
ARC Review: His to Keep by Katee Robert

His to Keep is a short novella in the Out of Uniform series by Katee Robert. This novella takes place after In Bed with Mr. Wrong, but can be read as a standalone. It was nice to see some of the characters from the first book again in this story, but you don't have to know them to understand this story. While out celebrating with her friend Marceline (Marcy) Bellini is convinced to leave her life behind for the night and really live. She never expects to spend the night pressed up against the side of the building having amazing sex with her high school crush and best friend's older brother Aaron Robinson. She knows that her life is complicated being a single mother to a three year old little girl, and intends to just enjoy her night out. Aaron has also had feelings for Marcy for years though and isn't willing to let her run away now that he has finally had her. Marcy tries to stay away from Aaron, but finds herself unable to the more they are around each other. Marcy is scared of what a relationship with Aaron could mean for her and her daughter, but Aaron is determined to show Marcy that he is around for the long haul.

I liked both Aaron and Marcy. Aaron was a good guy that had been in love with Marcy for years, but had keep his hands off of her because of their age difference. He had watched her for years and had been witness to her crappy ex that left her pregnant. Even though he was nice and caring, I couldn't understand why he had never tried to make a move on her before. It didn't really make sense to me. I felt like other than knowing that Aaron had been in the military and was now a policeman in their small town, we really didn't get to know much about his character. Marcy was the same for me. She was a school teacher, and she was used to doing things on her own. She kept to herself and her daughter and never really lived much outside of that. But we didn't really get to see more of her. I just felt like both of these characters lacked any real depth and could have used a bit more story to show who they were. Aaron and Marcy had a ton of chemistry though, and you could feel the attraction between them. That part of the story was very real and believable and they were extremely hot together.

Overall, this was a good short and sexy read. I felt like the physical connection between Aaron and Marcy was very strong, but I found their emotional connection lacking. I think that these were good characters and the story was cute and enjoyable. I really believe that it was just the length of this one that didn't work for me. Aaron seemed really sweet and the ending was so cute and thoughtful. I just wished that we had really been given more of their story. It's hard to really get a full story in about a hundred pages, even when the characters have a history and already know each other. I really like Katee Robert's writing style, and she did a great job with the steamy scenes. I would recommend this novella to those looking for a cute and short read that is filled with sexy scenes. If you are looking for a more in depth story and a strong emotional connection though, this story might not be for you. I look forward to reading more from Katee Robert in the future, and I am curious to see what she has in store for the next book in the Out of Uniform series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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