
Feature and Giveaway: Breakable by Tammara Webber

He was lost and alone. Then he found her.

And the future seemed more fragile than ever.

As a child, Landon Lucas Maxfield believed his life was perfect and looked forward to a future filled with promise — until tragedy tore his family apart and made him doubt everything he ever believed.

All he wanted was to leave the past behind. When he met Jacqueline Wallace, his desire to be everything she needed came so easy…

As easy as it could be for a man who learned that the soul is breakable and that everything you hoped for could be ripped away in a heartbeat.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

I write New Adult Romance. Easy is my New York Times bestselling NA contemporary novel, the first in the CONTOURS OF THE HEART series. Coming soon: Breakable - Lucas's story! BETWEEN THE LINES is my contemporary Hollywood YA/NA series.

I'm a hopeful romantic who adores novels with happy endings, because there are enough sad endings in real life. Before writing full-time, I was an undergraduate academic advisor, economics tutor, planetarium office manager, radiology call center rep, and the palest person to ever work at a tanning salon. I married my high school sweetheart, and I'm Mom to three adult kids and four very immature cats.

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  • copy of Breakable

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Penguin for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Marcy Meyer said...

I have Easy, but have not read it yet. I would love to have Breakable, so that I can continue the series once I've read Easy. I've heard great things about it, so I can't wait to read it.

Preet said...

I was so impressed with Easy. I really want to find out more about Landon/Lucas's past.

JenM said...

I loved Easy - it was one of the first NA books that I read, and still one of the best. I don't usually like retellings of the same story from a different POV, but I've heard that this book has enough new material about Lucas to keep it interesting.

MrsMac19 said...

Loved Easy! I can't wait to read Lucas/Landon's story, too! :-)

krg said...

I want to win because it is fun and exciting to win! I want to read Breakable because I adore Lucas and how he helped Jacqueline become a stronger more confident woman. I am excited to read his pov and more of his backstory. Thanks for the chance to win!

colleenmaul said...

I would like to read this at bed time.

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