifter with an eye for the local florist, Misty. Her brother, Paul, did time in jail. Now, his former cellmates want information from him and decide Misty is the best source to find him. She calls Graham instead. He and his nephew, Dougal, pick up her scent and head out to the Nevada desert. They walk into a trap and are left without water and transportation. Dougal tends to Graham’s injuries while Misty searches for a cool shelter. She finds a cave with water and a very helpful hiker. She takes a sip of water. It’s the best she’s ever tasted. She rushes to give some to Graham. He takes a small amount and realizes it’s spiked with Fae black magic. Now he’ll heal quickly, but the Fae will have power over him. They both also have unquenchable thirsts. They are rescued by Graham’s friends, who will now provide security for both of them. Misty decides Graham is too dangerous to be around and tries to end their relationship. Graham keeps his distance, but can’t let go completely. A Fae helps the shifters and finds a cure for Misty’s thirst, but Graham is stuck. He refuses to drink anything. The Fae is invading his and Misty’s dreams trying to trick them into drinking the water again. The Fae helped the shifters extend their lives so they could mate with humans. Now, a connection has been made between the collars the shifters are forced to wear and the Fae. They want power back from the shifters. Graham is also forced to take in two wolf cubs. They are a handful and help him win back Misty. Misty and Graham find their attraction is true, but can it survive the Fae vendetta, shifter politics, and human criminals?

Misty is trying to protect her brother and resist Graham. One works, the other doesn’t. She’s determined to live her life and run her shop. The men in her life make it impossible. The wolf cubs bring her closer to Graham and they form a family unit. She welcomes the love of her life and his responsibilities.

Graham is an alpha in everything he does: stubborn, capable, willing to step in and help. Misty is his weakness. He’ll do anything for her safety and comfort. He is her perfect mate. As a couple, they face all demons together.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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