
My Favorite Book Couple with Cynthia Eden

Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller. Cynthia is also a two-time finalist for the RITA® award (she was a finalist both in the romantic suspense category and in the paranormal romance category). Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over thirty novels and novellas.

Cynthia is a “hybrid” author. She has published extensively with New York (her New York publishers include Kensington, Grand Central, and Harlequin), and she has also enjoyed success in her indie writing career.

Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast. She loves romance novels, horror movies, and chocolate. Her favorite hobbies including hiking in the mountains (searching for waterfalls) and spelunking.

Places to find Cynthia: 

Hi, everyone!!!! (And a big thank you to Dani for inviting me over!)

Ah…book couples. I do love them. Some couples just grab my heart and won’t let go. The couple that did this first to me? Well, for that couple I’ll have to head back in time a bit…

My first (and still favorite) book couple appeared in Julie Garwood’s THE BRIDE. Strong Alec totally melted my heart and his heroine Jamie—that woman was a fighter. When the two of them got together, their chemistry scorched the pages. THE BRIDE is on my keeper shelf because whenever I need a pick-me-up, I grab for that book.

And while Jamie and Alec are at the very top of my list, I’ll go ahead and reveal who holds second place, too—the hero and heroine from DREAM MAN by Linda Howard. Dane and Marlie are a white-hot couple…and they are also a couple who have to face a vicious killer. Dark and gritty, this romantic suspense also featured a paranormal story-line that I adored. Go, Dane! Go, Marlie!! ;)

What about you? Do you remember the very first book couple that snuck into your heart?

For today’s prize, a copy of THE BRIDE is up for grabs AND a copy of my latest paranormal romance, BURN FOR ME is also available. Good luck!!

Cynthia Eden

By edict of the king, the mighty Scottish laird Alec Kincaid must take an English bride. His choice was Jamie, youngest daughter of Baron Jamison...a feisty, violet-eyed beauty. Alec ached to touch her, to tame her, to possess her...forever. But Jamie vowed never to surrender to this highland barbarian.

He was everything her heart warned against—an arrogant scoundrel whose rough good looks spoke of savage pleasures. And thought Kincaid's scorching kisses fired her blood, she brazenly resisted him...until one rapturous moment quelled their clash of wills, and something far more dangerous than desire threatened to conquer her senses...

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Ryder Duncan keeps his secrets. With a twisted scientist starving him in a 10 x 12 cell, it's not easy to conceal the abilities that set him apart from other vampires, or his plans for escape. But survival--and revenge--are worth waiting for. Until the so-called doctor tempts his appetites with something special: a woman, with a soft Southern accent and a scent like flowers. Sabine.

Sabine Acadia didn't volunteer to be dinner. She was kidnapped and tossed into the cage of a monster. A monster with fierce green eyes, a body that speaks of ruthless power--but a touch gentle as a caress. Ryder knows things about her, secrets Sabine needs to learn fast. Because while they might soon escape this prison, she's fighting an urge to set all her desires free. . .

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Check out the Phoenix Fire series:

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of The Bride + Burn For Me

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Cynthia's question: What about you? Do you remember the very first book couple that snuck into your heart?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Cynthia Eden for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Namah shivay said...

very amazing blog ways to maintain long distance relationship with teen

AquarianDancer said...

Nancy Drew & Frank Hardy. Yes, I know they weren't really a couple, but come on...everyone wanted them to be. Secrets of the Nile was a slice of forbidden fruit. ;-)

Kyrulz said...

I don't really know....umm...shoot I'm lucky to remember last week let alone that. The only ones that come to mind are Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler

Sophia Rose said...

Hmm, as a kid it was Jo March and Professor Bauer in Little Women or Gilbert and Anne in Anne of Green Gables, as a teen it was probably some couple in a Mary Stewart book since I was into Romantic Suspense then. I just honestly can't remember.

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

erin said...

OH!!!! I love Julie Garwood... she was my gateway into historical romance! In fact, the first romance I read read was the Wedding and I fell hard in love with Brenna and Connor!!! I read them a bit out of order but it was more for me to glom :) Congrats to Cynthia on the new release and thanks for sharing!

Jan Hougland said...

The very first couple to take residence in my heart was Rhett and Scarlett of Gone With the Wind. If Scarlett hadn't been so spoiled she could've had Rhett forever. Sigh. But I've heard it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. I guess I can agree with that. Thanks for asking! BTW, love your romantic suspense, Cynthia!

ilookfamous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen H said...

I'm going with Rhett and two all-time favorite H/H in spite of the fact they really didn't get their HEA!

kareninnc at gmail dot com

ilookfamous said...

The couple that led me down the path to Romanceville is Aislynn and Wulfgar from Kathleen Woodiwiss's The Wolf and the Dove. Kathleen is one of the greats in historical fiction writing and her books still hold a special spot in my heart.
Thanks for sharing today Cynthia~ I collect your books in paperback :)

ilookfamous at yahoo dot com

Sharlene said...

Meggie & Ralph in The Thorn Birds. Also a heart breaker that I would never read again. I need the HEA!

Unknown said...

hummm just off the top of my head? Probably Scarlet and Rhett as well :) started reading romances just about at that time after reading Gone With the Wind.

dstoutholcomb said...

