
ARC Review: Fragile Line by Brooklyn Skye

This is a tough review for me to write. Fragile Line by Brooklyn Skye was a really good book, and it was definitely one of the most different and unique books I have ever read. That being said, I had a few issues with the book but nothing too major. The reason this one is so hard for me to write is that it is almost next to impossible to really give a review without spoiling this book. Even giving a summary could spoil a ton, and i'm sure that is why the blurb is purposely vague. I think that this book is definitely worth the read, and I recommend going into this one blind. Trust me, you don't want anything to spoil this one for you.

Ellie has a great boyfriend who she really loves. She has her best friend Dani, and a good family. But she has been losing time and having blackouts. She finds herself coming back into her life randomly missing minutes, hours and sometimes days. The blackouts are becoming more frequent though, and Ellie's life is spinning out of control. She wakes up in an apartment of a guy she has never met before, and after she returns home finds out that she had been gone for three days. Ellie has no idea what is going on or who to talk to about it. As her blackouts get worse, she starts to get memories and visions of a horrific childhood that she has never remembered.

I felt so bad for Ellie. She was really confused and was suffering alone. She didn't know who to talk to or what she had done. When she finally did start to open up to her boyfriend Shane, he didn't handle it the best. Shane was really sweet and I felt bad for him also. He did handle things badly and I felt like he let his best friend Lexi get away with too much. The first half of the book or so I honestly thought I was going to hate Shane. He seemed to be a bit bi-polar at times one minute really into her and the next he was judging her and not believing her. But towards the end when he really started to catch on that something wasn't right he was really great and a completely different person. Its hard to really blame him for his bad actions when he was young and also everything pointed to the wrong conclusions. Gwen was such a fighter and was super strong. She had to be and it showed. She really ticked me off at times, but I also understood everything that she was thinking and feeling. I loved Griffin. He was another character that I felt bad for. He was such a sweet guy and he had absolutely no clue what he was in the middle of. He was such a great character and I really loved everything about him.

Overall, this story was beautiful and heartbreaking. It was so captivating, and from the second that I started reading I couldn't put it down. This story was truly one of a kind and was so interesting. Honestly I couldn't ever have predicted what was going on, and I was so surprised with how everything played out. Trust me when I tell you that this book is definitely worth the read. Its hard to be too hard on these characters when you consider that they are all about 16-18 years old. I can't even imagine being put through the things they were and trying to figure out how to handle everything. This story seemed so real and believable to me, and I think that is what really drew me in from the start and kept me invested. This book was so good and I wish I could say more, but this one is a must read and you'll just have to pick this one up to see what it is all about. I can't wait to read more from Brooklyn Skye in the future after reading this fantastic story.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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