
Review: Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

I have been told that I really needed to read a book by Colleen Hoover for quite awhile now. When I first heard about Maybe Someday, I knew it was the one I wanted to read first! I have been listening to the songs from the soundtrack by Griffin Peterson since they first started releasing to iTunes. I will admit that I grew even more curious with each new song. Then the book came out and I was finally able to experience them together. WOW I absolutely loved that this book had an actual soundtrack to go with it. It really gave me an entirely new experience when reading that was unlike anything I have ever come across before. This was such an ingenious idea that Colleen Hoover came up with. Trust me this is definitely one that you must read and listen to! Hoover's writing style was really enjoyable and I was sucked in right from the start.

Sydney has just found out that her best friend and boyfriend have been hooking up behind her back. Heartbroken and needing some place to stay while she figures things out, she ends up turning to the sexy musician from across the way. She has watched him playing guitar everyday and has been drawn to him since she first saw him. Ridge has been struggling with writer's block and when he sees Sydney singing along to his songs that he hasn't written lyrics for he is intrigued. So he gets her to send him her lyrics and it is better than he imagined. The solution seems simple, Sydney needs a place to stay and Ridge needs a muse. But with their growing closeness and everything standing between them, things get complicated really quickly.

I really liked Ridge. I thought that he was sweet and caring, he was a natural protector and was always looking out for others. I liked that he was such a good guy. He was honorable and loyal. He was in a really bad situation, and yet he tried to always handle things the best way he knew how. I liked how funny he was and I loved the honesty and open way that he and Sydney had with each other. They were never afraid to lay it all out there with each other. I loved Sydney. I thought that she was strong and sweet, but also funny and good-hearted. I felt so bad for her. She was constantly getting dealt one crappy thing after another, and she was in such an impossible situation. I loved how mature she was and what a good person she was through and through. It was what made her so likable. I thought that she and Ridge had such a natural chemistry and they just fit together. I thought that their personalities really came through and were the perfect compliment to one another.

I did have a few things that I didn't necessarily agree with and they left me with some mixed feelings. I can't really say much about them because they are spoilers, and this book has to be read without spoilers. Trust me you do not want anything ruined for you. But I felt like the situations were handled as well as they could be, and honestly there was no bad guy in this story. As much as I wanted there to be, there wasn't anyone that you could put the blame on. It was just likable characters that were in an impossible situation and at times it was absolutely heartbreaking. But I loved all the characters, including the supporting characters. Warren was one of my favorites, and I just loved him! I also really loved the way that Sydney and Ridge first start talking, it was really great! One of the best meet cutes I have ever read! What I really loved the most though is that Colleen Hoover gave us a story unlike anything I have ever read before and characters unlike any you have ever seen. This book was completely original, and I loved how unique and different everything was. This isn't the same tired story with a different spin or the same cookie cutter characters that we have seen over and over. I highly recommend this story and soundtrack and for me this is an absolute must read! I can't wait to read more from Colleen Hoover and I really look forward to seeing what else she has to offer.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Soundtrack: | Amazon | iTunes |


MrsDmacs said...

Thanks for the suggestion Casey. I just added this to my Want to Read (and listen) list!

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