Scarlett and Rhett

Bube said...

Alec and Jamie are one of my favorite couples - The Bride is one of the best books ever!
Ben and Willa from Montana Sky by Nora Roberts is the first couple who snuck into my heart :)

Unknown said...

It has to be Alec and Jamie from The Bride.

lorimeehan said...

Paradise by Judith McNaught The Bride is one of my favorite Julie Garwood books.

Victoria said...

Imogene and Captain Van Ryker from Valerie Sherwood's Love series WAY back in the very early '80 's.

Anonymous said...

I can think of couples from movies and TV, but none come to mind from early books. I just read to enjoy and don't remember about a couple that grabbed me. Both of these books sound wonderful though, and I would love to read them!
Bonnie Hilligoss - bonnie at bonnieanddave dot com

sheryl said...

I think mine was Jamie and Claire from Outlander. I read that book 20 years ago and Jamie Fraser can still make me sigh.

Cynthia Eden said...

I loved Nancy Drew!!

Cynthia Eden said...

Last week is a little foggy for me now, too!

Cynthia Eden said...

Thanks for entering!!

Cynthia Eden said...

Thank you, Janice!!! ;)

Cynthia Eden said...

I always thought Rhett was pretty awesome. ;) I even have a character names Rhett in ONCE BITTEN, TWICE BURNED!

Cynthia Eden said...

Thank you!! ;) And I remember that book! It was one of my very first romance reads.

Cynthia Eden said...

She totally hooked me, too!!! I still have so many of her books on my keeper shelf.

Cynthia Eden said...

I never read The Thorn Birds!! I bet I would sob all the way through that tale.

Cynthia Eden said...

We have a lot of Scarlett and Rhett fans!

Cynthia Eden said...

Another vote for Scarlett and Rhett! ;) They are dominating!

Cynthia Eden said...

So glad that you enjoy Alec and Jamie!!

Cynthia Eden said...

I think I might have to re-read the Bride tonight. It's a rainy night here, and I think that makes for perfect reading time!

Cynthia Eden said...

I loved Paradise!

Cynthia Eden said...

I didn't read that one, Victoria! I'll have to Google it now!

Cynthia Eden said...

Thank you, Bonnie!

Cynthia Eden said...

I've heard such good things about Outlander.

Unknown said...

I don't know if I can remember the very first, but the earliest I remember is Mercy and Adam from Patricia Briggs's books :)

Unknown said...

I'll go kiddish here so my first couple would be Belle and The Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Not adult but I will always love them first.

jmcgaugh said...

Georgette Heyer's Venetia and Damerel

Pamk said...

Katheleen Woodwiss and Johanna Lindsey were some of my favs when I started read long ago and far away lol. It's been 35 years or longer. I cannot remember which particular couple lol.

Glenda said...

My very first book couple was Laura Ingalls and Almanzo Wilder. :-)

Mary Preston said...

WAY too long ago to remember the very first couple.

Sharlene said...

It is truly a saga. It was so popular in the 80's. They made it into a mini series, which was really good. However, it was pretty much of a hopeless romance, being he was a priest!

Anonymous said...

It has to be RCMP Sergeant Mike Flannigan and Katherine Mary O'Fallon from Mrs. Mike by Benedict and Nancy Freedman. I loved this story as a preteen.

Marcy Shuler

Unknown said...

Belinda, Lady Felsham and Major Ashe Reynard from The Outrageous Lady Felsham by Louise Allen.

Anonymous said...

Kathleen Woodiwiss-The Wolf and the Dove....I instantly fell in love with romance novels!
Stephanie Cognigni

Alexisa said...

I've read and own both of these books and I LOVE THEM!!!! Would and have recommend them to others.

Holly Letson said...

The first book couple that I remember following books to keep reading more and more about as a child was Todd Wilkins and Elizabeth Wakefield in the *Sweet Valley High* series.

MrsMac19 said...

I think the first book couple to hook me was from Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin. Dex & Rachel were my first! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

MsAwesome said...

I'm going to go with a classic cliche. Romeo and Juliet. Only because I remember I was young and thought it was tragic they died at the end!! I remember thinking "I never want to fall in love!!" LOL And then I'm going to be silly because I'm going to say Beauty and the Beast, but the one with the happy ending, because flawed and all, Beast was able to find her belle, and Belle was able to see past Beast's looks ;)

Froggy said...

I don't remember the first couple but Nora Roberts is what hooked me into romances.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember the first couple but Jamie & Clare from the Outlander series have kept me hooked over the years.

bn100 said...

Darcy and Elizabeth

Unknown said...

Raphael and Elena from Guild Hunter series. Thank you :)

Natasha said...

I don't remember for sure.
Thanks for the chance to win!

May said...

Anne and Gilbert from Anne of green gables. Love how sweet she is.

veRONIca said...

I read a Scottish historical a while ago and loved it! The Bride sounds awesome.

I love Eva and Gideon! They got me hooked on reading romances again because they were just so perfect for eachother

MrsDmacs said...

In high school when I read about Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler. I've recently started reading again and am quickly filling up my TBR list with all of these great suggestions! Thanks for the chance to win!

Clever Girl said...

Anne Eliott and Captain Wentworth from Jane Austen's Persuasion.

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