
ARC Review: Her Only Desire by Delilah Devlin

Her Only Desire is the first book in Delilah Devlin's Sultry Summer Nights series, and I really enjoyed reading it. It was sexy and interesting, and I really liked the characters. I think this book was a great start to this series, and I can't wait to read more in the series. I really enjoyed the secondary characters as well as Tilly and Boone, and I can't wait to get to know these guys better. I think fans of BDSM erotica will really enjoy this one.

When Boone Benoit returns to his hometown in Louisiana, no one is happy to see him. Everyone thinks that he is fixing up his childhood home to sell it, and to them it can't happen fast enough. Tilly is working as a waitress in order to take care of her brother after she had to see their family home in order to pay for his group home. When a job posting keeps showing up that happens to be in her specialty offering a generous salary, she can't resist the opportunity. The job is working for Boone though, and she knows that she should stay away from him. Not only does he bring out her desire, but he was also her cousin's boyfriend and the subject of the scandal that rocked their town. Despite everyone's warnings to stay away from him though, she decides to take the job and see where things go between them. But as Boone draws her into his world, she quickly realizes there is more to Boone and his desires than she knew. Can Tilly learn to shed her inhibitions and give up control to Boone?

I liked both Boone and Tilly. I thought that they were easy to become invested in, and they were interesting. Boone was a total alpha and liked control, but he was also really tender and gently with Tilly. I liked that he eased her into his world and was patient with her. He was determined to figure out what had happened all those years ago, but he also was protective of Tilly and was willing to think about her and what the truth would do if it could possibly hurt her. He was sexy and strong and I liked that he was willing to work as hard as his men and didn't expect something out of them that he wasn't willing to do himself. Tilly was so dedicated to her brother and in taking care of him. She was caring and kind, and she didn't judge Boone like everyone else did. I liked that she would comfort him when he needed it and that she was also not afraid to stand up to him either. They worked really well together and had a ton of chemistry. These two were super hot together, and it was clear that they clicked from the very start.

Overall, this was a great start to the series and I really enjoyed reading this book. It was sexy and the sex scenes were hot. Tilly and Boone were really steamy, and I thought that the scenes were written well. I did think that there were parts of this story, mainly the beginning, that moved a bit slowly for me. It was a bit hard to get into, but once the story started to pick up I really liked Tilly and Boone and was curious to see what would happen next. I think that erotica fans will really like this story, especially those that enjoy BDSM stories. This one does have BDSM aspects to it, but it wasn't overly dark and I think that even those that might be wary of that should still give this one a try. I look forward to reading more from Delilah Devlin, and I am excited to see where she takes this series.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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