
ARC Review: Burn Me by Shelley Watters

Burn Me is the first book that I have read by Shelley Watters, and I found it to be really enjoyable. This one had everything I look for in a good read, and I really liked that I never knew what would happen next. This one kept me guessing until the very end, and I had to know how everything played out.

Katrina Hale lost her brother in a fire when they were kids, and ever since it has been her goal to become a firefighter and help save lives. She has finally got to where she wanted, working in the firehouse for the Captain that saved her life. Even though she has a boyfriend and is focused on her career, she can't help but be drawn to Greyson Neal her coworker and boyfriend's brother. Greyson and Kat share a connection, and the attraction between them continues to grow. As Kat's relationship with Eric falls apart, her relationship with Greyson grows. Kat and Greyson know that a relationship between them isn't possible, but find it hard to stay away from each other. As Kat and Greyson try to figure things out between them personally, Kat finds herself in danger from an arsonist that seems to be targeting Eric's ex-girlfriends and her. Can Greyson and Kat figure things out between them while also escaping the arsonist bent on destroying Kat?

I really liked Greyson and Kat. They were both really committed to their work and were really great at what they did. Greyson was strong and sexy, and it was clear how much he cared about Kat. He was always looking out for her and trying to protect her. He just wanted her to be happy, and was willing to let her be with someone else if that is what would make her happy. I liked that he told Eric that she deserved better, and that he saw that she was worth more than what his brother had been giving her. Kat was dedicated and smart, and I loved that she was so determined to be the best in a field that is so male dominated. She was sweet and I really didn't understand why she would continue to put up with the crap from Eric. She seemed to have kind of a blind spot when it came to him, so I was really glad when she woke up and realized that he wasn't who she should be with. Kat and Greyson had a ton of chemistry and were really hot together. But they also had a great connection and seemed to be perfectly matched.

Overall, I thought that this book was really good. It was enjoyable, and I liked the characters. A lot of this story was miscommunication or no communication at all, but it was nice to see them figure everything out even if it took awhile. I did feel like parts of this story were a bit slow and tended to lag, but I was still intrigued enough to keep flipping the pages to figure out what was going on. I also felt like there should have been a bit more relationship development between Kat and Greyson, and what little there was seemed to be sort of rushed. I would have liked to have seen more of the two of them as they figured out their feelings. I really did like this book though, and I think it was a great combination of romance, sex and suspense. If you are a fan of romantic suspense, I would recommend reading this story. Kat and Greyson are worth the read, and are sure to steam up your e-reader. I look forward to seeing more from Shelley Watters in the future, and I would love to get more of some of the other firefighters that she introduced in this story!

**ARC Provided by AToMR**

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